Biden Admits To Support of Skyrocketing Gas Prices

Joe Depends' Jimmy Carter moment came today.

And he seems very comfortable telling the public he isn't going to do anything about the pain average Americans will feel at the pump thanks, in large part, to his unwillingness to give a fuck.

One thing he could instantly do is remove his own embargo on the XL Pipeline. But Joe is wholly owned
by leftists so he isn't about to cross the Thunbergian gate keepers that run his presidency.

Just like all the Americans Biden left behind in Afghanistan Joe has now "turned the page"
and crossed off the millions of Americans who will suffer making ends meet when inflation
and rising fuel costs make a bleak future for people that don't get millions from Chinese and Russian
oligarchs like the Bidens do.

The Democrats don't believe this, but the price of oil is actually very dependent on what a President says and does. They always claim that it's the "greedy oil companies" who set the price of oil and gas, but they're dead wrong, it's the oil futures market.

Oil and gas is a commodity like everything else. its futures are traded on the market, and when a President says he's going to do something stupid, the market reacts, and the price of oil goes up.

The best thing this idiot in the WH could have done, would have been to announce that he's rescinding some regulations and opening up some new areas for drilling. The market would have reacted, and the price of oil and gas would have immediately gone down.

These fucking clowns in office don't have a clue what they're doing. They're total economic idiots.
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That's been the mantra of your party for decades. Fuck my party too, but you're the one that insists it's all going to start trickling down some day.

Your post is the epitome of the problem.

Don't expect it to "trickle down;" that's a talking point and a lie from your masters.

What we Republicans do is open it up, so that you are free to pursue your own success without having to take crumbs from others.

Got it? Quit being their willing slave. You seem to be intelligent. Go get it; nothing is stopping you. Why are you oppressed? Dems are in control. You waiting for handouts?
I agree fully, but he still failed to provide effective leadership today.

What he should have announced simultaneously is a new Operation Warp Speed to make America a net exporter of oil again.

He should have announced:
- Restart of the Keystone XL pipeline, as OP suggested.
- Providing immediate emergency approval to hundreds if not thousands of drilling permits
- Temporary suspension of the federal gas tax
- Request all friendly oil-producing countries open their taps fully

This effort would greatly increase our national security for this and future conflicts.

Instead, he's pushing green energy. Basically asking Americans to go buy $50,000 electric vehicles powered by unreliable wind and solar (really coal, nuclear natural gas and hydro), so you don't have to buy $5 gas, in some kind of pipe dream that might be effective a long time from now.

He failed miserably today, despite his positive baby steps.
He also prevented the transfer of fighter aircraft in Poland to Ukraine.
He wants this shit to go on for a long he can jack up the price of gas.
Wife just cancelled a vacation to Fl we were planning mid May. Guess flights are thru the roof. She's not home yet so havent got the figures.
I could give a rats ass about Ukraine.
Why the Fuck should it cost me more to elevate some dumbasses sense of misplaced moral virtuosity?

Actually, complaining about rising oil/gas prices, does just that. It helps to fight Putin, by pressuring Biden to open the Keystone Pipeline and increase US drilling, and allow us to stop buying Russian oil.


If anybody had any doubts about Biden being OK with the skyrocketing gas prices, they can forget those now. With his announcement of the stoppage of Russian oil imports, Mr Green At Any Cost, said > This is going to cost you.

Biden said >> "“I said I will level with the American people from the beginning. When I first spoke to this, I said defending freedom is going to cost. It is going to cost us as well in the United States,”

Schizo Personality A: Gas prices are too high!

Schizo Personality B: Biden needs to stop buying Russian oil!

Well, it need not cost us anything at all. It is only going to "cost" us, if we continue with Biden's out of touch policies >>

1. ending the Keystone XL pipeline project,
2. shutting down drilling permitting on federal land
3. suspending drilling leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Biden did not stop drilling permits, retard. He actually signed more permits than Trump!

Stop drinking the piss your propagandists are feeding you.
How much cash are your buddies in the oil industry going to kick back to American citizens who own the federal land that they want to drill on & take multi millions in profits off of?
All the ca$h that is the difference between Biden's skyrocketing gas prices, and what they were when Trump was president.


