Biden already created the best economy EVER

Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

No Stupid! Obama TRIPLED the DOW. He DOUBLED it in his first term. Trump only raised the DOW by 50%. He did half as well as Obama in his first term - and that was BEFORE the pandemic.

As for unemployment, job creation was substantially lower under Trump before the pandemic, and Trump LEFT office with the worst unemployement in a decade.
Dow the day Barry took office : 7949

The day Barry started his second term: 13,649

7949 x 2 = 15,898

Your first claim is a lie.

As far as Barry ”tripling“ the debt, the DOW would have to have been at 23,847 when Barry left office.

It was: 19,827.

Just proved your second claim to be a lie Dragonlady

you are a KKKanadian lying sack of shit.
It's also true the Dow, which had fallen from 14165 to 7949 by inauguration day, continued to fall until it bottomed out at 6627 in March, 2009. So yeah, under Obama, the Dow tripled under Obama from 6627 to 19827.
Just because Barry tanked the DOW in his first few months doesn't mean he wasn't handed the DOW at 7949, Stupid.

Nice try.
First few months??

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con?
Yes, first few months. According to your number, Barry tanked the Dow over 1300 pts from late Jan to March.

You are a special kind of stupid.
Dumbfuck, 6½ weeks is not a "few months." It's not even 2 months. Regardless of your lies, the Dow collapsed from 14K+ to about 6600 due to Bush's Great Recession. It then tripled by the time Obama left office.
Even better. Barry crashed the market in under two months.

Boy, did he suck sweaty donkey balls.

And no, you don't get to have it both ways...................can't blame Bush for Barry's crash then try to give credit to Veggie Joe for Trump's rising Dow.

You clowns are too easy. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:

He crashed a market that began crashing more than a year before he became president?? You're even crazier than I thought.

Can't have it both ways, Stupid.

Tell me again, rightard, how Obama crashed a market that began crashing before he was president......

You funny.

Tell me how Veggie Joe caused the market to go up that was going up for months before he took office?

You are beyond stupid. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:
The same way many on the right claimed the same about Trump 4 years ago -- his mere presence inspired the market.
Like Barry's mere presence tanked the market?

Got it.

Tanks a market that began tanking more than a year earlier? Seems you think Obama had great powers.

When it comes to fucking things up, only Veggie Joe is better than Barry Hussein.
Maybe, but still better than one-term Twice Impeached Trump.
Found that quote by Trump saying unemployment on his watch was 34% yet? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:

Who knows why you keep asking me to find a quote to something I never said. Exactly how delirious are you?? :ack-1:
Deficits don’t matter ....Reagan proved that

Biden has the greatest economy in history. After only two months

The stock market is not the economy. Unemployment didn't change between Jan and Feb, and we won't get the March report until early April.
The unemployment didn't change? WTF are you talking about? The real unemployment rate was about 43% under Trump. Now the BLS reports it's 6.2%.
43% unemployment?

Do you ever not lie
Who's lying?

When the BLS reported the unemployment rate was 5.3% under Obama, Trump said that was a joke and that the real unemployment rate was as high as 42%. Well during Trump's final month I'm office, the unemployment rate was one percentage point higher than when Trump said...

“The number isn't reflective. I've seen numbers of 24 percent -- I actually saw a number of 42 percent unemployment. Forty-two percent. 5.3 percent unemployment -- that is the biggest joke there is in this country. The unemployment rate is probably 20 percent, but I will tell you, you have some great economists that will tell you it's a 30, 32. And the highest I've heard so far is 42 percent.”

That would make the unemployment rate he handed Buden as high as about 43%. The BLS reported February's unemployment rate at 6.2%.
Who's lying?

You are, liar.
How can I be lying when I'm using Trump's figures?
Link us up to Trump saying unemployment was 43% on his watch.................

Or is that just another lie by you, liar?

Linky....linky....... :laughing0301:
I never claimed Trump said it was 43% on his watch. Just how retarded are you?
Um, you claimed unemployment on Trump's watch was 43%, and when I posted the real numbers you said you were using Trump's numbers for that figure.

You can't get any dumber.
Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

No Stupid! Obama TRIPLED the DOW. He DOUBLED it in his first term. Trump only raised the DOW by 50%. He did half as well as Obama in his first term - and that was BEFORE the pandemic.

