Biden Admin Considering Awarding $450,000 Per Person To Illegals Who Were Separated At Border Under Trump

I thought there were laws against any President choosing to throw billions of dollars into illegals pockets at his personal whim!!!
Why wouldn’t this be treason? He has been encouraging foreigners to break out laws, weaken our country, and ruin our public schools. Now he wants to force Americans, most of whom are being hard hit by his inflation, to pay illegals enough to make them millionaires.
Do you fucking understand how courts work...

The Trump Admin separated Families and through incompetence lost records and starved and failed to treat the children. That mean the US Government is negligent, the ACLU has plenty of proof of that.
The Trump Admin screwed up...

ACLU is suing the US Government in a Class Action.

It is pretty much a forgone conclusion the US Government are going to loose... Rather than hold it in courts for years making lawyers rich they are talking about a settlement...

So does the RWers here want to fight and loos considerably more money.. Juries are going to crucify the US Government for deliberately slowing up the process and will award damages accordingly... This 911 responders, no one is going to die anytime soon...

As I said Trump could done this properly but he didn't...
You're a moron, we don't owe these fucks anything except to kick their ass back across the border, I am tired of this bullshit.
They’ll never pull this off. All they’ll do is make it even more apparent that liberals live in upside-down world, where Americans come last.

While I agree this probably won't fly, they may end up for a lesser amount. Either way, we would be rewarding law breakers, no different than if paid bank robbers $100,000 for not killing anybody during the robbery.
This is astonishing.

Biden administration is considering awarding $450,000 per person to families separated at the border under Trump's zero-tolerance policy​

  • Officials are considering the payments that could total close to $1 million for two people within the same family
  • The ACLU which represents the families, has identified about 5,500 children separated from parents at the border during the course of the Trump-era policy
  • Former President Trump's administration enacted the policy in April 2018 and withdrew it two months later after much controversy in June
  • The total potential payout could cost $1 billion or more
Meanwhile, Biden Admin is doing its best to fire American citizens who have paid the taxes which would fund such settlements. Walk right into America unvaccinated or infected, but you can't work at large companies or on federal contracts unless you get three Fauci shots, even if you already have natural immunity.


Wall Street Journal:

Let's go Brandon!
So they are considering settling, because it will almost certainly be cheaper than letting the suits go forward. To pay out on the negative effects of a 100% Trump policy that the Biden administration ended.

And you guys blame this on Biden. Okay.
W H A T T H E F U C K?!

There is no way in hell this is an 'accident-this son of a bitch knows EXACTLY what he is doing!

Where the hell does he get off wanting to REWARD illegal immigrants for breaking our laws, crossing into this country illegally, by giving them $450,000 PER PERSON...with our tax dollars...on top of giving them free medical, education, housing, etc...benefits?!

By what authority does he think he can do this? He is already violating his oath of office, the US Constitution, and US Immigration laws by executing an Open Border policy, surrendering our sovereignty and national security by trafficking illegal all over the US.

The surviving family members of US military members killed on duty serving their country only get $400,000 from SGLI insurance, and this treasonous, dementia-ravaged, compromised, criminal son of a bitch wants to give illegal aliens $50,000 more per person for breaking our laws by illegally entering the US?!

Enough is enough of this shit!

We are already almost $29 TRILLION in debt, and with unpaid debt and interest from our social programs total debt comes to almost $85 TRILLION, and this Socialist puppet wants to give INVADERS each $450,000 of US tax dollars?!

We are not even 'BROKE' - We would have to pay $29 TRILLION TO BE 'BROKE', and Democrats are spending like it's 'MONOPOLY' money to turn us into a Socialist 3rd world nation.

Meanwhile the rest of the world, especially Xi/the CCP and Putin/Russia are laughing theulir asses off at how this dementia-ravaged old criminal fart is completely destroying the US ... in only 8 months....

Oh, and let's not forget how Biden has declared he will not follow the court order to hold all illegals in Mexico - Trump's highly successful program.

Mexico is now having 2nd thoughts after Biden just gave poor citizens of every nation in the world to come illegally cross into the US and get their own checks for $450,000!

Biden has to be ripped out of office NOW! Screw not doing so for fear of Harris taking over. We'll deal with her ass after Joe is gone, but he has to go NOW!

$450,000 PER PERSON for over 960 illegals so far .... WTF?!
It is obvious that Joe Biden and many politicians in the Democratic Party feel illegal aliens are worth more and are better than American citizens.

Either that or the democrats in power are getting kickbacks from the Mexican drug cartels who get money from every illegal alien who enters our nation.

I think I'm going to fly down to Mexico, walk my ass over the border, surrender to the US BP, file for the $450,000, sign up for free housing, food, education, etc... and do it all while wearing a 'Let's Go, Brandon' t-shirt.
The suits won't go anywhere. They have no case, Dipshit.
separation of asylum seeking families violates Fifth Amendment guarantees of due process and equal protection, federal asylum laws, and the Administrative Procedure Act.
Remember when it was shown that the Trump Admin used family separation as a deterrent to crossing the border?

Yea...that's what this is about
It is obvious that Joe Biden and many politicians in the Democratic Party feel illegal aliens are worth more and are better than American citizens
Wrong. They are looking to settle, because it will cost more to let the lawsuits move forward. Lawsuits arising from Trump policy ended by Biden. You cultists live in an alternate reality.

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