Biden Admits To Support of Skyrocketing Gas Prices

If anybody had any doubts about Biden being OK with the skyrocketing gas prices, they can forget those now. With his announcement of the stoppage of Russian oil imports, Mr Green At Any Cost, said > This is going to cost you.

Biden said >> "“I said I will level with the American people from the beginning. When I first spoke to this, I said defending freedom is going to cost. It is going to cost us as well in the United States,”

Well, it need not cost us anything at all. It is only going to "cost" us, if we continue with Biden's out of touch policies >>

1. ending the Keystone XL pipeline project,
2. shutting down drilling permitting on federal land
3. suspending drilling leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

With 70% of Americans favoring the domestic production polices, as opposed to only 18% agreeing with Biden, he is struggling to come up with talking points to favor his unpopular positions. He suggested subsidies for electric cars as a solution. He also suggested to continue releasing oil from America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve - not affecting gas prices, and creating a less secure energy scenario.
Biden also is suggesting replacing Russian oil imports with increasing oil importing from other countries (Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Iran) - all about as unfriendly as Russia, if not worse.

Polls show the American people are not buying into Biden's domestic oil reductions at any cost, and they heavily favor the energy independent domestic production of the Trump years. Since Biden has become president, his approval ratings have sunk to pathetically low levels. Now, openly telling us the stoppage of Russian importing is "going to cost us", is right up there with the abandonment of Americans in Afghanistan, and his disregard for Americans in his flooding of US cities with illegal aliens.

Where is America going to be after another 9 months of this dude ?

How much cash are your buddies in the oil industry going to kick back to American citizens who own the federal land that they want to drill on & take multi millions in profits off of?
This looks like the Tan Messiah's move to do a coup de grace on America. Push the gas prices high enough and EVERYTHING collapses.
How much cash are your buddies in the oil industry going to kick back to American citizens who own the federal land that they want to drill on & take multi millions in profits off of?
The evil corrupted politicians have caused a lot of our misery. The divide is getting wider.
How much cash are your buddies in the oil industry going to kick back to American citizens who own the federal land that they want to drill on & take multi millions in profits off of?
How much are you willing to pay for a gallon of gas from nations that hate us?

You voted for a weakling. And you damn sure can't say you weren't warned.

But, hey, no more mean tweets!
But you don't present an explanation to back up your charge. What a surprise! :biggrin:
Oil prices are determined according to the global market. The U.S. produces more oil than any other country, about 12% of all the oil produced in the world every year. Massive investments could bring that up 1 or 2 more percentage points, doing absolutely nothing to affect gas prices. Keysone XL is not going to lower your gas prices. Destroying our wildlife reserves is not going to lower your gas prices.
Only to socialists and ecoterrorists.
That's weird, because countries controlled by the socialists you hate so much desperately need you to keep demanding oil because it's the only way they can survive. You love empowering socialists by demanding the world remain hooked on oil. You are a socialists best friend.
Biden today:
"Look let me clear about two other First it s simply true that my administration policies are holding back energy production That s not true Even amid pandemic companies in the States pump more oil my first year in than they did during predecessor s first year re approaching a record of oil and gas in the United States we re on track set a record of production next year In United States..."

Tired of being lied to yet?

Who cares about the first year. It's easy to compare today to years ago. Here's the facts...


Leftists are generous with other people's money.

Yeah, fuck the poor and working poor, huh?
That's been the mantra of your party for decades. Fuck my party too, but you're the one that insists it's all going to start trickling down some day.
The elitist media supports higher gas prices and that's a dangerous thing. The point is that the media is willing to promote the perception that there is no suffering or it's worth it while we are going broke at the gas pumps or freezing in the winter.
That's been the mantra of your party for decades. Fuck my party too, but you're the one that insists it's all going to start trickling down some day.
I know you're angry about voting for a weak, useless -- no, dangerous -- "leader", but it's not my fault. We warned you.

The state of America today is your fault, and the fault of others who wouldn't listen to reason.

But, hey, no mean tweets, right?
Oil prices are determined according to the global market. The U.S. produces more oil than any other country, about 12% of all the oil produced in the world every year. Massive investments could bring that up 1 or 2 more percentage points, doing absolutely nothing to affect gas prices. Keysone XL is not going to lower your gas prices. Destroying our wildlife reserves is not going to lower your gas prices.
If we don't import foreign oil, we don't have to buy on the global market. It costs a lot of money to ship oil overseas. Producing it here dramatically lowers our prices compared to imports.

Keystone XL will lower gas prices. It will take some time, but now is the time to do it, as opposed to nothing.

It is such elementary economics, only one blinded by politics could state what you did.

Keep drinking the koolaid. You had cheap gas under Trump due to his policies, and now you will pay out the nose due to Biden's deliberate policies. Elections have consequences. Enjoy what you voted for.

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