As for unemployment, job creation was substantially lower under Trump before the pandemic, and Trump LEFT office with the worst unemployement in a decade.
Dow the day Barry took office : 7949

The day Barry started his second term: 13,649

7949 x 2 = 15,898

Your first claim is a lie.

As far as Barry ”tripling“ the debt, the DOW would have to have been at 23,847 when Barry left office.

It was: 19,827.

Just proved your second claim to be a lie Dragonlady

you are a KKKanadian lying sack of shit.
It's also true the Dow, which had fallen from 14165 to 7949 by inauguration day, continued to fall until it bottomed out at 6627 in March, 2009. So yeah, under Obama, the Dow tripled under Obama from 6627 to 19827.
Just because Barry tanked the DOW in his first few months doesn't mean he wasn't handed the DOW at 7949, Stupid.

Nice try.
First few months??

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con?
Yes, first few months. According to your number, Barry tanked the Dow over 1300 pts from late Jan to March.

You are a special kind of stupid.
Dumbfuck, 6½ weeks is not a "few months." It's not even 2 months. Regardless of your lies, the Dow collapsed from 14K+ to about 6600 due to Bush's Great Recession. It then tripled by the time Obama left office.
Even better. Barry crashed the market in under two months.

Boy, did he suck sweaty donkey balls.

And no, you don't get to have it both ways...................can't blame Bush for Barry's crash then try to give credit to Veggie Joe for Trump's rising Dow.

You clowns are too easy. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:

Yes, we do get to have it both ways. The market crashed on September 29th, 2008, 6 weeks before Obama was elected President, and 4 months before he was Inaugurated.

Despite the attempts of idiots like you to paint this crash as the fault of the Democrats, the crash fully belonged to the Bush Administration, and Newt Gingerich, and the Republican Congress before him.

Republicans in control of the House and Senate pushed Clinton for a repeal of Glass-Seagal, which was signed in early 1999, after his impeachment. The Gramm-Leach-Bililey Act deregulated the stock market, allowing for the sale of high risk "derivatives" - limitations designed to prevent another Great Depression. As we've seen since 1999, we've had two major Republican-lead economic collapses since, as well as the collapse at the end of the Clinton Administration.

Republicans have owned EVERY stock market crash/economic collapse, in the history of the nation. Crashing the economy and putting poor people on public assistance is the Republican way of business. In the past 20 years, they've added "private profits/public losses" to their agenda of tax cuts, and destroying worker rights.

Notice how quickly Republicans have moved to removed worker health and safety requirements in the pandemic.

Yeah, keep trying to rewrite history, you useless little snot.
Yes, we do get to have it both ways.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

There it is folks. There it is.

Typical Libtard thinking...........................we get to have it any way we want to make it up. Reality has no impact on how we view things.

Thanks, Fuckwit.
Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

No Stupid! Obama TRIPLED the DOW. He DOUBLED it in his first term. Trump only raised the DOW by 50%. He did half as well as Obama in his first term - and that was BEFORE the pandemic.

As for unemployment, job creation was substantially lower under Trump before the pandemic, and Trump LEFT office with the worst unemployement in a decade.
Dow the day Barry took office : 7949

The day Barry started his second term: 13,649

7949 x 2 = 15,898

Your first claim is a lie.

As far as Barry ”tripling“ the debt, the DOW would have to have been at 23,847 when Barry left office.

It was: 19,827.

Just proved your second claim to be a lie Dragonlady

you are a KKKanadian lying sack of shit.
It's also true the Dow, which had fallen from 14165 to 7949 by inauguration day, continued to fall until it bottomed out at 6627 in March, 2009. So yeah, under Obama, the Dow tripled under Obama from 6627 to 19827.
Just because Barry tanked the DOW in his first few months doesn't mean he wasn't handed the DOW at 7949, Stupid.

Nice try.
First few months??

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con?
Yes, first few months. According to your number, Barry tanked the Dow over 1300 pts from late Jan to March.

You are a special kind of stupid.
Dumbfuck, 6½ weeks is not a "few months." It's not even 2 months. Regardless of your lies, the Dow collapsed from 14K+ to about 6600 due to Bush's Great Recession. It then tripled by the time Obama left office.
Even better. Barry crashed the market in under two months.

Boy, did he suck sweaty donkey balls.

And no, you don't get to have it both ways...................can't blame Bush for Barry's crash then try to give credit to Veggie Joe for Trump's rising Dow.

