Biden administration says there is no plan to address higher gas prices


In reality, the attack on Abqaiq, the world’s most critical oil facility, is a stark reminder that the United States is not energy independent, nor can it go it alone when it comes to diplomacy in the world’s most critical oil-producing region. Energy security comes from being more, not less, connected with the rest of the world.

Congress saw fit over the past several years to sell off roughly half of America’s strategic oil reserves to fund other priorities, based on the misperception that the United States has become energy independent. The resulting price spike at the pump will reveal that decision was short-sighted. A massive, temporary oil supply disruption of this kind is exactly what the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) was created to mitigate.

The vulnerability of U.S. consumers to global oil price spikes depends not on how much oil the United States imports, but on how much it consumes. The best way to insulate drivers from inevitable oil price shocks is to reduce how much oil we use in the first place. In this light, the Trump administration’s decision to roll back fuel-economy standards is also misguided.

American energy dominance likewise does not mean the United States can retreat from global cooperation. The use of strategic oil reserves, for example, is more effective when done collectively with other nations. The United States created the SPR as part of an agreement among nations in the International Energy Agency to hold strategic oil reserves that could be released in coordination. When Trump tweeted that he had authorized the use of the SPR “if needed,” he thus undermined the potential impact of a stock release by acting unilaterally.
Sept 2015 - Aug 2017 and Feb 2020 - Jan 2021 isn't seldom. That's about 50% of the time since 2015.
Yeah you know you're right, Looks like most of the months below 2.50 were during Obama's final 2 years and during the Pandemic. Sure there were a couple of Trumpy months below 2.50 but mostly they were above, until 2020.

Nice catch. Thanks.
It was never this high when Trump was in office, so tell me what will be the benchmark for you to say that Biden need to do something?

The Biden administration will consider energy-price data coming out Tuesday as it weighs measures to stem high gasoline prices, including tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said.

The monthly survey by the U.S. Energy Information Administration is the latest marker in President Joe Biden’s effort to counter high crude prices and a snub of his request to key producers, including Saudi Arabia and Russia, to increase output more quickly.

What's going to happen when people start freezing to death because they can't afford the price of heating fuel, LPG or the cost of electrical to heat their homes?
The media will ignore it and let more die, or they will blame it on climate change and have Gretta cry a good minute or two for the cameras.
Come on, man...

If Sleazy Joe's "oil and gas expert" Hunter can't get us through this, I'm sure the gas expert we have in the White House can handle it!!!

Biden can't figure out how to zip his pants. He'll never figure out the gas, inflation, education or border crisis. The boy is dumb.
To address the prices would mean they would have to undo everything they did to cause them, which means they would have to admit they fucked up and that won't ever happen.

Besides they want high gas to push for electric cars. Once they commit to something, even if it's a bad plan, they will ruin the country pushing it.

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