Biden already created the best economy EVER

Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
Kazzer, there was no recession under Clinton...

Do you ever stop kazzing?

Ever??? :ack-1:

So let's go with your data for the start of the recession in March 2001 instead of 3Q 2000.

What did W do that caused a recession one month after he took office? How did he accomplish that?
Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
Kazzer, there was no recession under Clinton...

Do you ever stop kazzing?

Ever??? :ack-1:

Who knows how demented you have to be to think that means there was a recession under Clinton when there wasn't?

I realize you don't know this because you're stupid, but you're banking on an actually extremely narrow argument.

- The common definition in economics for a recession is 2 out of 3 negative quarters. This is commonly used as a standard, but only for laypeople such as yourself. There is no economic theory behind it. It just makes a simple chart for simpletons. You know, you.

- The 3Q of 2000 was originally negative which means the recession started then. But it was revised to be a tiny bit positive, which got Clinton off the technical hook.

No one in economics would think that tiny adjustment from negative to tiny positive had any actual economic meaning.

You really just keep showing how ignorant you are despite all the bluster

Who knows how demented you have to be to think that means there was a recession under Clinton when there wasn't?

When did I say there was? I simply showed you that he blames himself. You may go back to getting schooled by Kaz now. Adios.

Even if we accept Faun's entire argument, he's claiming W caused a recession one month from when he went into office.

That obviously is impossible. It was 11 months before W would even have a budget that was not Clinton's
Deficits don’t matter ....Reagan proved that

Biden has the greatest economy in history. After only two months

The stock market is not the economy. Unemployment didn't change between Jan and Feb, and we won't get the March report until early April.
The unemployment didn't change? WTF are you talking about? The real unemployment rate was about 43% under Trump. Now the BLS reports it's 6.2%.
43% unemployment?

Do you ever not lie
Who's lying?

When the BLS reported the unemployment rate was 5.3% under Obama, Trump said that was a joke and that the real unemployment rate was as high as 42%. Well during Trump's final month I'm office, the unemployment rate was one percentage point higher than when Trump said...

“The number isn't reflective. I've seen numbers of 24 percent -- I actually saw a number of 42 percent unemployment. Forty-two percent. 5.3 percent unemployment -- that is the biggest joke there is in this country. The unemployment rate is probably 20 percent, but I will tell you, you have some great economists that will tell you it's a 30, 32. And the highest I've heard so far is 42 percent.”

That would make the unemployment rate he handed Buden as high as about 43%. The BLS reported February's unemployment rate at 6.2%.
Who's lying?

You are, liar.
How can I be lying when I'm using Trump's figures?
Link us up to Trump saying unemployment was 43% on his watch.................

Or is that just another lie by you, liar?

Linky....linky....... :laughing0301:
I never claimed Trump said it was 43% on his watch. Just how retarded are you?
Um, you claimed unemployment on Trump's watch was 43%, and when I posted the real numbers you said you were using Trump's numbers for that figure.

You can't get any dumber.
Great, now quote me saying Trump used that figure while he was president...


When you can't, you'll be tacitly admitting you lied.
You said you used Trump's figures when you claimed the unemployment rate under Trump was 43%, Stupid.

Wow! If your IQ fell 2 pts it would be in negative numbers.

Keep crawfishing................this is fun. :banana: :banana: :banana:
I said I used Trump's figures that Trump used while Obama was president. You lied by claiming I said Trump used those figures while he was president. But you are right, this is fun.
So you admit you have no link to any data to back up your unemployment under Trump was 43% lie.

Got it.

Dismissed, liar. :banana: :banana: :banana:
No, I have a link. You're just lying again claiming I admit I don't. I gave you the quote, but if that's not good enough, here's a link...

“Don’t believe these phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment,” Mr. Trump said in his victory speech after the New Hampshire primary Tuesday night. “The number’s probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent.”

And he said it again here...

If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.
Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
Kazzer, there was no recession under Clinton...

Do you ever stop kazzing?

Ever??? :ack-1:

So let's go with your data for the start of the recession in March 2001 instead of 3Q 2000.

What did W do that caused a recession one month after he took office? How did he accomplish that?
The recession was declared around November, 2001. The decline was due to the dot com bubble burst and was possibly too mild to be considered a recession. If not for 9/11, the NBER may not have even declared a recession that year.
Stocks hit ALL TIME HIGH yesterday. Investors doing back flips over Biden's measured and active response to the pandemic. There has never been anything like this stock market. EVER.