You clowns are too easy. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:

He crashed a market that began crashing more than a year before he became president?? You're even crazier than I thought.

Can't have it both ways, Stupid.

Tell me again, rightard, how Obama crashed a market that began crashing before he was president......

You funny.

Tell me how Veggie Joe caused the market to go up that was going up for months before he took office?

You are beyond stupid. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:
The same way many on the right claimed the same about Trump 4 years ago -- his mere presence inspired the market.
Like Barry's mere presence tanked the market?

Got it.

Tanks a market that began tanking more than a year earlier? Seems you think Obama had great powers.

When it comes to fucking things up, only Veggie Joe is better than Barry Hussein.
Maybe, but still better than one-term Twice Impeached Trump.
Found that quote by Trump saying unemployment on his watch was 34% yet? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:

Who knows why you keep asking me to find a quote to something I never said. Exactly how delirious are you?? :ack-1:
My bad, you claimed it was 43%, not 34%.

Congrats on catching the typo. Now, show us your math that got you to your lie it was 43%.
Deficits don’t matter ....Reagan proved that

Biden has the greatest economy in history. After only two months

The stock market is not the economy. Unemployment didn't change between Jan and Feb, and we won't get the March report until early April.
The unemployment didn't change? WTF are you talking about? The real unemployment rate was about 43% under Trump. Now the BLS reports it's 6.2%.
43% unemployment?

Do you ever not lie
Who's lying?

When the BLS reported the unemployment rate was 5.3% under Obama, Trump said that was a joke and that the real unemployment rate was as high as 42%. Well during Trump's final month I'm office, the unemployment rate was one percentage point higher than when Trump said...

“The number isn't reflective. I've seen numbers of 24 percent -- I actually saw a number of 42 percent unemployment. Forty-two percent. 5.3 percent unemployment -- that is the biggest joke there is in this country. The unemployment rate is probably 20 percent, but I will tell you, you have some great economists that will tell you it's a 30, 32. And the highest I've heard so far is 42 percent.”

That would make the unemployment rate he handed Buden as high as about 43%. The BLS reported February's unemployment rate at 6.2%.
Who's lying?

You are, liar.
How can I be lying when I'm using Trump's figures?
Link us up to Trump saying unemployment was 43% on his watch.................

Or is that just another lie by you, liar?

Linky....linky....... :laughing0301:
I never claimed Trump said it was 43% on his watch. Just how retarded are you?
Um, you claimed unemployment on Trump's watch was 43%, and when I posted the real numbers you said you were using Trump's numbers for that figure.

You can't get any dumber.
Great, now quote me saying Trump used that figure while he was president...


When you can't, you'll be tacitly admitting you lied.
Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

No Stupid! Obama TRIPLED the DOW. He DOUBLED it in his first term. Trump only raised the DOW by 50%. He did half as well as Obama in his first term - and that was BEFORE the pandemic.

As for unemployment, job creation was substantially lower under Trump before the pandemic, and Trump LEFT office with the worst unemployement in a decade.
Dow the day Barry took office : 7949

The day Barry started his second term: 13,649

7949 x 2 = 15,898

Your first claim is a lie.

As far as Barry ”tripling“ the debt, the DOW would have to have been at 23,847 when Barry left office.

It was: 19,827.

Just proved your second claim to be a lie Dragonlady

you are a KKKanadian lying sack of shit.
It's also true the Dow, which had fallen from 14165 to 7949 by inauguration day, continued to fall until it bottomed out at 6627 in March, 2009. So yeah, under Obama, the Dow tripled under Obama from 6627 to 19827.
Just because Barry tanked the DOW in his first few months doesn't mean he wasn't handed the DOW at 7949, Stupid.

Nice try.
First few months??

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con?
Yes, first few months. According to your number, Barry tanked the Dow over 1300 pts from late Jan to March.

You are a special kind of stupid.
Dumbfuck, 6½ weeks is not a "few months." It's not even 2 months. Regardless of your lies, the Dow collapsed from 14K+ to about 6600 due to Bush's Great Recession. It then tripled by the time Obama left office.
Even better. Barry crashed the market in under two months.

Boy, did he suck sweaty donkey balls.

And no, you don't get to have it both ways...................can't blame Bush for Barry's crash then try to give credit to Veggie Joe for Trump's rising Dow.

You clowns are too easy. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:

He crashed a market that began crashing more than a year before he became president?? You're even crazier than I thought.

