Biden And George Washington

Washington was a brilliant very tough general and president who gave us the USA.
Biden has never been right about anything as per SecDef Gates, and is damaging the USA more every day he's in office.

I see them as polar opposites, one a great man and the other a stupid plagiarizer.
Plagiarizer ? He's not even 1/4 black . :stir:
Here are a few cases, there are more:

Joe Biden's only original thoughts he repeats to himself every time he spies a white adolescent female. He's the guy that loves when children jump on his lap.

Let's see you idiotic liberals dismiss that source.

Fuck Joe Biden and his Biden Crime Family.

An amazing similarity between the two!!!!

1. On this date.........April 30th, 1789

George Washington inaugurated
George Washington, the first president of the United States, was inaugurated this day in 1789 in Federal Hall in New York City, addressing his constituency on “the proceedings of a new and free government.”

View attachment 485601

2. is the singular similarity between 'the Father of our Country,' and the village idiot.
George Washington never mentioned any predecessor.

And during Biden's Speech To The Nation..... Biden "did not mention his predecessor and his entire address of over an hour was based on the only argument the Democrats have put forward on their own behalf in the last five years: Trump hate. He assumed the headship of ”a nation in crisis,” in which our “house was on fire,” and “We stared into the abyss of insurrection and autocracy,” a pitiful and almost subliminal appeal to the Trump Monster.

3. The country had “done nothing about immigration in 30 years,” (most of them under Clinton and Obama), except that under President Trump illegal immigration was reduced by 90%, and the principal problem was effectively solved until Mr. Biden stopped construction of the southern border wall and reopened the borders. He said it was time to do something about the ”dreamers” but that was not the policy of his party when Trump attempted to help them.

The country had “done nothing about immigration in 30 years,” (most of them under Clinton and Obama), except that under President Trump illegal immigration was reduced by 90%, and the principal problem was effectively solved until Mr. Biden stopped construction of the southern border wall and reopened the borders. He said it was time to do something about the ”dreamers” but that was not the policy of his party when Trump attempted to help them.

4. Most outrageously, Mr. Biden took all credit for 220 million vaccinations with no hint that if it had not been for Trump's direct intervention to accelerate the development of vaccines, none of it would have happened.
Almost as disingenuous was the claim that House of Representatives Bill Number 1, which would effectively eliminate any serious method of verifying the validity of individual votes, is really an attack on the Republican effort to attack “the sacred right to vote.“ That bill is almost certainly unconstitutional, would institutionalize and protect mass ballot harvesting, and it ignores the fact that 77% of Americans support photo-identification for voters.

5. After the usual reassertion that everyone is created equal, Mr. Biden slipped in the need to “root out systemic racism that plagues America... White supremacy is terrorism” and has “surpassed Jihadism” as a menace.

The President gave no hint of what he thinks of organizations that are constantly threatening to burn America down if they’re not successful in extracting a full-body immersion in self-humiliation from the majority of Americans who despise all racism. Rarely in his rabidly bowdlerized summary of the nation’s affairs does the president allow the truth to intrude."

By omission and by commission.....

.....Democrats lie about everything.

Of course, Washington is reputed to have said "I cannot tell a lie...."

But Joe.....

"...Joe caught telling the same LIE he’s already admitted was a LIE in the past

Biden actually claimed in this video that his ‘great grandpop’ was a coal miner.

But the problem is he admitted back in 2004 on The Daily Show that he doesn’t have any family members that were coal miners and that this lie has gotten him into trouble:

“The truth of the matter is I’ve gotten myself in trouble. I might be president now if it weren’t for that I said I had an uncle who was a coal miner. Turns out I didn’t know anybody in the coal mines. I tried this crap…you know…it didn’t work.”

George Washington never mentioned any predecessor“

Should he have thanked Cyrus Griffen?

“under President Trump illegal immigration was reduced by 90%”

Let’s see the source that backs this contention.

Sure thing, dope....

"Mexico Is Paying for Trump's Wall

...Mexico. Illegal immigrant crossings nationwide are down almost 80%. At the Arizona-Mexico border, illegal crossings are down by 94%. Once-overcrowded dorms, where we house illegal border crossers, are now empty. And Mexico is keeping illegals who demand asylum on their side of the border. It's another huge Trump victory.

How did he do it? Trump won a masterful negotiation with Mexico.

Faced with tariffs and economic ruin, Mexican officials agreed to place thousands of troops, at their expense, at both their northern and southern borders. Suddenly, no one can get through. A Mexican journalist just named this human wall of Mexican troops "Trump's Wall."

So, in fact, Trump has built the wall, a human wall. And Mexico is paying for it. Bravo."
Mexico Is Paying for Trump's Wall

When will you be presenting your apology?


Try again with a actual source, not some opinion piece that supports your specious narrative.

I just wanted to allow you to prove the lack of class your sort has.


Translation: I cannot support my fallacious opinion with an actual source so I will slither away after embarrassing myself in my own thread.

How does it feel to have that much egg on your face? more chance to prove I'm never wrong and you are simply one more low-life:

Trump Administration Drastically Cuts Refugees Allowed To ...

