Biden ahead by 11 points: Quinnipiac Poll

Trump's numbers are only going to get worse when the second wave of this epidemic comes, and I would bet the farm that it will happen in the fall!

Dr. Fauci, who Trump has essentially gagged, agrees with you. It may wane in the summer months but no one seems to be sure if it will recede in any significant way. But Trump's numbers are tumbling because the economy is crumbling. Worse than 2008 and comparable to 1929.
Trump has done this to himself.
Captain Clorox screwed himself when he got involved with the COVID Task Force.
He announces he's taking a drug that could give him cardiac arrest and is not recommended by any public health official for Coronavirus.
He's ramping up an attack on one of the most popular living politicians, Barack Obama.
His mismanagement of the pandemic has the U.S. with almost 1/3 of all COVID cases GLOBALLY even though the U.S. has just 4.5% of the world's population.
He has NO ONE to blame but himself.

Trump hasn’t done anything. That’s why he looks even worse now.

He inherited Obama’s recovery

And has now oversaw the worst unemployment numbers since the great depression

He watched 3000 Americans die his first year in office from a natural disaster, and did nothing.

He exploded the debt and deficit giving more money to rich people that just finished 10 years of fleecing America.

He has alienenated America’s allies.

He’s beholden to America’s enemies.

And has now watched over 100,000 Americans die of a global pandemic he could have minimized last year, but didn’t, and even denied it existed.

He is a detriment to everything around him, and needs to be removed and prosecuted.

Okay, first of all, it's "has now overSEEN". I'm not usually one for nitpicking grammar (because I'd never do anything else, mostly), but this was so bad, it made my eyes cross.

Second of all, this sort of vague, "Everything good is Obama's, everything bad is Trump's, because it HAS to be that way!!!!" BS is exactly why people keep dismissing you as a deranged partisan wackjob.

I would suggest that you pull your head out of your ass and out of your "Orange Man BAAAAD!!! That's all I need to know!" talking points, but the truth is, I don't think you're capable of saying something coherent and interesting even if you DID know reality from your left elbow. So it's a waste of time.
Trump has done okay with this virus, it's some of those governors that really screwed up.

Governors don't have the authority to declare a national emergency.
It took DOtard until March 13 to do so after being warned for three months that this was going to be a threat.
So you're one of those cockroaches who thinks 100,000 dead in 3 months is called a success.
That's right Sparky, 90 days and 100,000 dead .....and COUNTING.
I won't even go into the economic ramifications of 30,000,000 being out of work.
Your Dear Leader is fucking toast.
Play politics much, idiot?
Trump has done a good job with this pandemic...not perfect, but good.
The Chinese virus is on the decline, a yes, a few governors screwed up.
Most of this country has been in pretty good shape with this virus.
But, the buffoon that you've earned it.
Ahh, polls. Remember this one?

One can only hope that those who voted for Trump in 2016 – those who voted for Trump not because they liked Trump or supported Trump but voted for Trump just to keep Clinton out of office – have learned the bitter lesson of just how bad Trump truly is
Sorry, but we love this guy. Your hysteria has changed nothing. In fact, moderates have learned he's pretty damn good and the left is insane.


I needed a laugh
Cheer up’s only 11 points

It will be much worse in November once the economy has fully crashed
Trump has done okay with this virus, it's some of those governors that really screwed up.

Governors don't have the authority to declare a national emergency.
It took DOtard until March 13 to do so after being warned for three months that this was going to be a threat.
So you're one of those cockroaches who thinks 100,000 dead in 3 months is called a success.
That's right Sparky, 90 days and 100,000 dead .....and COUNTING.
I won't even go into the economic ramifications of 30,000,000 being out of work.
Your Dear Leader is fucking toast.

So. Much. Stupid. I swear, I feel like I need hip-waders.

Okay, Spanky, a few questions here, and feel free to let me know if this much thinking all at once starts to overheat your tiny brain.

1) What holy, lifesaving power do you think a declaration of a state of emergency has? More specifically, what holy, lifesaving power do you think a national state of emergency has over one issued by the governors of the states having the problems? Do you even know what a state of emergency does?

2) What criteria has to be met to declare a state of emergency? Do you know, or do you just imagine that the President can declare one on a whim, because he feels like it?

3) What information did he have at the time that would have indicated a national state of emergency earlier than March 13? Note the emphasis: I am not asking you what you know, or think you know, right now at the end of May, that you're projecting back to March. I asked what information he was working with THEN.
Trump's numbers are only going to get worse when the second wave of this epidemic comes, and I would bet the farm that it will happen in the fall!

Dr. Fauci, who Trump has essentially gagged, agrees with you. It may wane in the summer months but no one seems to be sure if it will recede in any significant way. But Trump's numbers are tumbling because the economy is crumbling. Worse than 2008 and comparable to 1929.

Essentially gagged? The man's been all over the place for months, holding forth on what he knew, what he thought he knew, which projections he was scared by.

You should stop pissing your frillies about coronavirus and start worrying about the raging case of schizophrenic delusions you've developed.
This just shows you what a miserable failure Trump is.

A guy in his basement with short-term memory problems is beating Trump in the polls.

I keep saying it's not that Biden is winning, it's just that Trump is losing.

Yet Trump's approval on Gallup is the highest it's ever been and his approval is higher than Obama's was at this same time. Polls are so odd.

It's almost like it makes a difference who you ask, and what you ask them.
Trump has done this to himself.
Captain Clorox screwed himself when he got involved with the COVID Task Force.
He announces he's taking a drug that could give him cardiac arrest and is not recommended by any public health official for Coronavirus.
He's ramping up an attack on one of the most popular living politicians, Barack Obama.
His mismanagement of the pandemic has the U.S. with almost 1/3 of all COVID cases GLOBALLY even though the U.S. has just 4.5% of the world's population.
He has NO ONE to blame but himself.

True but he'll have four years I think about it anyway. He is going to be re-elected... All the mental masturbation on the planet won't prevent it. Surely you have learned by now that the media is not going to tell you the truth when it comes to the polling numbers.

Or anything else.
Trump has done okay with this virus, it's some of those governors that really screwed up.

Governors don't have the authority to declare a national emergency.
It took DOtard until March 13 to do so after being warned for three months that this was going to be a threat.
So you're one of those cockroaches who thinks 100,000 dead in 3 months is called a success.
That's right Sparky, 90 days and 100,000 dead .....and COUNTING.
I won't even go into the economic ramifications of 30,000,000 being out of work.
Your Dear Leader is fucking toast.

Thanks, Obama!
This just shows you what a miserable failure Trump is.

A guy in his basement with short-term memory problems is beating Trump in the polls.

I keep saying it's not that Biden is winning, it's just that Trump is losing.

lol liberals still believe the polls. When are you going to learn most Trump supporters hang up on poll takers , me included LOL

That reminds me.

Fifty-six percent of Trump voters want the pollster to get off their lawn, and the other 44 percent didn’t answer the questions because they couldn’t stop laughing.
One can only hope that those who voted for Trump in 2016 – those who voted for Trump not because they liked Trump or supported Trump but voted for Trump just to keep Clinton out of office – have learned the bitter lesson of just how bad Trump truly is
Sorry, but we love this guy. Your hysteria has changed nothing. In fact, moderates have learned he's pretty damn good and the left is insane.

I don't know that I love him, but I agree with Andrew Klavan that conservatives should build a damned statue to him just on the basis of his defense of and adherence to federalism.
If you think Biden is ahead now, when he names runway supermodel beauty Stacy Abrams his polls will be stratospheric. Reporters will swoon at her dazzling smile.

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