Biden Admin asked GOP Senators to delete photos and videos of Kids in Cages


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
This was in Texas?

Was it State owned land or Federal land?

Public owned or private?
I have noticed a significant drop in the number of liberal posters since the border disaster and the falling apart of the bullshit insurrection narrative....then apparently not one liberal poster watched Biden’s PRESS CONFERENCE....if that is what you want to call it.

Can you imagine his regime was trying to bully SENATORS into not sharing what they saw at Biden’s border disaster?

Biden supporters, why are you ok with the Biden regime trying to silence any people critical of what is occurring at the border?

It's not kids in's kids packed in plastic like Sardines in a ziplock bag.
That's much better....according the Biden.
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Can you imagine his regime was trying to bully SENATORS into not sharing what they saw at Biden’s border disaster?

Biden supporters, why are you ok with the Biden regime trying to silence any people critical of what is occurring at the border?

It's not kids in's kids packed in plastic like Sardines in a ziplock bag.
That's much better.

They are Biden’s Border Burritos.....Or Biden’s Baked Potatos.
But Biden says he is Mr. Compassion. He says "This is who we are". I guess by that he means that we will always take on children that we can't afford to help out the cartel. So if Democrats like them so much, it shouldn't be any problem to split them up among cities like LA, SF, NY, Chicago, Philly and Wilmington. There's no reason to send that garbage to places that don't want them.
On March 14, the day that Kevin McCarthy and twelve House Republicans went to Texas to visit the southern border, the El Paso Central Processing Center for migrants reached capacity. The Republicans heard heartbreaking stories of unaccompanied children, some less than six years old, crossing the border while holding hands. Border agents informed the congressmen that fentanyl traffickers are exploiting the surge in illegal immigration. One agent told John Katko, ranking member on the Homeland Security Committee, that a few of the apprehended migrants appear on the terrorist watch list. Border and immigration personnel are stretched thin. “They’ve never seen anything like this,” McCarthy told me.

Indeed, Homeland secretary Alejandro Mayorkas projects that the United States faces its largest surge in illegal immigration in two decades. He’s ordered FEMA to assist in taking care of the hundreds of unaccompanied minors who show up daily asking for asylum. Mayorkas and President Joe Biden insist that the previous administration is responsible for a crisis that emerged weeks after Donald Trump left the White House. They couldn’t be more wrong.

What’s happening on the southern border is the most preventable emergency in years. And Joe Biden created it. No matter how often he tells asylum-seekers that now is not the time to enter the United States, migrants won’t listen. That’s because the policies he put into place incentivize the dangerous trek. At the same time, Biden has handed the Republicans an issue that will remain long after the $1,400 checks in the American Rescue Plan have been forgotten. And it hasn’t been 60 days since he took office.

Biden’s contradictory messaging won’t relieve the pressure on the border. Sure, he told George Stephanopoulos that his message to migrants is, “Don’t leave your town or city or community.” Mayorkas echoed this sentiment in an interview with CBS. But then he added, “If they do, we will not expel that young child.” That includes tens of thousands of teenagers who may be looking for jobs rather than fleeing persecution.

So the White House says stay put, but if you don’t and Border Patrol apprehends you, you’ll be housed, clothed, fed, and released if you are under 18. And by the way, we’re laying the groundwork for providing legal status and a path to citizenship for the millions of illegal immigrants already here. That’s not a stop light to border crossers. It’s a yellow light: Proceed with caution.

What did Biden expect? True, he’s maintained a Trump-era rule that allows for the swift removal of adults because of the coronavirus. But he exempted minors from the regulation, creating a massive loophole. And he’s torn up just about everything else that Trump did.

Rich Lowry has documented the rapid undoing of Trump’s successes. The most significant changes were ending the Migrant Protection Protocols — the so-called Remain in Mexico plan that kept asylum-seekers in Mexico while their claims were reviewed — and canceling the “safe-third-country” agreements that required migrants to apply for asylum in the first nation they entered on their way to the United States.

Then there’s the attitudinal difference between the two presidents. Whatever else can be said about Trump, his position on illegal immigration was no mystery. Biden, of course, wants to repudiate every aspect of the Trump presidency, especially its approach to immigration. His demeanor and actions send a dramatic signal that America will be more welcoming.

Even if he says otherwise. Kevin McCarthy, for example, recounted his time at an incomplete section of the border wall. Construction workers had only 17 miles left to finish — but were told to put down their tools as of midnight on January 20. Meanwhile the fence around the U.S. Capitol, complete with razor-wire, still stands. Biden’s position on the two walls delivers a message to both migrants and citizens. But it’s not a consistent message. Nor is it a republican one.

ME: This is all Biden and the democrats. They don't give a fuck about those kids, they only care about repudiating Trump' policies.

Can you imagine his regime was trying to bully SENATORS into not sharing what they saw at Biden’s border disaster?

Biden supporters, why are you ok with the Biden regime trying to silence any people critical of what is occurring at the border?

Here is Senator Cruz on Fox.

He describes the situation as worse than he has ever seen, and shares some of the video taken at the facility as well...

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Lindsey Graham shares a chart. High-res picture that you can read if you blow it up. Orange is single adults, blue is families, and red is unaccompanied minors.

It shows Obama admin declared a crisis when daily apprehensions reached 2000. Biden Admin is far exceeding that.

Chris Wallace questions Jen Psaki on Fox News Sunday.

At 4:30, he says that the Biden Admin is less transparent than the Trump Admin.

She deflects and says that the Trump admin was ripping children from the arms of their parents, and that the Biden Admin is absolutely committed to allowing cameras at border facilities.

The latter is obviously a big lie. They will allow cameras only after they do their best to cover up the humanitarian crisis they have deliberately created. Problem for them is, their lie will continue to be exposed as the surge increases.

Later they cover HR1, the filibuster, gun control, and lots more Socialist spending in forthcoming spending bills.

Psaki is really bad, but at least she didn't say "Uh" a million times like she normally does.

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