Biden Admits To Support of Skyrocketing Gas Prices

Biden signed more drilling leases than Trump. Ponder that, rubes.

Oil production has increased 28 percent since Biden took office. Ponder that, too.

The oil companies are deliberately slow walking their increase of production in order to make more profits for their shareholders.

Only a truly partisan hack retard would hold Biden accountable for high gas prices.

During the pandemic shutdown, global oil prices actually went NEGATIVE. And that is why gas prices were so low. Giving Trump credit for that is also something only a partisan hack would do.
How many of those Biden leases are producing oil?

Zero sound about right? Once again Biden is riding Trump’s coattails and trying to take credit.

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) - Qb

You can see in that link that during Trump's term, US monthly oil production peaked in December 2019 at 400,219,000 barrels.

That was just before the Covid pandemic.

The decline in production continued for over a year. It dropped for the rest of Trump's term and into the first month of Biden's term where it bottomed out at 273,646,000 barrels in February 2021.

As I just showed all of you, upon taking office, Biden increased leases for drilling to the highest level since Dubya. Higher than Obama or Trump.

Since then, US monthly oil production has increased to 352,597,000 barrels for November, which is the latest figure available.

That is a 28 percent increase in production from the low.

So take off those blinders, willfully blind monkeys.
You would believe anything.
Looks like YOU're the one drinking the piss your propagandists are feeding you. Think about it dupe - If Biden was signing more permits than Trump, then more oil/gas would be getting produced
See post 56, tard.

More oil IS being produced.
You would believe anything.

The classic tard response when faced with indisputable facts: "Nuh-uh!"


I call you willfully blind monkeys for a reason.
Biden signed more drilling leases than Trump. Ponder that, rubes.

Oil production has increased 28 percent since Biden took office. Ponder that, too.

The oil companies are deliberately slow walking their increase of production in order to make more profits for their shareholders.

And now we have the war in Ukraine which has caused commodities traders to raise the price of oil.

Only a truly partisan hack retard would hold Biden accountable for high gas prices.

During the pandemic shutdown, global oil prices actually went NEGATIVE. And that is why gas prices were so low. Giving Trump credit for that is also something only a partisan hack would do.
Nothing to "ponder" except how you could allow yourself to be so DUPED. Ever hear the old expression "the proof is in the pudding" ? Well, now the proof is at the gas pumps.

See the photos in Post # 52 ? If you don't know which picture is from Trump's time, and which one is Biden, you're even more a sucker than anyone could imagine.

The classic tard response when faced with indisputable facts: "Nuh-uh!"


I call you willfully blind monkeys for a reason.
"indisputable" huh ? HA HA HA. You're so-called facts are indisputable, only because they are so preposterous that nobody should even bother looking at them.
Actually, what is preposterous is, that your numbers confirm the OP that Biden has REDUCED oil production - well of course - that's why he's talking about getting oil from such unlikely places as Iran, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia. Because he has to placate his green base of the Democratic party, while telling Americans we will have to shoulder the "cost" of having less oil/gas (because of his lowered production)

Why am I even talking to you ? I feel like I'm trying to convince a 6 year old kid that earth is not flat.
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Biden is doing the right thing to choke Putin
Few are arguing the move against Putin. However, this wouldn’t even be necessary in the first place had he not pursued policies that increased the US dependency on foreign oil. Ceasing federal leases for drilling was a big mistake and only made us more dependent on foreign oil and more susceptible to disruption in volatile oil producing regions (Russia).

Ceasing drilling in the US can be done when the specious Green Energy becomes a reality in that it can replace oil and fossil fuels to run the economy.
Biden Issues Dozens of Oil Drilling Permits in First Few Days

Despite a Pledge to Ban It, Oil and Gas Permitting Is Up Under Biden

Legal and political realities seem to have tempered the administration’s ambitions for ending fossil fuel extraction on federal lands.

Approvals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W. Bush was president, underscoring President Joe Biden’s reluctance to more forcefully curb petroleum production in the face of industry and Republican resistance.

The Interior Department approved about 2,500 permits to drill on public and tribal lands in the first six months of the year, according to an Associated Press analysis of government data. That includes more than 2,100 drilling approvals since Biden took office January 20.
If all this jibberish were true, oil/gas prices would be down. Guess what. They're up. Duh!
Few are arguing the move against Putin. However, this wouldn’t even be necessary in the first place had he not pursued policies that increased the US dependency on foreign oil. Ceasing federal leases for drilling was a big mistake and only made us more dependent on foreign oil and more susceptible to disruption in volatile oil producing regions (Russia).

Ceasing drilling in the US can be done when the specious Green Energy becomes a reality in that it can replace oil and fossil fuels to run the economy.
Which is FARRRRRR in the future (if ever).
If anybody had any doubts about Biden being OK with the skyrocketing gas prices, they can forget those now. With his announcement of the stoppage of Russian oil imports, Mr Green At Any Cost, said > This is going to cost you.

Biden said >> "“I said I will level with the American people from the beginning. When I first spoke to this, I said defending freedom is going to cost. It is going to cost us as well in the United States,”

Well, it need not cost us anything at all. It is only going to "cost" us, if we continue with Biden's out of touch policies >>

1. ending the Keystone XL pipeline project,
2. shutting down drilling permitting on federal land
3. suspending drilling leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

With 70% of Americans favoring the domestic production polices, as opposed to only 18% agreeing with Biden, he is struggling to come up with talking points to favor his unpopular positions. He suggested subsidies for electric cars as a solution. He also suggested to continue releasing oil from America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve - not affecting gas prices, and creating a less secure energy scenario.
Biden also is suggesting replacing Russian oil imports with increasing oil importing from other countries (Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Iran) - all about as unfriendly as Russia, if not worse.