Stocks Climb to All-Time Highs; Crude Oil Declines: Markets Wrap

I knew once we got the economic disaster of a Republican out of power it would turn around.
Deficits don’t matter ....Reagan proved that

Biden has the greatest economy in history. After only two months

The stock market is not the economy. Unemployment didn't change between Jan and Feb, and we won't get the March report until early April.
The unemployment didn't change? WTF are you talking about? The real unemployment rate was about 43% under Trump. Now the BLS reports it's 6.2%.
43% unemployment?

Do you ever not lie
Who's lying?

When the BLS reported the unemployment rate was 5.3% under Obama, Trump said that was a joke and that the real unemployment rate was as high as 42%. Well during Trump's final month I'm office, the unemployment rate was one percentage point higher than when Trump said...

“The number isn't reflective. I've seen numbers of 24 percent -- I actually saw a number of 42 percent unemployment. Forty-two percent. 5.3 percent unemployment -- that is the biggest joke there is in this country. The unemployment rate is probably 20 percent, but I will tell you, you have some great economists that will tell you it's a 30, 32. And the highest I've heard so far is 42 percent.”

That would make the unemployment rate he handed Buden as high as about 43%. The BLS reported February's unemployment rate at 6.2%.
Who's lying?

You are, liar.
How can I be lying when I'm using Trump's figures?
Link us up to Trump saying unemployment was 43% on his watch.................

Or is that just another lie by you, liar?

Linky....linky....... :laughing0301:
I never claimed Trump said it was 43% on his watch. Just how retarded are you?
Um, you claimed unemployment on Trump's watch was 43%, and when I posted the real numbers you said you were using Trump's numbers for that figure.

You can't get any dumber.
Great, now quote me saying Trump used that figure while he was president...


When you can't, you'll be tacitly admitting you lied.
You said you used Trump's figures when you claimed the unemployment rate under Trump was 43%, Stupid.

Wow! If your IQ fell 2 pts it would be in negative numbers.

Keep crawfishing................this is fun. :banana: :banana: :banana:
I said I used Trump's figures that Trump used while Obama was president. You lied by claiming I said Trump used those figures while he was president. But you are right, this is fun.
So you admit you have no link to any data to back up your unemployment under Trump was 43% lie.

Got it.

Dismissed, liar. :banana: :banana: :banana:
No, I have a link. You're just lying again claiming I admit I don't. I gave you the quote, but if that's not good enough, here's a link...

“Don’t believe these phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment,” Mr. Trump said in his victory speech after the New Hampshire primary Tuesday night. “The number’s probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent.”

And he said it again here...

If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.
That isn't data you fucking moron.

Go try again.
Stocks hit ALL TIME HIGH yesterday. Investors doing back flips over Biden's measured and active response to the pandemic. There has never been anything like this stock market. EVER.

Stocks Climb to All-Time Highs; Crude Oil Declines: Markets Wrap

I knew once we got the economic disaster of a Republican out of power it would turn around.
Debt hit an all time high yesterday.
Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
Kazzer, there was no recession under Clinton...

Do you ever stop kazzing?

Ever??? :ack-1:

So let's go with your data for the start of the recession in March 2001 instead of 3Q 2000.

What did W do that caused a recession one month after he took office? How did he accomplish that?
The recession was declared around November, 2001. The decline was due to the dot com bubble burst and was possibly too mild to be considered a recession. If not for 9/11, the NBER may not have even declared a recession that year.

So let's go with your blowhard ignorance even though I've explained the recession to you.

November 2001 was still under Clinton's budget.

Even your own twisted logic doesn't get out of the hole you dug yourself into.

That's with you getting all your spin for your whole argument based on an informal definition of "recession." I already told you how the economy was clearly in an economic recession in 3Q2000
Stocks hit ALL TIME HIGH yesterday. Investors doing back flips over Biden's measured and active response to the pandemic. There has never been anything like this stock market. EVER.

Stocks Climb to All-Time Highs; Crude Oil Declines: Markets Wrap

I knew once we got the economic disaster of a Republican out of power it would turn around.
Thank you, President Trump.

Veggie Joe is still riding your coattails.

Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
Kazzer, there was no recession under Clinton...

Do you ever stop kazzing?

Ever??? :ack-1:

Who knows how demented you have to be to think that means there was a recession under Clinton when there wasn't?

I realize you don't know this because you're stupid, but you're banking on an actually extremely narrow argument.

- The common definition in economics for a recession is 2 out of 3 negative quarters. This is commonly used as a standard, but only for laypeople such as yourself. There is no economic theory behind it. It just makes a simple chart for simpletons. You know, you.

