Biden ahead by 11 points: Quinnipiac Poll

A guy in his basement with short-term memory problems is beating Trump in the polls.

No wonder President Hillary loves Quinniapiac...look how they were right out front predicting her "landslide".

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Again, Trumptard, look at the date. August 2016, two months before Comey through Hillary under the bus.

Be sure to wipe down your keyboard after you get done orgasming over your "all-important" May polls.
Read it and weep, TrumpTards.
In the aggregate, it doesn't look good for Trump (

GOOD LORD, Even Rasmussen has Biden winning! LOL!

Who wants to bet the next live Trump rally won't be held in Tennessee or North Carolina?

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Those are Hillary polls. They just scratched her name out and inserted his. They will be doing so right up to the evening of Nov. 7th. when the real weeping ensues...
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Look how stunned they are. But the polls, the POLLS!!!o_O

They had a right to be stunned. But I bet even THEY didn't know that Trump would advise injecting Clorox into their veins 3.5 years later. They were visionaries nonetheless. Or a depression that would rival 1929 would be Trump's crown jewel.

They didn't know that, because it didn't happen. No, really, it didn't, I don't care WHAT your thought masters told you to believe.
Read it and weep, TrumpTards.
In the aggregate, it doesn't look good for Trump (

GOOD LORD, Even Rasmussen has Biden winning! LOL!

Who wants to bet the next live Trump rally won't be held in Tennessee or North Carolina?

View attachment 338723

Those are Hillary polls. They just scratched her name out and inserted his. They will be doing so right up to the evening of Nov. 7th. when the real weeping ensues...
View attachment 338725

Look how stunned they are. But the polls, the POLLS!!!o_O

They had a right to be stunned. But I bet even THEY didn't know that Trump would advise injecting Clorox into their veins 3.5 years later. They were visionaries nonetheless. Or a depression that would rival 1929 would be Trump's crown jewel.
But I bet even THEY didn't know that Trump would advise injecting Clorox into their veins 3.5 years later.

I love it when single digit IQ morons don't know when to stop pushing a debunked lie. :iyfyus.jpg:

Excuse me???
You must not have been watching those Task Force press conferences, you fucking idiot.

Learn the difference between "not watching", and "not watching to find something to piss and moan about".
Hillary was supposedly up 16 points and she still lost... Its funny as hell to watch these fools fall for this again..
You counting on help from the FBI and the Russians again?

Because that's what ate into her lead...

You counting on help from the FBI and the Russians again?

It was awful!!!!

All these people exposing her corruption, how was she supposed to win?
Hillary's corruption must always remain hidden, Hillary's corruption must never be exposed.

Trumps leadership on Coronavirus has been abysmal

It will only get worse by Election Day

I am startiing to stockpile these quotes. Should be fascinating come November. :D

By November the economy is going to be in a worse recession than 2008, unless you can remember any other POTUS's getting re-elected with 30,000,000 unemployed?

And this is why:

""""After his party's success in the 1934 mid-term elections, Roosevelt presided over the establishment of the Works Progress Administration (WPA), another major work relief agency. He also won passage of the Social Security Act, which created a national old-age pension program known as Social Security. The same act also established a national unemployment insurance program, as well as the Aid to Dependent Children, which provided aid to families headed by single mothers. A third major piece of legislation, the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, guaranteed workers the right of collective bargaining and established the National Labor Relations Board.""""
I cant entirely disagree with that argument

FDR did everything he could think of to keep the unemployed workers from starving

And even though he never got the results he wanted the voters gave him credit for trying

now libs want to blame everything on trump when the reality is he has done everything he could to avoid a depression

as a voter I know I dont buy into the hysterical attacks on trump from the left

I'll start blaming Trump for shit the minute a leftist gives me a coherent explanation of what I should blame him for and why. "He didn't take it seriously enough at first", "He did everything wrong!", and "Thousands of people are dead, so OBVIOUSLY he screwed up" are so vague that they're basically a flashing neon sign to indicate that the left has nothing.
One can only hope that those who voted for Trump in 2016 – those who voted for Trump not because they liked Trump or supported Trump but voted for Trump just to keep Clinton out of office – have learned the bitter lesson of just how bad Trump truly is
Sorry, but we love this guy. Your hysteria has changed nothing. In fact, moderates have learned he's pretty damn good and the left is insane.
This just shows you what a miserable failure Trump is.

A guy in his basement with short-term memory problems is beating Trump in the polls.

I keep saying it's not that Biden is winning, it's just that Trump is losing.

as your avatar says Blaine you are the Stupid virus
ObamaGate won't go away, it will take Biden's poll numbers down.

Nah, not for people who aren't political junkies.

I think two things are going to take Biden's poll numbers down.

1) Eventually, his handlers are going to have to stop hiding him. They're going to have to drag him out of his basement, put him in a nice new pot, spray the dust off of his leaves, and take him out to the campaign trail. Or even, God help him, to debates. The voters are going to see him stammering incoherently or wandering off the stage because he forgot where he was, and they're going to realize that all the "Dementia Joe" talk was not just right-wingers being mean.

