California With Highest Gas Tax in America Raises Tax Again

Do you want to manufacture here and pollute our air or manufacture there and pollute their air?

So the only person you will listen to has to be poor and not leave a footprint? Boy, Greta tried to be as green as possible so you couldn't say that about her. Now you are complaining that the wind powered catamaran is too nice? It's not her's you know.
China does a spectacular job managing their atmosphere as far too many Democrats visualize this.
But they have cities with air you can't see through.

And they export this smog. We want what Biden has done to stop. Biden told China he will cause them to suffer if they ship EV cars here. And he means it. I don't look forward to a Car made in China but many Americans might want one at the prices China wants so charge so it questions Biden's idea of reality.
China does a spectacular job managing their atmosphere as far too many Democrats visualize this.
But they have cities with air you can't see through.

And they export this smog. We want what Biden has done to stop. Biden told China he will cause them to suffer if they ship EV cars here. And he means it. I don't look forward to a Car made in China but many Americans might want one at the prices China wants so charge so it questions Biden's idea of reality.
They also manufacture a battery car for $10,000. Imagine the pollution here if more of us drove battery not gas
They also manufacture a battery car for $10,000. Imagine the pollution here if more of us drove battery not gas
We have already nailed air pollution in the USA. I have been all over and never encountered air pollution anywhere. Back many years ago, it was a dirty dark sky and our best minds solved the problem.
We have already nailed air pollution in the USA. I have been all over and never encountered air pollution anywhere. Back many years ago, it was a dirty dark sky and our best minds solved the problem.
When republicans ask you why gores diar predictions haven’t happened yet tell them it’s because we’ve already done a lot to go green. Not enough, but enough.

still a ways to go
That’ll help the poor!

And California has the worst roads.
Newsom wants to do to America what he’s done to California.


What about all the people leaving red states?

The Red State Brain Drain Isn’t Coming. It’s Happening Right Now.​

As conservative states wage total culture war, college-educated workers—physicians, teachers, professors, and more—are packing their bags.​

What about all the people leaving red states?

The Red State Brain Drain Isn’t Coming. It’s Happening Right Now.​

As conservative states wage total culture war, college-educated workers—physicians, teachers, professors, and more—are packing their bags.​


So rant about a “Katie” proves what?
You’re a bonehead.
They also manufacture a battery car for $10,000. Imagine the pollution here if more of us drove battery not gas

You got to charge the batteries, make the batteries etc. there is no free lunch. Our air is clean every big city. Dont push your GW BS on me. the atmosphere is huge to dissipate Coal smoke in China. Not my issue. Go see the wood smoke near Eugene ORE sometime.
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They also manufacture a battery car for $10,000. Imagine the pollution here if more of us drove battery not gas
and look at al the pollution to make that battery pack. Also look at all the pollution and energy required to get those precious metals out of the ground. Shall we address the child labor as well to get that Cobalt mined? How you going to charge that battery powered car?
Oh the sun? Solar cells? LOL at you silly.

The production of solar panels requires the extraction of materials like silicon, silver, and aluminum. The mining and processing of these materials pose significant environmental consequences, including habitat destruction, soil erosion, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions

and look at al the pollution to make that battery pack. Also look at all the pollution and energy required to get those precious metals out of the ground. Shall we address the child labor as well to get that Cobalt mined? How you going to charge that battery powered car?
Oh the sun? Solar cells? LOL at you silly.

The production of solar panels requires the extraction of materials like silicon, silver, and aluminum. The mining and processing of these materials pose significant environmental consequences, including habitat destruction, soil erosion, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions


They'll get better.

Often on weekends I take my Ebike on a 50 mile round trip. Some of the most amazing places. I couldn't do it on a real bike. So I would either have to buy a gas motorcycle, which also requires gas to make, but when the motorcycle is done, it requires gas and oil. My ebike has a battery that will last 500 fill ups. I ride 25 times a year. So I will ride my ebike for 20 years. No oil (except for what I put on the chain) and no gas required.

Or course I do have to charge it each time. I wonder how much charging it takes from the grid.

Regardless. I'm also no putting up pollution into the air. Another big problem you don't care about.
They'll get better.

Often on weekends I take my Ebike on a 50 mile round trip. Some of the most amazing places. I couldn't do it on a real bike. So I would either have to buy a gas motorcycle, which also requires gas to make, but when the motorcycle is done, it requires gas and oil. My ebike has a battery that will last 500 fill ups. I ride 25 times a year. So I will ride my ebike for 20 years. No oil (except for what I put on the chain) and no gas required.

Or course I do have to charge it each time. I wonder how much charging it takes from the grid.

Regardless. I'm also no putting up pollution into the air. Another big problem you don't care about.
they won't
I ride my titanium bicycle 40 miles a night when the weather is good and 100 miles on a Saturday or Sunday,
Sounds like you out of shape.
E-bikes are for pussies
they won't
I ride my titanium bicycle 40 miles a night when the weather is good and 100 miles on a Saturday or Sunday,
Sounds like you out of shape.
E-bikes are for pussies

A. They will get better, hater. Let me guess, you're a man made climate change denier?

B. I didn't say Ebikes are greener than traditional bikes. Good for you. You are saving the environment and don't even realize it. Because you're stupid. In shape but stupid.