- The 3Q of 2000 was originally negative which means the recession started then. But it was revised to be a tiny bit positive, which got Clinton off the technical hook.

No one in economics would think that tiny adjustment from negative to tiny positive had any actual economic meaning.

You really just keep showing how ignorant you are despite all the bluster

You can't kaz your way out of this. I don't know what the original GDP was before it was revised, but regardless of what 2000Q3 GDP was, that period is now:

2000Q1: 1.5​
2000Q2: 7.5​
2000Q3: 0.5​
2000Q4: 2.5​
2001Q1: -1.1​

I doubt Q4 was negative but revised to 2.5 and I'm certain Q2, at 7.5, was never negative.

So you don't have 2 consecutive quarters of negative growth, which leads us to your next kaz...

The common definition in economics for a recession is 2 out of 3 negative quarters.

No, 2 out of 3 negative quarters is not the common definition in economics for a recession. At least 2 consecutive quarters of negative growth is...

What is a recession?
A common definition is two consecutive quarters of decline in GDP, but this isn’t necessary for the economy to be in a recession. A recession just needs to be a contraction of the economy, featuring shrinking production and consumption, higher unemployment, and (sometimes) lower price levels.
The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), a leading economic think tank founded in 1920, is the generally recognized authority in the United States when it comes to declaring a recession. It calls a recession “a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP (Gross Domestic Product), real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales.”¹

But even that isn't the methodology employed by the NBER...

Q: What is a recession? What is an expansion?
A: The NBER's traditional definition of a recession is that it is a significant decline in economic activity that is spread across the economy and that lasts more than a few months. The committee's view is that while each of the three criteria—depth, diffusion, and duration—needs to be met individually to some degree, extreme conditions revealed by one criterion may partially offset weaker indications from another.
Last edited:
Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
Kazzer, there was no recession under Clinton...

Do you ever stop kazzing?

Ever??? :ack-1:

So let's go with your data for the start of the recession in March 2001 instead of 3Q 2000.

What did W do that caused a recession one month after he took office? How did he accomplish that?
The recession was declared around November, 2001. The decline was due to the dot com bubble burst and was possibly too mild to be considered a recession. If not for 9/11, the NBER may not have even declared a recession that year.

So let's go with your blowhard ignorance even though I've explained the recession to you.

November 2001 was still under Clinton's budget.

Even your own twisted logic doesn't get out of the hole you dug yourself into.

That's with you getting all your spin for your whole argument based on an informal definition of "recession." I already told you how the economy was clearly in an economic recession in 3Q2000

Dumbfuck, Clinton's last budget expired before November, 2001.

Your growing desperation is amusing, but there was still no recession when Bush became president.

Again, read .... and learn ...

Deficits don’t matter ....Reagan proved that

Biden has the greatest economy in history. After only two months

The stock market is not the economy. Unemployment didn't change between Jan and Feb, and we won't get the March report until early April.
The unemployment didn't change? WTF are you talking about? The real unemployment rate was about 43% under Trump. Now the BLS reports it's 6.2%.
43% unemployment?

Do you ever not lie
Who's lying?

When the BLS reported the unemployment rate was 5.3% under Obama, Trump said that was a joke and that the real unemployment rate was as high as 42%. Well during Trump's final month I'm office, the unemployment rate was one percentage point higher than when Trump said...

“The number isn't reflective. I've seen numbers of 24 percent -- I actually saw a number of 42 percent unemployment. Forty-two percent. 5.3 percent unemployment -- that is the biggest joke there is in this country. The unemployment rate is probably 20 percent, but I will tell you, you have some great economists that will tell you it's a 30, 32. And the highest I've heard so far is 42 percent.”

That would make the unemployment rate he handed Buden as high as about 43%. The BLS reported February's unemployment rate at 6.2%.
Who's lying?

You are, liar.
How can I be lying when I'm using Trump's figures?
Link us up to Trump saying unemployment was 43% on his watch.................

Or is that just another lie by you, liar?

Linky....linky....... :laughing0301:
I never claimed Trump said it was 43% on his watch. Just how retarded are you?
Um, you claimed unemployment on Trump's watch was 43%, and when I posted the real numbers you said you were using Trump's numbers for that figure.

You can't get any dumber.
Great, now quote me saying Trump used that figure while he was president...


When you can't, you'll be tacitly admitting you lied.
You said you used Trump's figures when you claimed the unemployment rate under Trump was 43%, Stupid.