Can't have it both ways, Stupid.

Tell me again, rightard, how Obama crashed a market that began crashing before he was president......

You funny.

Tell me how Veggie Joe caused the market to go up that was going up for months before he took office?

You are beyond stupid. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:
The same way many on the right claimed the same about Trump 4 years ago -- his mere presence inspired the market.
Like Barry's mere presence tanked the market?

Got it.

Tanks a market that began tanking more than a year earlier? Seems you think Obama had great powers.

When it comes to fucking things up, only Veggie Joe is better than Barry Hussein.
Maybe, but still better than one-term Twice Impeached Trump.
Found that quote by Trump saying unemployment on his watch was 34% yet? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:

Who knows why you keep asking me to find a quote to something I never said. Exactly how delirious are you?? :ack-1:
My bad, you claimed it was 43%, not 34%.

Congrats on catching the typo. Now, show us your math that got you to your lie it was 43%.

I said nothing about a typo, dumbfuck.

Deficits don’t matter ....Reagan proved that

Biden has the greatest economy in history. After only two months

The stock market is not the economy. Unemployment didn't change between Jan and Feb, and we won't get the March report until early April.
The unemployment didn't change? WTF are you talking about? The real unemployment rate was about 43% under Trump. Now the BLS reports it's 6.2%.
43% unemployment?

Do you ever not lie
Who's lying?

When the BLS reported the unemployment rate was 5.3% under Obama, Trump said that was a joke and that the real unemployment rate was as high as 42%. Well during Trump's final month I'm office, the unemployment rate was one percentage point higher than when Trump said...

“The number isn't reflective. I've seen numbers of 24 percent -- I actually saw a number of 42 percent unemployment. Forty-two percent. 5.3 percent unemployment -- that is the biggest joke there is in this country. The unemployment rate is probably 20 percent, but I will tell you, you have some great economists that will tell you it's a 30, 32. And the highest I've heard so far is 42 percent.”

That would make the unemployment rate he handed Buden as high as about 43%. The BLS reported February's unemployment rate at 6.2%.
Who's lying?

You are, liar.
How can I be lying when I'm using Trump's figures?
Link us up to Trump saying unemployment was 43% on his watch.................

Or is that just another lie by you, liar?

Linky....linky....... :laughing0301:
I never claimed Trump said it was 43% on his watch. Just how retarded are you?
Um, you claimed unemployment on Trump's watch was 43%, and when I posted the real numbers you said you were using Trump's numbers for that figure.

You can't get any dumber.
Great, now quote me saying Trump used that figure while he was president...


When you can't, you'll be tacitly admitting you lied.
You said you used Trump's figures when you claimed the unemployment rate under Trump was 43%, Stupid.

Wow! If your IQ fell 2 pts it would be in negative numbers.

Keep crawfishing................this is fun. :banana: :banana: :banana:
Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

No Stupid! Obama TRIPLED the DOW. He DOUBLED it in his first term. Trump only raised the DOW by 50%. He did half as well as Obama in his first term - and that was BEFORE the pandemic.

As for unemployment, job creation was substantially lower under Trump before the pandemic, and Trump LEFT office with the worst unemployement in a decade.
Dow the day Barry took office : 7949

The day Barry started his second term: 13,649

7949 x 2 = 15,898

Your first claim is a lie.

As far as Barry ”tripling“ the debt, the DOW would have to have been at 23,847 when Barry left office.

It was: 19,827.

Just proved your second claim to be a lie Dragonlady

you are a KKKanadian lying sack of shit.
It's also true the Dow, which had fallen from 14165 to 7949 by inauguration day, continued to fall until it bottomed out at 6627 in March, 2009. So yeah, under Obama, the Dow tripled under Obama from 6627 to 19827.
Just because Barry tanked the DOW in his first few months doesn't mean he wasn't handed the DOW at 7949, Stupid.

Nice try.
First few months??

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con?
Yes, first few months. According to your number, Barry tanked the Dow over 1300 pts from late Jan to March.

You are a special kind of stupid.
Dumbfuck, 6½ weeks is not a "few months." It's not even 2 months. Regardless of your lies, the Dow collapsed from 14K+ to about 6600 due to Bush's Great Recession. It then tripled by the time Obama left office.
Even better. Barry crashed the market in under two months.

Boy, did he suck sweaty donkey balls.

