Biden admin, your ceiling fan driving climate change

That's not the topic. FOCUS!

The topic is FOX News promoting faux outrage over ceiling fans.

I proved that FOX News is just doing this to gin up anger and hatred of Democrats and it's not a real issue. That's what they do.

Your topic is bullshit and I just proved it. If you want a different result, don't post stupid topics simply meant to make Republicans angry. They're already deranged enough.
Have you noticed how many OP's are on this?

Everyone by a RWinger. Now you.

It's just like our border being invaded with now hundreds of thousands a month. The left just doesn't give a fuck, or actually it's more like, that they want it this way, thus why you'll see no threads coming from your side.
In the end, the proletariat will have just what is doled out to them while the elites live the golden life opulence. The hate they must have for most of the people in the world is extreme delirious primal potential for mass exterminations. You see how they travel, ear, drink and party whenever there is a meeting involving them. Who the hell ordained these people as defenders of the human realm? Unfortunately, they have enough followers, and it is growing.
1984 was a warning and dems used it as a playbook
The topic is FOX News promoting faux outrage over ceiling fans.

I proved that FOX News is just doing this to gin up anger and hatred of Democrats and it's not a real issue. That's what they do.

Your topic is bullshit and I just proved it. If you want a different result, don't post stupid topics simply meant to make Republicans angry. They're already deranged enough.
No, you're lying again.
What makes you believe (believe, never in this case think) Climate Change isn't part of some of the people?

Maybe you should stop who ever told you when the Republican Party believes (not tell you thinks) that they want power not saving the earth? 23 years ago the same people made fun of climate change. How about the heat this summer, and tornados, hurricanes are lots of fun.
The Bible predicted more tornadoes and natural disasters, from heathens doing as they please. Kinda like Sodom and Gomorrah.
you can't have gas stoves... you can't have a free church... you can't have free speech... you must drive an EV... you can't have AC... you can't have a fan... you can't eat meat... you must wear a mask... you must be injected with bat virus... you must live with black outs... you must accept illegal immigrants... you must live with homeless drug addicts... you may never speak out at PTA meetings... you can't drill here... you must stop fishing here... AND YOU CAN'T CHOOSE YOUR OWN PRESIDENT.....
Why does Biden spend all of his time attacking the American people?... I never felt that Trump was always attacking Americans... why do you libs put up with this?....

Here’s something. From Republicans Overseas.

SALEM, OR – August 25, 2023 – Republicans Overseas condemns the Democrats’ weaponization of the United States judicial system and calls—yet again— on Democrats to cease their political persecution of President Trump and our justice system.

Solomon Yue, CEO of Republicans Overseas, states, “The BeijingBiden administration is targeting President Trump to remove its chief political opposition. This kind of political prosecution could only happen in Putin’s Russia. Now these tyrannical political persecutions are happening in Biden’s America time after time. The American people must demand a halt to this police state behavior.”

The topic is FOX News promoting faux outrage over ceiling fans.

I proved that FOX News is just doing this to gin up anger and hatred of Democrats and it's not a real issue. That's what they do.

Your topic is bullshit and I just proved it. If you want a different result, don't post stupid topics simply meant to make Republicans angry. They're already deranged enough.
Dumbass, Biden issued an EO to this very thing on day 1 of his presidency.

It's EO 13990 if you care to read it.
you can't have gas stoves... you can't have a free church... you can't have free speech... you must drive an EV... you can't have AC... you can't have a fan... you can't eat meat... you must wear a mask... you must be injected with bat virus... you must live with black outs... you must accept illegal immigrants... you must live with homeless drug addicts... you may never speak out at PTA meetings... you can't drill here... you must stop fishing here... AND YOU CAN'T CHOOSE YOUR OWN PRESIDENT.....
The topic is FOX News promoting faux outrage over ceiling fans.

I proved that FOX News is just doing this to gin up anger and hatred of Democrats and it's not a real issue. That's what they do.

Your topic is bullshit and I just proved it. If you want a different result, don't post stupid topics simply meant to make Republicans angry. They're already deranged enough.

You are unable to "prove" anything, you are an inveterate liar.
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The topic is FOX News promoting faux outrage over ceiling fans.

I proved that FOX News is just doing this to gin up anger and hatred of Democrats and it's not a real issue. That's what they do.

Your topic is bullshit and I just proved it. If you want a different result, don't post stupid topics simply meant to make Republicans angry. They're already deranged enough.
that's why it is on NBC too, liar

Biden admin, your ceiling fan driving climate change​

I have to step in here to point out one thing, does anyone realize the absurdity of attacking ceiling fans? Driving climate change? Needing made more efficient? Do I really have to point out that the AC synchronous motor is already the most efficient thing we have! How do you make an armature spinning on bearings in a rotating magnetic field any more efficient?

By criticizing a ceiling fan, Biden is in a roundabout way attacking the very EVs he is trying to ram down everyone's throats for an EV is nothing more than similar electric motors, just driven by a stored power source they carry around.

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