Wow! If your IQ fell 2 pts it would be in negative numbers.

Keep crawfishing................this is fun. :banana: :banana: :banana:
I said I used Trump's figures that Trump used while Obama was president. You lied by claiming I said Trump used those figures while he was president. But you are right, this is fun.
So you admit you have no link to any data to back up your unemployment under Trump was 43% lie.

Got it.

Dismissed, liar. :banana: :banana: :banana:
No, I have a link. You're just lying again claiming I admit I don't. I gave you the quote, but if that's not good enough, here's a link...

“Don’t believe these phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment,” Mr. Trump said in his victory speech after the New Hampshire primary Tuesday night. “The number’s probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent.”

And he said it again here...

If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.
That isn't data you fucking moron.

Go try again.

No need to try again, I already schooled you, dumbfuck.

Stocks hit ALL TIME HIGH yesterday. Investors doing back flips over Biden's measured and active response to the pandemic. There has never been anything like this stock market. EVER.

Stocks Climb to All-Time Highs; Crude Oil Declines: Markets Wrap

I knew once we got the economic disaster of a Republican out of power it would turn around.
Debt hit an all time high yesterday.
You're kazzing again.

Deficits don’t matter ....Reagan proved that

Biden has the greatest economy in history. After only two months

The stock market is not the economy. Unemployment didn't change between Jan and Feb, and we won't get the March report until early April.
The unemployment didn't change? WTF are you talking about? The real unemployment rate was about 43% under Trump. Now the BLS reports it's 6.2%.
43% unemployment?

Do you ever not lie
Who's lying?

When the BLS reported the unemployment rate was 5.3% under Obama, Trump said that was a joke and that the real unemployment rate was as high as 42%. Well during Trump's final month I'm office, the unemployment rate was one percentage point higher than when Trump said...

“The number isn't reflective. I've seen numbers of 24 percent -- I actually saw a number of 42 percent unemployment. Forty-two percent. 5.3 percent unemployment -- that is the biggest joke there is in this country. The unemployment rate is probably 20 percent, but I will tell you, you have some great economists that will tell you it's a 30, 32. And the highest I've heard so far is 42 percent.”

That would make the unemployment rate he handed Buden as high as about 43%. The BLS reported February's unemployment rate at 6.2%.
Who's lying?

You are, liar.
How can I be lying when I'm using Trump's figures?
Link us up to Trump saying unemployment was 43% on his watch.................

Or is that just another lie by you, liar?

Linky....linky....... :laughing0301:
I never claimed Trump said it was 43% on his watch. Just how retarded are you?
Um, you claimed unemployment on Trump's watch was 43%, and when I posted the real numbers you said you were using Trump's numbers for that figure.

You can't get any dumber.
Great, now quote me saying Trump used that figure while he was president...


When you can't, you'll be tacitly admitting you lied.
You said you used Trump's figures when you claimed the unemployment rate under Trump was 43%, Stupid.

Wow! If your IQ fell 2 pts it would be in negative numbers.

Keep crawfishing................this is fun. :banana: :banana: :banana:
I said I used Trump's figures that Trump used while Obama was president. You lied by claiming I said Trump used those figures while he was president. But you are right, this is fun.
So you admit you have no link to any data to back up your unemployment under Trump was 43% lie.

Got it.

Dismissed, liar. :banana: :banana: :banana:
No, I have a link. You're just lying again claiming I admit I don't. I gave you the quote, but if that's not good enough, here's a link...

“Don’t believe these phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment,” Mr. Trump said in his victory speech after the New Hampshire primary Tuesday night. “The number’s probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent.”

And he said it again here...

If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.
That isn't data you fucking moron.

Go try again.

No need to try again, I already schooled you, dumbfuck.

A quote by Trump isn't BLS data, you fucking moron.

You really couldn't get any dumber if you tried. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Stocks hit ALL TIME HIGH yesterday. Investors doing back flips over Biden's measured and active response to the pandemic. There has never been anything like this stock market. EVER.

Stocks Climb to All-Time Highs; Crude Oil Declines: Markets Wrap

I knew once we got the economic disaster of a Republican out of power it would turn around.
Debt hit an all time high yesterday.
You're kazzing again.

You are too stupid to even know who you are quoting, Dumbass.:cuckoo:
Gas up 25% and rising, which hurts the poor more than anyone. Good job commies.
Gas at all time low adjusted for inflation due to no demand from an economy Trump’s incompetence killed is a BAD thing. Learn economics.