And no, you don't get to have it both ways...................can't blame Bush for Barry's crash then try to give credit to Veggie Joe for Trump's rising Dow.

You clowns are too easy. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:

He crashed a market that began crashing more than a year before he became president?? You're even crazier than I thought.

Can't have it both ways, Stupid.

Tell me again, rightard, how Obama crashed a market that began crashing before he was president......

You funny.

Tell me how Veggie Joe caused the market to go up that was going up for months before he took office?

You are beyond stupid. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:
The same way many on the right claimed the same about Trump 4 years ago -- his mere presence inspired the market.
Like Barry's mere presence tanked the market?

Got it.

Tanks a market that began tanking more than a year earlier? Seems you think Obama had great powers.

When it comes to fucking things up, only Veggie Joe is better than Barry Hussein.

"Veggie Joe" has already done more to get the pandemic under control in 50 days, than Donald Trump did in the entire year before him. It truly demonstrates what a pathetic failure Donald Trump really was as President.

I mean if "Veggie Joe" can stop the rate of disease and death, and get the country back on the road to recovery, both health-wise, and economically in just 50 days, how is it that a "Stable Genius" like Donald Trump, the greatest President who every lived, couldn't do it in an entire year? All of the other leaders every other First World country managed to get the job done, making Trump look even worse.

Think about it. By every economic measure, Donald Trump failed to do as well as Barrack Obama - the guy he called the "Worst President in History". Deficits up, trade deficit up by over $200 billion, half the stock market growth of Obama's first term. The list is endless. Now a guy you call "Veggie Joe" is doing something Trump tried and failed to do for an entire year.

The media doesn't make Donald Trump look bad. Trump's endless list of failures goes on and on. Starting with 500,000 dead. That will be the millstone history hangs around the neck of the twice impeached, criminal you think is the greatest president ever.

This is why you're an idiot.
Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

No Stupid! Obama TRIPLED the DOW. He DOUBLED it in his first term. Trump only raised the DOW by 50%. He did half as well as Obama in his first term - and that was BEFORE the pandemic.

As for unemployment, job creation was substantially lower under Trump before the pandemic, and Trump LEFT office with the worst unemployement in a decade.
Dow the day Barry took office : 7949

The day Barry started his second term: 13,649

7949 x 2 = 15,898

Your first claim is a lie.

As far as Barry ”tripling“ the debt, the DOW would have to have been at 23,847 when Barry left office.

It was: 19,827.

Just proved your second claim to be a lie Dragonlady

you are a KKKanadian lying sack of shit.
It's also true the Dow, which had fallen from 14165 to 7949 by inauguration day, continued to fall until it bottomed out at 6627 in March, 2009. So yeah, under Obama, the Dow tripled under Obama from 6627 to 19827.
Just because Barry tanked the DOW in his first few months doesn't mean he wasn't handed the DOW at 7949, Stupid.

Nice try.
First few months??

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con?
Yes, first few months. According to your number, Barry tanked the Dow over 1300 pts from late Jan to March.

You are a special kind of stupid.
Dumbfuck, 6½ weeks is not a "few months." It's not even 2 months. Regardless of your lies, the Dow collapsed from 14K+ to about 6600 due to Bush's Great Recession. It then tripled by the time Obama left office.
Even better. Barry crashed the market in under two months.

Boy, did he suck sweaty donkey balls.

And no, you don't get to have it both ways...................can't blame Bush for Barry's crash then try to give credit to Veggie Joe for Trump's rising Dow.

You clowns are too easy. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:

He crashed a market that began crashing more than a year before he became president?? You're even crazier than I thought.

Can't have it both ways, Stupid.

Tell me again, rightard, how Obama crashed a market that began crashing before he was president......

You funny.

Tell me how Veggie Joe caused the market to go up that was going up for months before he took office?

You are beyond stupid. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:
The same way many on the right claimed the same about Trump 4 years ago -- his mere presence inspired the market.
Like Barry's mere presence tanked the market?

Got it.

Tanks a market that began tanking more than a year earlier? Seems you think Obama had great powers.

When it comes to fucking things up, only Veggie Joe is better than Barry Hussein.

"Veggie Joe" has already done more to get the pandemic under control in 50 days, than Donald Trump did in the entire year before him. It truly demonstrates what a pathetic failure Donald Trump really was as President.

