Warren says that the Supreme Court is on the ballot

Those delegates were selected by 14 million people to vote for Biden. There has been no vote BY THE PEOPLE whether THEY want the skank Harris, making her an illegal candidate.
Most of them now pledged to Harris. All above board. Sorry you don't like it.
Gaining ground? She was only declared the official unofficial replacement for Biden a week ago. She hasn't actually DONE anything yet other than speak before a few small groups of 'Anyone But Joe' supporters. Wait till the spotlight is really on her and start asking her the TOUGH questions.
She has made up two points on Trump's five to seven point lead in a few states. And we haven't even made it to the DNC yet.
She's been eloquent and concise in her speeches. That should worry Trump.
You mean done with thumbing your nose at the law. But then, you never did believe in DEMOCRACY. Harris, just another SELECTED candidate.
All above board. Sorry you don't like it. Best you focus on November. Your boy is in a real fight now.
Anyone has a chance of winning when all you do is cheat and rig the system. But then, what does it say that Trump has been leading in the polls, and that Harris only "has a chance" of beating a twice impeached convicted felon insurrectionist dictator? :lmao:
Which doesn't happen. You've bleated and whined for four years about a stolen election and haven't been able to show one shred of proof it happened.
If Trump loses again, it'll be because the majority of voters don't want another four years of his shit. :)
No one made her border czar anything.
I guess it is easy to kick ass with someone who failed blocks.

☝️ TRANSLATION: Jack has no answers so feigns stupidity.

Who has been kicking your asses.

At least he HAS a running mate. Chosen for his stance on issues, not selected hoping it'll win him a swing state. Thanks Jack, it never fails to amuse stomping you a new mudhole.
You need to smoke some more pot. Even when Biden was in the race, Trump was hardly kicking his ass in the polls. Should have been double digits, but that just goes to show how much of a POS Trump is. :) Vance is a Dan Quayle wannabe. An empty suit completely created by Peter Thiel. Jr pushed him on daddy. And i have a feeling daddy isn't happy with Jr because Vance doesn't increase Trump's base and the guy is a complete moron. :auiqs.jpg:
Jack, once again, debating you is like taking candy from a baby. You got nothing. All Harris has to run on is:


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Joe is no longer in the race. And the person selected to be his replacement has a good chance of beating Trump. And shredding his fat ass in a debate (don't worry, he's too much of a pussy to debate Harris). And I know you're worried. There's nothing you can do about your ticket. You're stuck with the old man and the retard. :)

For a week, you idiots have been throwing every piece of shit against the wall, hoping something will stick to Harris.
And so far, you've come up empty. Even trying to make policy arguments against her are getting slapped down. Reminds me of when Clinton was running for President in the early 90's.
You've bleated and whined for four years about a stolen election and haven't been able to show one shred of proof it happened.
Just attached proof to one of your posts just yesterday. Probably the reason why you always claim no proof--- you close your eyes the moment you see it.

If Trump loses again, it'll be because the majority of voters don't want another four years of his shit.
They will certainly regret it after they get a few months with Harris in charge.

No one made her border czar anything.
Is that Joe's new nickname: No one?

Jack argues semantics again as he runs with his tail between his legs getting his ass handed to him over and over.
Just attached proof to one of your posts just yesterday. Probably the reason why you always claim no proof--- you close your eyes the moment you see it.
Please..move on. :rolleyes:
They will certainly regret it after they get a few months with Harris in charge.

Is that Joe's new nickname: No one?
No one made Harris a border czar. You want to live in lies, be my guest. If that's all you got, you're in big trouble.
She was never named as such and didn't have the job that you are ascribing she had.

Stop lying.

Jack argues semantics again as he runs with his tail between his legs getting his ass handed to him yet again.
You need to smoke some more pot.
Really Jack? Unlike you, no drugs are needed here. You are like toying with a poodle with a red laser dot on the rug.

Even when Biden was in the race, Trump was hardly kicking his ass in the polls.
Sure Jack. That is why everyone in the DNC ordered him to drop out.

Wow, how sad to see you resort to such BS in a futile attempt to buoy your own hopes.
Really Jack? Unlike you, no drugs are needed here. You are like toying with a poodle with a red laser dot on the rug.

Sure Jack. That is why everyone in the DNC ordered him to drop out.

Wow, how sad to see you resort to such BS in a futile attempt to buoy your own hopes.
No one ordered him to drop out. They can't. If Biden was dead set on staying in, there is jack (pun intended) anyone could do about it.
There's no BS needed here. You believe your man is some ratings god because he packs a stadium full of retards and that somehow translates into electoral popularity.
He should have been leading by double digits. Christ, even the fact he got shot at didn't move the polls all that much. That should tell you something right there.
People don't want to see this man as President again.

Well, now they have a younger, better choice.
We'll see if that's enough to send Trump to the dressing room...erm..showers..again. :)
No one made Harris a border czar.

Just Joe Biden who is a nobody now. Roberta Jacobson left the position on April 9, 2021 whereas Joe immediately replaced her with Kamela Harris.

Do you really need me to play the video of Biden SAYING THIS yet again to beat it into your thick block head? Or all the times the media asked when she would at least visit the border she was in charge of?

But I get it Jack--- Kammy was to the border what Joe is to the WH--- just an empty pressed suit taking orders from someone else.
Just Joe Biden who is a nobody now. Roberta Jacobson left the position on April 9, 2021 whereas Joe immediately replaced her with Kamela Harris.

Do you really need me to play the video of Biden SAYING THIS yet again to beat it into your thick block head? Or all the times the media asked when she would at least visit the border she was in charge of?

But I get it Jack--- Kammy was to the border what Joe is to the WH--- just an empty pressed suit taking orders from someone else.
No one made her border czar anything. You idiots can't even define the job she was tasked with correctly. Stop lying. You're too old for it.
The term was made up by right wing zealots...and it's not sticking. :)

No one ordered him to drop out.

No one made her border czar anything.
Joe put her in charge.

You idiots can't even define the job she was tasked with correctly.
Joe did. Need to see the video again?

Stop lying. You're too old for it.
Jack, are you psychotic too?

The term was made up by right wing zealots...
Joe put her in charge. Historical documented fact, so stop trying to argue semantics.

and it's not sticking.
Everything sticks to you.
Joe put her in charge.

Joe did. Need to see the video again?

Jack, are you psychotic too?

Joe put her in charge. Historical documented fact, so stop trying to argue semantics.

Everything sticks to you.
So...you're admitting I'm right. No one ever named her "czar" anything?

Can you define the actual job she was tasked with, please?

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