Biden Issues Dozens of Oil Drilling Permits in First Few Days

Despite a Pledge to Ban It, Oil and Gas Permitting Is Up Under Biden

Legal and political realities seem to have tempered the administration’s ambitions for ending fossil fuel extraction on federal lands.

Approvals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W. Bush was president, underscoring President Joe Biden’s reluctance to more forcefully curb petroleum production in the face of industry and Republican resistance.

The Interior Department approved about 2,500 permits to drill on public and tribal lands in the first six months of the year, according to an Associated Press analysis of government data. That includes more than 2,100 drilling approvals since Biden took office January 20.
Here is who is driving up gas prices:

Chevron raises buybacks and says exposure to Russia is limited

Major oil companies are responding to a jump in profits this year from higher oil and gas prices by giving back more cash to shareholders, many of whom have been frustrated by years of low returns.

So far,
most shale operators have signaled that they plan to put capital returns above output growth, even as U.S. oil prices crossed $100 per barrel earlier this week.

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) - Qb

You can see in that link that during Trump's term, US monthly oil production peaked in December 2019 at 400,219,000 barrels.

That was just before the Covid pandemic.

The decline in production continued for over a year. It dropped for the rest of Trump's term and into the first month of Biden's term where it bottomed out at 273,646,000 barrels in February 2021.

As I just showed all of you, upon taking office, Biden increased leases for drilling to the highest level since Dubya. Higher than Obama or Trump.

Since then, US monthly oil production has increased to 352,597,000 barrels for November, which is the latest figure available.

That is a 28 percent increase in production from the low.

So take off those blinders, willfully blind monkeys.
Biden Issues Dozens of Oil Drilling Permits in First Few Days

Despite a Pledge to Ban It, Oil and Gas Permitting Is Up Under Biden

Legal and political realities seem to have tempered the administration’s ambitions for ending fossil fuel extraction on federal lands.

Approvals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W. Bush was president, underscoring President Joe Biden’s reluctance to more forcefully curb petroleum production in the face of industry and Republican resistance.

The Interior Department approved about 2,500 permits to drill on public and tribal lands in the first six months of the year, according to an Associated Press analysis of government data. That includes more than 2,100 drilling approvals since Biden took office January 20.
We were energy independent, till the fuck up came along.
Schizo Personality A: Gas prices are too high!

Schizo Personality B: Biden needs to stop buying Russian oil!

Biden did not stop drilling permits, retard. He actually signed more permits than Trump!

Stop drinking the piss your propagandists are feeding you.
Looks like YOU're the one drinking the piss your propagandists are feeding you. Think about it dupe - If Biden was signing more permits than Trump, then more oil/gas would be getting produced, more oil gas would be available to us, we wouldn't be talking about importing oil from Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, or anywhere, we would be energy INDEPENDENT, and we would be EXporting oil (like we were with Trump), and gas at the pump would still be $1.89/gallon (as it was with Trump)

Leftists cant conceive that they are being scammed - no matter how obvious.
Biden signed more drilling leases than Trump. Ponder that, rubes.

Oil production has increased 28 percent since Biden took office. Ponder that, too.

The oil companies are deliberately slow walking their increase of production in order to make more profits for their shareholders.

And now we have the war in Ukraine which has caused commodities traders to raise the price of oil.

Only a truly partisan hack retard would hold Biden accountable for high gas prices.

During the pandemic shutdown, global oil prices actually went NEGATIVE. And that is why gas prices were so low. Giving Trump credit for that is also something only a partisan hack would do.
Here is who is driving up gas prices:

Chevron raises buybacks and says exposure to Russia is limited

Major oil companies are responding to a jump in profits this year from higher oil and gas prices by giving back more cash to shareholders, many of whom have been frustrated by years of low returns.

So far,
most shale operators have signaled that they plan to put capital returns above output growth, even as U.S. oil prices crossed $100 per barrel earlier this week.
Funny how you edited this out…

and expand oil production through 2026, adding to long-term supply amid a tight market.

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