I mean if "Veggie Joe" can stop the rate of disease and death, and get the country back on the road to recovery, both health-wise, and economically in just 50 days, how is it that a "Stable Genius" like Donald Trump, the greatest President who every lived, couldn't do it in an entire year? All of the other leaders every other First World country managed to get the job done, making Trump look even worse.

Think about it. By every economic measure, Donald Trump failed to do as well as Barrack Obama - the guy he called the "Worst President in History". Deficits up, trade deficit up by over $200 billion, half the stock market growth of Obama's first term. The list is endless. Now a guy you call "Veggie Joe" is doing something Trump tried and failed to do for an entire year.

The media doesn't make Donald Trump look bad. Trump's endless list of failures goes on and on. Starting with 500,000 dead. That will be the millstone history hangs around the neck of the twice impeached, criminal you think is the greatest president ever.

This is why you're an idiot.
Veggie Joe has done nothing.

He is riding Trump's coattails.

Hell, the vegetable didn't even know there was a vaccine when he took office. His brain is pudding.
My bad, you claimed it was 43%, not 34%.
So you are an admitted liar. Great. He said when Obama had 5% unemployment Trump claimed it was 42%... theory of transitivity says if it’s 6% it must be 43%.
How am I an admitted liar? You just claimed someone else said something, and called me a liar for it. Your connection to reality is missing.:cuckoo: :itsok:
Deficits don’t matter ....Reagan proved that

Biden has the greatest economy in history. After only two months

The stock market is not the economy. Unemployment didn't change between Jan and Feb, and we won't get the March report until early April.
The unemployment didn't change? WTF are you talking about? The real unemployment rate was about 43% under Trump. Now the BLS reports it's 6.2%.
43% unemployment?

Do you ever not lie
Who's lying?

When the BLS reported the unemployment rate was 5.3% under Obama, Trump said that was a joke and that the real unemployment rate was as high as 42%. Well during Trump's final month I'm office, the unemployment rate was one percentage point higher than when Trump said...

“The number isn't reflective. I've seen numbers of 24 percent -- I actually saw a number of 42 percent unemployment. Forty-two percent. 5.3 percent unemployment -- that is the biggest joke there is in this country. The unemployment rate is probably 20 percent, but I will tell you, you have some great economists that will tell you it's a 30, 32. And the highest I've heard so far is 42 percent.”

That would make the unemployment rate he handed Buden as high as about 43%. The BLS reported February's unemployment rate at 6.2%.
Who's lying?

You are, liar.
How can I be lying when I'm using Trump's figures?
Link us up to Trump saying unemployment was 43% on his watch.................

Or is that just another lie by you, liar?

Linky....linky....... :laughing0301:
I never claimed Trump said it was 43% on his watch. Just how retarded are you?
Um, you claimed unemployment on Trump's watch was 43%, and when I posted the real numbers you said you were using Trump's numbers for that figure.

You can't get any dumber.
Great, now quote me saying Trump used that figure while he was president...


When you can't, you'll be tacitly admitting you lied.
You said you used Trump's figures when you claimed the unemployment rate under Trump was 43%, Stupid.

Wow! If your IQ fell 2 pts it would be in negative numbers.

Keep crawfishing................this is fun. :banana: :banana: :banana:
I said I used Trump's figures that Trump used while Obama was president. You lied by claiming I said Trump used those figures while he was president. But you are right, this is fun.
I just find it fascinating that in a country where everyone wears masks, including everyone who voted for Biden, he came in and advocated masks, and it worked!
70 million Tramp voters refuse to wear masks.

And they suddenly started wearing them when Biden said so? They ignored Trump, but listened to Biden. Trump supporters. That's seriously your argument. My God man, do you have a pair?
Not all, but Enough did to bring the daily deaths down to half what they were under Tramp.

The shit you make up. A bunch of Trump supporters started wearing masks when he left office and Biden told them to. This dramatically reduced the spread of Covid nationally. All this even though mask wearing hasn't really correlated with the spread of covid and you have zero evidence ...

You know normal guys fantasize about women.

Oh, and you're a "cynic" who instantly believes all Democrat propaganda, LOL
Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
IF you could you would have already, you didn't so you can't.

That doesn't even make sense. So you think I can't. Fine.

That wasn't the question.

So if I can produce quotes from Democrats before 2007 blaming W for a recession, you'll tell them what pathetic liars they are? Simple question?