So you want to play word games you stupid lying commie? Gas can't possibly be at an all time low when adjusted for inflation, It might have been when it was 1.86 a few weeks ago, at 2.49, not so fucking much. Now take you commie lies and FOAD.

Don’t be a tard. You are posting insanity. The idiots on here are pointing to the rise of gas up from historical lows as some kind of measure of anything other than the economy sucked, pandemic management was incompetent, and therefore demand was low. Demand is going up. Confidence is going up. And yep, prices have moved off historic lows. I know that was too complicated for a person who chants lock her up and Mexico will pay for the wall.

I don't do chants commie. And you lied when you claimed current prices are at historic lows. Now you're walking that back. And oil prices have almost doubled, demand has little to do with it. So you can keep pushing your lies and commie propaganda, but keep in mind, it's easy to make you look like the fool you are.


I'm not going to watch that shit, that idiots opinion is no more valid than mine. What's wrong, you can't speak for yourself? Tell me oil didn't go from around $38 to $65. Russia and Iran are really happy, thanks xiden.


Dumbass. Prices went negative under Trump. How’s that for great work? He’s a master of 7th level chess. Kill Americans with covid, lock them down, and see oil prices plummet so you can’t give it away. How dumb are you???
View attachment 468064

Mar 15 2021 price 64.81. This thread is about quid pro joe, RIGHT? Run along commie, play your games elsewhere.


This thread is about Biden having the strongest economy in history

Which is nothing but commie propaganda.

Democrats are so sleazy, they try to take credit for the accomplishment of Republicans. They also try to blame the GOP for their monumental f-ups like Psaki the yesterday blaming the border (non)-crisis on the Trump administration.

You can't be a true Democrat unless you are a loyal liar.
Gas up 25% and rising, which hurts the poor more than anyone. Good job commies.
Gas at all time low adjusted for inflation due to no demand from an economy Trump’s incompetence killed is a BAD thing. Learn economics.

So you want to play word games you stupid lying commie? Gas can't possibly be at an all time low when adjusted for inflation, It might have been when it was 1.86 a few weeks ago, at 2.49, not so fucking much. Now take you commie lies and FOAD.

Don’t be a tard. You are posting insanity. The idiots on here are pointing to the rise of gas up from historical lows as some kind of measure of anything other than the economy sucked, pandemic management was incompetent, and therefore demand was low. Demand is going up. Confidence is going up. And yep, prices have moved off historic lows. I know that was too complicated for a person who chants lock her up and Mexico will pay for the wall.

I don't do chants commie. And you lied when you claimed current prices are at historic lows. Now you're walking that back. And oil prices have almost doubled, demand has little to do with it. So you can keep pushing your lies and commie propaganda, but keep in mind, it's easy to make you look like the fool you are.


I'm not going to watch that shit, that idiots opinion is no more valid than mine. What's wrong, you can't speak for yourself? Tell me oil didn't go from around $38 to $65. Russia and Iran are really happy, thanks xiden.


Dumbass. Prices went negative under Trump. How’s that for great work? He’s a master of 7th level chess. Kill Americans with covid, lock them down, and see oil prices plummet so you can’t give it away. How dumb are you???
View attachment 468064

Mar 15 2021 price 64.81. This thread is about quid pro joe, RIGHT? Run along commie, play your games elsewhere.


This thread is about Biden having the strongest economy in history

Which is nothing but commie propaganda.



Commies I say
Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
IF you could you would have already, you didn't so you can't.

That doesn't even make sense. So you think I can't. Fine.

That wasn't the question.

So if I can produce quotes from Democrats before 2007 blaming W for a recession, you'll tell them what pathetic liars they are? Simple question?

It's really easy for you, obviously as a lemming you'd never criticize a Democrat, "cynic." You're a cynic, that's funny as shit.

So? You set the standard. Does it apply to Democrats?
Gee I forgot the FIRST Bush recession, thanks for reminding me, but you STILL lied when you said it began under Clinton.
The NBER sets the dates for recessions and there were none under Clinton and 2 under BUSH, the first began March 2001 and the second began Dec 2007.

Ding ding ding, lemming!

Yes, the first Bush recession, the one that started six months before he took office, even before he was elected. That's the one.

And you have achieved full sheep, "cynic." LOL
You're kazzing again. there was no recession 6 months before Bush became president.

The last recession before Bush was during his father's term from 7/90 - 3/91

Do you ever stop kazzing?

Ever??? :ack-1:
The problem began about a year before GE became President...other than Yahoo and Amazon most web stores were not picking up as much business as they were hoping for.
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