Polls show the American people are not buying into Biden's domestic oil reductions at any cost, and they heavily favor the energy independent domestic production of the Trump years. Since Biden has become president, his approval ratings have sunk to pathetically low levels. Now, openly telling us the stoppage of Russian importing is "going to cost us", is right up there with the abandonment of Americans in Afghanistan, and his disregard for Americans in his flooding of US cities with illegal aliens.

Where is America going to be after another 9 months of this dude ?

I've been saying this for years. Democrats vote for and support high gas prices. If a Democrat tells you they want lower gas prices that pos is lying to you.
John Stoody, a spokesperson for the Association of Oil Pipe Lines, said that Biden has restricted supply by canceling the Keystone XL project and by steps such as suspending leasing and drilling permits on U.S. federal lands. The pipeline industry lobbying group opposed Biden’s Jan. 20 decision to cancel the Keystone XL permit.

Other experts have said that canceling the Keystone, which was not operating yet, would not have an impact on U.S. gas prices for at least a period of years.
John Stoody, a spokesperson for the Association of Oil Pipe Lines, said that Biden has restricted supply by canceling the Keystone XL project and by steps such as suspending leasing and drilling permits on U.S. federal lands. The pipeline industry lobbying group opposed Biden’s Jan. 20 decision to cancel the Keystone XL permit.

Other experts have said that canceling the Keystone, which was not operating yet, would not have an impact on U.S. gas prices for at least a period of years.
To fight putin, shouldn't Americans go all out and drill baby drill?

Truth is Democrats want high gas prices. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.
Your post is the epitome of the problem.

Don't expect it to "trickle down;" that's a talking point and a lie from your masters.

What we Republicans do is open it up, so that you are free to pursue your own success without having to take crumbs from others.

Got it? Quit being their willing slave. You seem to be intelligent. Go get it; nothing is stopping you. Why are you oppressed? Dems are in control. You waiting for handouts?
Lol your own masters invented trickle down. Look at some income gap graphs and take a look at when the gap started exploding. The Democrats in power, just like the Republicans in power, don't want the juiced up oligarchy that's since been created to be threatened. As for hand outs? One example off the top of my head right here: go check how elected republicans vote whenever the ethanol scam is under threat. Red state farmers depend on the ethanol handout.

The Dems in control are just more oligarchy. The only promise Biden has delivered on is leaving Afghanistan and his Presidency might have ended when that happened. It's also the only thing I commend him for. But I've since realized that he was just getting ready for Ukraine. Democrats aren't going to do anything to help this country. And Republicans, who also aren't going to do anything to help this country, get to run on not being Democrats. It's a race to the bottom.
Lol your own masters invented trickle down. Look at some income gap graphs and take a look at when the gap started exploding. The Democrats in power, just like the Republicans in power, don't want the juiced up oligarchy that's since been created to be threatened. As for hand outs? One example off the top of my head right here: go check how elected republicans vote whenever the ethanol scam is under threat. Red state farmers depend on the ethanol handout.

The Dems in control are just more oligarchy. The only promise Biden has delivered on is leaving Afghanistan and his Presidency might have ended when that happened. It's also the only thing I commend him for. But I've since realized that he was just getting ready for Ukraine. Democrats aren't going to do anything to help this country. And Republicans, who also aren't going to do anything to help this country, get to run on not being Democrats. It's a race to the bottom.
Looks like you haven't been watching Newsmax, the First, the Blaze, OAN, America's Voice, and some shows on Fox. If you had, you'd know about the FIFTY-FIVE positive accomplishments of the Trump administration.
Too many people in this country are just too damn ignorant.
If anybody had any doubts about Biden being OK with the skyrocketing gas prices, they can forget those now. With his announcement of the stoppage of Russian oil imports, Mr Green At Any Cost, said > This is going to cost you.

Biden said >> "“I said I will level with the American people from the beginning. When I first spoke to this, I said defending freedom is going to cost. It is going to cost us as well in the United States,”

Well, it need not cost us anything at all. It is only going to "cost" us, if we continue with Biden's out of touch policies >>

1. ending the Keystone XL pipeline project,
2. shutting down drilling permitting on federal land
3. suspending drilling leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

With 70% of Americans favoring the domestic production polices, as opposed to only 18% agreeing with Biden, he is struggling to come up with talking points to favor his unpopular positions. He suggested subsidies for electric cars as a solution. He also suggested to continue releasing oil from America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve - not affecting gas prices, and creating a less secure energy scenario.
Biden also is suggesting replacing Russian oil imports with increasing oil importing from other countries (Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Iran) - all about as unfriendly as Russia, if not worse.

Polls show the American people are not buying into Biden's domestic oil reductions at any cost, and they heavily favor the energy independent domestic production of the Trump years. Since Biden has become president, his approval ratings have sunk to pathetically low levels. Now, openly telling us the stoppage of Russian importing is "going to cost us", is right up there with the abandonment of Americans in Afghanistan, and his disregard for Americans in his flooding of US cities with illegal aliens.

Where is America going to be after another 9 months of this dude ?

How much cash are your buddies in the oil industry going to kick back to American citizens who own the federal land that they want to drill on & take multi millions in profits off of?
They don't kick any back to lease owners. We own several leases (in our family) in Texas....our lease pay-outs haven't gone up at all....the oil companies are raking it in....for themselves.
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