It's really easy for you, obviously as a lemming you'd never criticize a Democrat, "cynic." You're a cynic, that's funny as shit.

So? You set the standard. Does it apply to Democrats?
Gee I forgot the FIRST Bush recession, thanks for reminding me, but you STILL lied when you said it began under Clinton.
The NBER sets the dates for recessions and there were none under Clinton and 2 under BUSH, the first began March 2001 and the second began Dec 2007.

Ding ding ding, lemming!

Yes, the first Bush recession, the one that started six months before he took office, even before he was elected. That's the one.

And you have achieved full sheep, "cynic." LOL
Deficits don’t matter ....Reagan proved that

Biden has the greatest economy in history. After only two months

The stock market is not the economy. Unemployment didn't change between Jan and Feb, and we won't get the March report until early April.
The unemployment didn't change? WTF are you talking about? The real unemployment rate was about 43% under Trump. Now the BLS reports it's 6.2%.
43% unemployment?

Do you ever not lie
Who's lying?

When the BLS reported the unemployment rate was 5.3% under Obama, Trump said that was a joke and that the real unemployment rate was as high as 42%. Well during Trump's final month I'm office, the unemployment rate was one percentage point higher than when Trump said...

“The number isn't reflective. I've seen numbers of 24 percent -- I actually saw a number of 42 percent unemployment. Forty-two percent. 5.3 percent unemployment -- that is the biggest joke there is in this country. The unemployment rate is probably 20 percent, but I will tell you, you have some great economists that will tell you it's a 30, 32. And the highest I've heard so far is 42 percent.”

That would make the unemployment rate he handed Buden as high as about 43%. The BLS reported February's unemployment rate at 6.2%.
Who's lying?

You are, liar.
How can I be lying when I'm using Trump's figures?
Link us up to Trump saying unemployment was 43% on his watch.................

Or is that just another lie by you, liar?

Linky....linky....... :laughing0301:
I never claimed Trump said it was 43% on his watch. Just how retarded are you?
Um, you claimed unemployment on Trump's watch was 43%, and when I posted the real numbers you said you were using Trump's numbers for that figure.

You can't get any dumber.
Great, now quote me saying Trump used that figure while he was president...


When you can't, you'll be tacitly admitting you lied.
You said you used Trump's figures when you claimed the unemployment rate under Trump was 43%, Stupid.

Wow! If your IQ fell 2 pts it would be in negative numbers.

Keep crawfishing................this is fun. :banana: :banana: :banana:
I said I used Trump's figures that Trump used while Obama was president. You lied by claiming I said Trump used those figures while he was president. But you are right, this is fun.
So you admit you have no link to any data to back up your unemployment under Trump was 43% lie.

Got it.

Dismissed, liar. :banana: :banana: :banana:
Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
IF you could you would have already, you didn't so you can't.

That doesn't even make sense. So you think I can't. Fine.

That wasn't the question.

So if I can produce quotes from Democrats before 2007 blaming W for a recession, you'll tell them what pathetic liars they are? Simple question?

It's really easy for you, obviously as a lemming you'd never criticize a Democrat, "cynic." You're a cynic, that's funny as shit.

So? You set the standard. Does it apply to Democrats?
You still have produced nothing.
The NBER sets the dates for recessions and there were none under Clinton and 2 under BUSH, the first began March 2001 and the second began Dec 2007.
The first GW recession was caused by old farts being afraid to shop online.
The 2nd GW recession was caused, in part, by GW and the other shitheads who allowed everyone to take out a Jumbo Mortgage.

The first GW recession happened before GW could possibly have had any impact on the economy. You can start it in either 3Q2000 or 1Q2001. The third quarter of 2000 was negative, which means it started then. That was revised to a tiny, tiny gain. Which means it technically started by the normal recession definition of 2 of 3 negative quarters in 1Q2001. Either way, there's no way W could have caused it.

Yes, the second one though was both W and Clinton. It was Clinton's policy to force banks to make bad loans and fund them. W came in in typical Republican fashion and said wow, this is a bad idea. Then expanded the program.

The stretch of HW, Clinton, W, Obama was the worst stretch of four straight Presidents in our history. They were all just terrible
Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
IF you could you would have already, you didn't so you can't.

That doesn't even make sense. So you think I can't. Fine.

That wasn't the question.

So if I can produce quotes from Democrats before 2007 blaming W for a recession, you'll tell them what pathetic liars they are? Simple question?