2) If the Republicans have one entire working brain amongst them - which is unfortunately not a certainty - they are going to spend the run-up to the election reminding everyone that when they were stuck at home, broke and watching everything they've worked for their whole lives disappear, worrying that their jobs might never come back, unable to pay their bills and going to food banks so their kids would go hungry, it was Trump who fought for them to go back to work and to their lives. It was Biden and his creepy Democrat cohorts who railed at them and insulted them, calling them greedy, selfish Grandma-killers who just wanted to get their hair cut and their nails done, who demanded that they stay locked up for the next year like dogs in the fucking pound while the Dems trickled the occasional check to them (after loading up the bill with tons of pork for their pet projects, of course).
ObamaGate won't go away, it will take Biden's poll numbers down.

Nah, not for people who aren't political junkies.

I think two things are going to take Biden's poll numbers down.

1) Eventually, his handlers are going to have to stop hiding him. They're going to have to drag him out of his basement, put him in a nice new pot, spray the dust off of his leaves, and take him out to the campaign trail. Or even, God help him, to debates. The voters are going to see him stammering incoherently or wandering off the stage because he forgot where he was, and they're going to realize that all the "Dementia Joe" talk was not just right-wingers being mean.

2) If the Republicans have one entire working brain amongst them - which is unfortunately not a certainty - they are going to spend the run-up to the election reminding everyone that when they were stuck at home, broke and watching everything they've worked for their whole lives disappear, worrying that their jobs might never come back, unable to pay their bills and going to food banks so their kids would go hungry, it was Trump who fought for them to go back to work and to their lives. It was Biden and his creepy Democrat cohorts who railed at them and insulted them, calling them greedy, selfish Grandma-killers who just wanted to get their hair cut and their nails done, who demanded that they stay locked up for the next year like dogs in the fucking pound while the Dems trickled the occasional check to them (after loading up the bill with tons of pork for their pet projects, of course).
ObamaGate should be enough to take Joe down. If not, some swiftboating will knock his poll numbers down.
For 3 1/2 years I've been saying Trump needs a Corleone Baptism Event where all of America's enemies are simply liquidated

And all the other whiny psychopaths have supported you in your calls for mass murder. We get the scummiest parts of the Trump cult hanging around here, the complete human shitstains. They've been rejected by decent society, so this is their SafeSpace. In any decent society, people like Frank would be immediately shunned by everyone. The Trump cult here is not composed of decent people.

Needless to say, you don't see liberals calling for mass murder. Only the Trump cultists here call for mass murder. And while not all the Trump cultists call for mass murder, all of them here suck up to the people who do call for mass murder.

If Trump and Q keep doing NOTHING, all that does is push back the inevitable

Have you found Hillary Clinton's pizza parlor child sex den yet?


Best post I've seen on this site since I logged on.
High 5 Mamooth!
Donald Trump is imploding as his poll numbers tank. He is wildly creating new diversions and distractions to conceal his incompetent leadership in the Covid19 fight.

The USA was slow to respond to Covid 19 and is one of the worst-performing developed countries. Third world country Vietnam on China's border still has no deaths from Covid19.

The voting public has demonstrated its disapproval of Donald Trump's absence of leadership.

  1. Fifty percent of those surveyed said they currently plan on voting for the former vice president, while 39 percent said they would vote for Trump.
  2. Forty-one percent of respondents said they approve of the job he’s doing to combat the outbreak, down from 46 percent in April.
  3. Disapproval of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic rose to 56 percent from 51 percent last month.
  4. Trump's job approval falling to 42 percent from 45 percent in April.
The orange clown is going down.

Poll: Biden holds 11-point lead over Trump

Poll: Biden holds 11-point lead over Trump
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 05/20/20 02:24 PM EDT 1,170

Former Vice President Joe Biden leads President Trump by double digits in the race for the White House, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll released on Wednesday.

The poll shows Biden with an 11-point advantage over Trump in a national head-to-head match-up. Fifty percent of those surveyed said they currently plan on voting for the former vice president, while 39 percent said they would vote for Trump.

A survey conducted last month by Quinnipiac University showed a slightly tighter race, with Biden taking 49 percent and Trump notching 41 percent.

Trump’s dip in the support tracks with waning voter approval of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Forty-one percent of respondents said they approve of the job he’s doing to combat the outbreak, down from 46 percent in April.

Meanwhile, the number of voters who disapprove of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic rose to 56 percent from 51 percent last month.

The president’s overall job approval is in decline, as well, falling to 42 percent from 45 percent in April.
With 10% more Dems polled... Already a fake thread,on it.

Republicans are flaccid and becoming extinct.

Based on what? Your wishful thinking?
Trump has done okay with this virus, it's some of those governors that really screwed up.

Governors don't have the authority to declare a national emergency.
It took DOtard until March 13 to do so after being warned for three months that this was going to be a threat.
So you're one of those cockroaches who thinks 100,000 dead in 3 months is called a success.
That's right Sparky, 90 days and 100,000 dead .....and COUNTING.
I won't even go into the economic ramifications of 30,000,000 being out of work.
Your Dear Leader is fucking toast.
And a lot of leftists are childish enough to think "feelz" are relevant.

That's right, not wanting to kill all the senior citizens is so emotional of us.

Good luck with your "THE OLD AND WEAK NEED TO DIEDIEDIEDIE FOR THE GLORY OF TRUMP!" plank. Despite what you think, eugenics is not a popular thing, especially with the people you're out to exterminate.

Grown-ups don't waste time worrying about total strangers caring about them. They look at the results and move on.

Which is why you're here ranting at strangers, because you care so little.

Don't worry. After Biden wins, you'll get to take a long break from having your feelings hurt here.

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