I'm all for renewable energy; we have to have the power, so there's no argument it has to come from somewhere. Just be aware nothing's free. There is always a cost.
Nuclear is the best option but extremists mislead people about that.
The Fukushima tsunami disaster resulted in zero deaths from radiation. All deaths were from drowning and misguided evacuation orders. No radiation issues at all.
But the extremists propagate otherwise.
This entire energy/green-bullshit thing has nothing to do with the environment. It’s all about economic squeeze-down and Marxist control.
I have nothing against nuclear if they figure out ways to handle the radioactive waste. Some say they know how. But that isn't a renewable source, either. I like the idea of power generation that never runs out, like hydro, wind and solar. Wind and solar aren't steady sources of power, though, and need a backup that can kick on at a moment's notice when the wind stops blowing. Either that, or they need to figure out ways to store it longer. So it's likely there will be a combination of sources, which is fine. The cleaner and less CO2 we're adding to the atmosphere, the better. Now if we could get people to stop throwing their garbage in the ocean....that's not renewable.