It's really easy for you, obviously as a lemming you'd never criticize a Democrat, "cynic." You're a cynic, that's funny as shit.

So? You set the standard. Does it apply to Democrats?
Gee I forgot the FIRST Bush recession, thanks for reminding me, but you STILL lied when you said it began under Clinton.
The NBER sets the dates for recessions and there were none under Clinton and 2 under BUSH, the first began March 2001 and the second began Dec 2007.

Ding ding ding, lemming!

Yes, the first Bush recession, the one that started six months before he took office, even before he was elected. That's the one.

And you have achieved full sheep, "cynic." LOL
You're kazzing again. there was no recession 6 months before Bush became president.

The last recession before Bush was during his father's term from 7/90 - 3/91

Do you ever stop kazzing?

Ever??? :ack-1:
Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

No Stupid! Obama TRIPLED the DOW. He DOUBLED it in his first term. Trump only raised the DOW by 50%. He did half as well as Obama in his first term - and that was BEFORE the pandemic.

As for unemployment, job creation was substantially lower under Trump before the pandemic, and Trump LEFT office with the worst unemployement in a decade.
Dow the day Barry took office : 7949

The day Barry started his second term: 13,649

7949 x 2 = 15,898

Your first claim is a lie.

As far as Barry ”tripling“ the debt, the DOW would have to have been at 23,847 when Barry left office.

It was: 19,827.

Just proved your second claim to be a lie Dragonlady

you are a KKKanadian lying sack of shit.
It's also true the Dow, which had fallen from 14165 to 7949 by inauguration day, continued to fall until it bottomed out at 6627 in March, 2009. So yeah, under Obama, the Dow tripled under Obama from 6627 to 19827.
Just because Barry tanked the DOW in his first few months doesn't mean he wasn't handed the DOW at 7949, Stupid.

Nice try.
First few months??

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con?
Yes, first few months. According to your number, Barry tanked the Dow over 1300 pts from late Jan to March.

You are a special kind of stupid.
Dumbfuck, 6½ weeks is not a "few months." It's not even 2 months. Regardless of your lies, the Dow collapsed from 14K+ to about 6600 due to Bush's Great Recession. It then tripled by the time Obama left office.
Even better. Barry crashed the market in under two months.

Boy, did he suck sweaty donkey balls.

And no, you don't get to have it both ways...................can't blame Bush for Barry's crash then try to give credit to Veggie Joe for Trump's rising Dow.

You clowns are too easy. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:

He crashed a market that began crashing more than a year before he became president?? You're even crazier than I thought.

Can't have it both ways, Stupid.

Tell me again, rightard, how Obama crashed a market that began crashing before he was president......

You funny.

Tell me how Veggie Joe caused the market to go up that was going up for months before he took office?

You are beyond stupid. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:
The same way many on the right claimed the same about Trump 4 years ago -- his mere presence inspired the market.
Like Barry's mere presence tanked the market?

Got it.

Tanks a market that began tanking more than a year earlier? Seems you think Obama had great powers.

When it comes to fucking things up, only Veggie Joe is better than Barry Hussein.

"Veggie Joe" has already done more to get the pandemic under control in 50 days, than Donald Trump did in the entire year before him. It truly demonstrates what a pathetic failure Donald Trump really was as President.

I mean if "Veggie Joe" can stop the rate of disease and death, and get the country back on the road to recovery, both health-wise, and economically in just 50 days, how is it that a "Stable Genius" like Donald Trump, the greatest President who every lived, couldn't do it in an entire year? All of the other leaders every other First World country managed to get the job done, making Trump look even worse.

Think about it. By every economic measure, Donald Trump failed to do as well as Barrack Obama - the guy he called the "Worst President in History". Deficits up, trade deficit up by over $200 billion, half the stock market growth of Obama's first term. The list is endless. Now a guy you call "Veggie Joe" is doing something Trump tried and failed to do for an entire year.

The media doesn't make Donald Trump look bad. Trump's endless list of failures goes on and on. Starting with 500,000 dead. That will be the millstone history hangs around the neck of the twice impeached, criminal you think is the greatest president ever.

This is why you're an idiot.
Democrats are so sleazy, they try to take credit for the accomplishment of Republicans. They also try to blame the GOP for their monumental f-ups like Psaki the yesterday blaming the border (non)-crisis on the Trump administration.

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