Sep 26, 2019The new cap, which marks the third time the Trump administration has dwindled the refugee limit, would also be a more than 80% decline compared with the last year of the Obama administration, when...

Border chief: Wall cuts illegal crossings 80% - Washington ...
Border chief: Wall cuts illegal crossings 80%

Feb 27, 2020Democrats eye Trump censure as Senate acquittal all but assured "We've seen apprehensions and illegal entries and gotaways all being reduced by over 80% in that 20-mile stretch," Mr. Morgan told...

A Review Of Trump Immigration Policy - Forbes
A Review Of Trump Immigration Policy

Aug 26, 2020For FY 2020, the Trump administration established an annual ceiling for refugees 84% lower than the final year of the Obama administration (from 110,000 down to 18,000). As of July 17, 2020, only...

Illegal immigrant crossings fall 78% and once overcrowded ...
Illegal immigrant crossings fall 78% and once overcrowded cells are empty

First is daily apprehensions, a number that hit 4,600 at the height of the latest crisis in May. That has now dropped to 1,300. What's more, he said, the 21-daily average is below 1,000, a 78% cut....

Illegal immigration dropped 80 percent in El Paso due to ...
Illegal immigration dropped 80 percent in El Paso due to border wall, border chief says

Illegal immigration in one area of Texas has dropped more than 80 percent thanks to the new border wall system that includes multiple layers of fencing, roads, lights, and extra personnel, the acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan told Congress on Thursday.

Illegal crossings lowest in years as border wall expands ...
Illegal crossings lowest in years as border wall expands | ShareAmerica

Trump said the expanded border wall is helping slow illegal immigration into the United States. He noted that the last two months have seen the lowest number of illegal crossings in years, while illegal crossings from Central America are down 97 percent.

Trump Further Reduces Obama's Refugee Inflow to U.S. by 80 ...
Trump Further Reduces Obama's Refugee Inflow to U.S. by 80 Percent

Oct 1, 2020President Trump is further reducing the inflow of refugees to the United States, cutting their resettlement by 80 percent compared to former President Obama's last year in office.

Now..,...get lost....or at least stand down-wind.

More opinion pieces.

Thanks for proving my point.

Consider yourself embarrassed, again.

Keep trying, you may get the best of me yet.


She already has. All you have come back to her with is puerile one-liners and dismissal of sources.

You have no ability to refute the claims in her links.

You suffer from delusions of adequacy.

Opinion pieces are not sources.


When numbers are quoted in an opinion piece, the claim is that the numbers are true representations of whatever they value. You haven't the balls or the good sense to refute the numbers with quotes from sources of your own.

You suffer from delusions of adequacy.

Oh look, I can use opinion pieces as sources too.

...and that proves what?

Them number of removals should be expected to be lower if the number of illegal entries is lower, even if the percentage of removals is the same.

Statistics can be manipulated support a narrative.

You seem to present no opinion on your linked article. What's your point?
View attachment 485699
"Biden's Address Was Full of Lies
Joe Biden has a long history of uttering untruths, and his speech before a slimmed-down joint session of Congress on Wednesday constituted a continuation of that practice.

One of Biden’s biggest lies was that he inherited an economy in crisis — what he claimed was “the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.” He then went on to tout how he has been responsible for “the economy [creating] more than 1.3 million new jobs in 100 days.” The truth is that from May to December of 2020, the economy under Trump’s leadership recovered 12.1 million jobs, and it was only that resilient because of his prior three years of outstanding stewardship.

Biden’s “savior of the economy” mythology is laid bare by the facts. Freeman notes, “Unemployment in the 1930s soared to roughly 25%. Since October of 2020 it’s been below 7%. By the time Mr. Biden was taking office in January it had fallen to 6.3%. The U.S. unemployment rate has been higher at some point in every decade since the 1930s, including for the entire first five years of the Obama-Biden administration.”

Nevertheless, Biden explicitly took credit for an economic recovery that began months before his election, much less his Oval Office occupancy. “Now, after just 100 days, I can report to the nation: America is on the move again. … America is rising anew. … After 100 days of rescue and renewal, America is ready to takeoff. … One hundred days ago, America’s house was on fire. We had to act.”

Need I mention that Democrats lie about everything?

An amazing similarity between the two!!!!

1. On this date.........April 30th, 1789

George Washington inaugurated
George Washington, the first president of the United States, was inaugurated this day in 1789 in Federal Hall in New York City, addressing his constituency on “the proceedings of a new and free government.”

View attachment 485601

Definitely Modern Democrats as Old Democrats oppose Freedom and True Liberalism which was strong in 1960s and 1970s. Modern Liberals are more Totalitarian then Conservatives.

Both Biden and George Washington fought against Freedom and won. George Washington's victory was a disaster for African Americans. It was also a disaster for people in need of all races who are treated much better in Canada then in USA.
Definitely Modern Democrats as Old Democrats oppose Freedom and True Liberalism which was strong in 1960s and 1970s. Modern Liberals are more Totalitarian then Conservatives.

Both Biden and George Washington fought against Freedom and won. George Washington's victory was a disaster for African Americans. It was also a disaster for people in need of all races who are treated much better in Canada then in USA.

"... people in need of all races who are treated much better in Canada then in USA."

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