C. Yes I'm out of shape. 53 and rich. I ride ebikes and pontoons. I used to ride regular bikes and waterskied.

D. I have 2 batteries and could only do 100 miles if I rode on power level 1 all day. I ride on 2 most of the time, 3 when I'm going up hill. So the most I can do in a day really is about 60 and we are EXHAUSTED after that. Do you have one of those thin 20 speeds? Yea, I tried riding with my friend who has one of those and couldn't keep up.

E. I can drive from Dearborn, MI to my home. 31 miles. Most people I know can't do that ride on regular bikes. Where do they go on their regular bikes? Around the lake I live on. About 5 miles. They wouldn't dare go 31 miles.

How old are you?

We all love our Ebikes. We feel like kids again.

In fact, I'm basing this from when we were kids and in the best shape. We had Mongoose or Red Line BMX bikes. We NEVER rode those bikes to the town we go to now often. And it's only 6 miles away. So as 15 year olds, we never thought to ride 12 miles round trip to get to the metropark we go to often now.

We always say now "man, wish we had ebikes when we were kids". We could have gone outside our subdivision.
A. They will get better, hater. Let me guess, you're a man made climate change denier?

B. I didn't say Ebikes are greener than traditional bikes. Good for you. You are saving the environment and don't even realize it. Because you're stupid. In shape but stupid.

C. Yes I'm out of shape. 53 and rich. I ride ebikes and pontoons. I used to ride regular bikes and waterskied.

D. I have 2 batteries and could only do 100 miles if I rode on power level 1 all day. I ride on 2 most of the time, 3 when I'm going up hill. So the most I can do in a day really is about 60 and we are EXHAUSTED after that. Do you have one of those thin 20 speeds? Yea, I tried riding with my friend who has one of those and couldn't keep up.

E. I can drive from Dearborn, MI to my home. 31 miles. Most people I know can't do that ride on regular bikes. Where do they go on their regular bikes? Around the lake I live on. About 5 miles. They wouldn't dare go 31 miles.

How old are you?

We all love our Ebikes. We feel like kids again.

In fact, I'm basing this from when we were kids and in the best shape. We had Mongoose or Red Line BMX bikes. We NEVER rode those bikes to the town we go to now often. And it's only 6 miles away. So as 15 year olds, we never thought to ride 12 miles round trip to get to the metropark we go to often now.

We always say now "man, wish we had ebikes when we were kids". We could have gone outside our subdivision.
A. No
B. way smarter than you will ever be
C. heart attack soon, Everyone on the internet is rich :rolleyes:
A. No
B. way smarter than you will ever be
C. heart attack soon, Everyone on the internet is rich :rolleyes:
No? Just because you are ignorant to the facts?

Latest developments in new battery technology provides a range of improvements over conventional battery technologies, such as: Improved specific energy and energy density (more energy stored per volume/weight) Longer lifetime. Better safety / less flammable.

Do you have a bachelor degree?

Have you paid off your home?

Are you financially set to retire at age 62 like me?

51 riding 100 miles a day. I don't believe it. Everyone on the net is in great shape. LOL. Based on your weak replies, you aren't saving enough to retire. So how smart are you actually?
No? Just because you are ignorant to the facts?

Latest developments in new battery technology provides a range of improvements over conventional battery technologies, such as: Improved specific energy and energy density (more energy stored per volume/weight) Longer lifetime. Better safety / less flammable.

Do you have a bachelor degree?

Have you paid off your home?

Are you financially set to retire at age 62 like me?

51 riding 100 miles a day. I don't believe it. Everyone on the net is in great shape. LOL. Based on your weak replies, you aren't saving enough to retire. So how smart are you actually?
Never had a mortgage, never paid interest on a loan, own multiple properties
Near perfect credit
Extremely funded for retirement
100 on Saturday or Sunday
40 on Tuesday/Thursday
Never had a mortgage, never paid interest on a loan, own multiple properties
Near perfect credit
Extremely funded for retirement
100 on Saturday or Sunday
40 on Tuesday/Thursday
No wonder you're a Republican. So stop telling the average person who makes $50K they should be voting Republican. Clearly Republican party is the party for the rich.

I make $85K and even I'm not rich enough to vote GOP.

I get you IKU.

How did you never have a mortgage? Born into money?

I have 1/3 of a Masters. I quit 1/3 way through with a 3.3 gpa.
No wonder you're a Republican. So stop telling the average person who makes $50K they should be voting Republican. Clearly Republican party is the party for the rich.

I make $85K and even I'm not rich enough to vote GOP.

I get you IKU.

How did you never have a mortgage? Born into money?

I have 1/3 of a Masters. I quit 1/3 way through with a 3.3 gpa.
I am a 4.00 myself.
My first job I had I made 145K a year. I lived at home for one year and bought my first place for 65K cash. I continued my career path and bought every home cash thereafter.

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