Biden admin to remove statue of William Penn from Philadelphia Park and 'Rehabilitate' the park to commemorate Native Americans

Democrats like to do the easy things, the symbolic things which really don't improve the lives of anyone.

Statues are superficially easy. Only the gullible fall for it.

If the Dems really cared about inner city folks, they wouldn't drop illegals on the streets, let crime go rampant, fund wars, illegals, Big Pharma and other countries with your money, skyrockting inflation as a result, and encourage the breakdown of the traditional family.

You should know better than to fall for these empty gestures.

But INDIANS would murder, rape, and enslave other tribes.

I thought we didn’t like that…now we do.


Now we condone slavery? The left is disgusting.
ok ….
The Haida and Tlingit Indians who lived along the southeastern Alaskan coast were traditionally known as fierce warriors and slave-traders, raiding as far as California. Slavery was hereditary after slaves were taken as prisoners of war. Among some Pacific Northwest tribes, about a quarter of the population were slaves.[5][6] Other slave-owning tribes of North America were, for example, Comanche[7] of Texas, Creek of Georgia, the fishing societies, such as the Yurok, that lived along the coast from what is now Alaska to California; the Pawnee, and Klamath.[8]

Educate yourselves, you stupid woke cult fucks.

You are commemorating slave owners.

Taking down one slave owner to commemorate another. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :hyper:

That is some dumb shit.
Democrats like to do the easy things, the symbolic things which really don't improve the lives of anyone.

Statues are superficially easy. Only the gullible fall for it.

If the Dems really cared about inner city folks, they wouldn't drop illegals on the streets, let crime go rampant, fund wars, illegals, Big Pharma and other countries with your money, skyrockting inflation as a result, and encourage the breakdown of the traditional family.

You should know better than to fall for these empty gestures.

Those illegals are being sent to cities by a republican. The republicans in congress have passed no immigration policy.
We are going to take down this statue of Stalin and replace it with one of Mao. :hyper:

Those illegals are being sent to cities by a republican. The republicans in congress have passed no immigration policy.


These illegals, 8+ million in less than 3-years, are here because of Joe Biden.

Oh, sure, Texas and the border states should keep them all and not send any to sanctuary cities/states. FFS.

We already have all the immigration laws we need, Biden is thumbing his 👃 at existing laws.
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Read this novel, then tell me how the Indians all just grew maize and worshipped the land.


Here is another interesting book about fronter life.
It is a collection of contemporary accounts of Native Americans and Settlers.
There are some gruesome stories of conflicts.

Indian Depredations in Texas
Amazon product ASIN B07Q246GBD
Here is another interesting book about fronter life.
It is a collection of contemporary accounts of Native Americans and Settlers.
There are some gruesome stories of conflicts.

Indian Depredations in Texas
Amazon product ASIN B07Q246GBD

Thanks for sharing! I will definitely check it out.

Did you watch 1883, the mini series written by Taylor Sheridan who did Yellowstone? It is about the Oregon Trail in 1883. Amazing.
Oh, and Joe Biden is from Pennsylvania, and lives in and represented Delaware in the Congress, the two colonies of which William Penn was the proprietor. This is just proof Biden is not in charge.

What a bunch of kooks. Next thing you know they will want to rename the state of Pennsylvania.
I'll feel so much safer driving through Philly on my way to Atlantic City after they take that nasty William Penn statue down and replace it with one of Elizabeth Warren, AKA Pocahontas. All the people in that hood might even stop locking their doors. This might become the keystone of Biden's reelection platform. MAGA
See how woke cult fucks do not care about slavery anywhere else on earth, including among AMERICAN INDIANS?

These people do not care about slavery, They are using it as a political tool. Fuck them. I do not accept their obvious bullshit.
Those illegals are being sent to cities by a republican. The republicans in congress have passed no immigration policy.
The borders are open because of Biden. He has let in literally millions. They can't all stay in El Paso and San Diego.

When the illegals cross, they tell authorities where they want to go. Texas and Florida have been happy to help with the transport, but the Biden Admin effectively settles far more illegals than the Republican buses.

From what I've seen, most of them want to go to places like NYC, Chicago, and Philly.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has released more than 2.3 million migrants into the United States at the southern border under the Biden administration, allowing in the vast majority of migrant families and some adult groups, according to a new report.

From the fiscal years 2014 to 2020, 463,110 migrants were released into the United States from the southern border.

Biden Admin has released illegals into the US at a rate greater than 10 times the prior seven years. According to the Washington Post above which uses the Biden Admin DHS data here:

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