Biden and supporters believed this 42 years ago... and more so today!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
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42 years of total bullshit on climate change. Dan Rather spreads fear in this 1982 CBS News report featuring a young and stupid Al Gore, predicting that 25% of Florida will be underwater.

It's Predicted That Florida Will Soon Be Underwater (Here Are The Stats)​

If climate change manifests itself according to predictions, Florida will soon have to abandon football in favor of water polo as a fave sport.

So how much of Florida is underwater today?
Though some parts of Florida – the Everglades in particular at 20 feet – have extremely low elevations, very little of the state is below sea level.
The areas that are below sea level are often man-made. It turns out Florida isn't even the state with the lowest elevation.

And our dumb ass President...his response to "ClimateChangeevangelistas"?
Oh and by the way...
Since President Biden set a bold goal of deploying 30 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030, the Administration has approved the first large-scale projects and new wind energy areas, held record-breaking wind auctions, and issued an action plan to accelerate permitting.
So what will Biden's movement towards Wind Turbines mean to the environment?
abandoned, wind turbines. Damaging the environment!
Screen Shot 2024-05-26 at 10.30.09 AM.webp

And remember Biden wants offshore wind turbines to destroy fossil fuels industry and he guarantees it!
Biden: "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Which means nearly 60% of current electricity generated by "fossil fuels"!
Biden guarantees to destroy 60% of our current electricity source. How stupid!
42 years of total bullshit on climate change. Dan Rather spreads fear in this 1982 CBS News report featuring a young and stupid Al Gore, predicting that 25% of Florida will be underwater.

It's Predicted That Florida Will Soon Be Underwater (Here Are The Stats)​

If climate change manifests itself according to predictions, Florida will soon have to abandon football in favor of water polo as a fave sport.

So how much of Florida is underwater today?
Though some parts of Florida – the Everglades in particular at 20 feet – have extremely low elevations, very little of the state is below sea level.
The areas that are below sea level are often man-made. It turns out Florida isn't even the state with the lowest elevation.

And our dumb ass President...his response to "ClimateChangeevangelistas"?
Oh and by the way...
Since President Biden set a bold goal of deploying 30 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030, the Administration has approved the first large-scale projects and new wind energy areas, held record-breaking wind auctions, and issued an action plan to accelerate permitting.
So what will Biden's movement towards Wind Turbines mean to the environment?
abandoned, wind turbines. Damaging the environment!
View attachment 952324
And remember Biden wants offshore wind turbines to destroy fossil fuels industry and he guarantees it!
Biden: "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Which means nearly 60% of current electricity generated by "fossil fuels"!
Biden guarantees to destroy 60% of our current electricity source. How stupid!
View attachment 952328

Nope not yet, Florida still isnt under water. Far from it.
Florida could be under water for most of the coming hurricane season. It's predicted by climate experts to set records again.

The Atlantic ocean is at record high temperatures, they report.
Florida could be under water for most of the coming hurricane season. It's predicted by climate experts to set records again.

The Atlantic ocean is at record high temperatures, they report.
Climate experts, like Al Gore and Greta Thunberg?

This isn't the first time the earth has cooled and then warmed .. a cycle or pattern. Why is this any different then what has already happened multiple times (this time with incredible financial incentives and politics involved)?
Florida could be under water for most of the coming hurricane season. It's predicted by climate experts to set records again.

The Atlantic ocean is at record high temperatures, they report.
Yet every hurricane that happens (it was supposed to be more frequent and more intense after Katrina) the waters come in and the waters go out. When you build houses on sandbars eventually it might get damaged. Just like building a house near a river, it might get flooded. Build a house in Tornado Alley.....I think you are getting my drift.
Yet every hurricane that happens (it was supposed to be more frequent and more intense after Katrina) the waters come in and the waters go out. When you build houses on sandbars eventually it might get damaged. Just like building a house near a river, it might get flooded. Build a house in Tornado Alley.....I think you are getting my drift.
You're probably saying that Florida has chosen unsuitable places to build houses.

Those places have become more unsuitable in the last decade or so.
The most powerful governments on earth succeeded in keeping Covid from spreading. The vaccines were declared to be safe and effective by both political persuasion, even in the US!

A mere 7.05 million people died from Covid and that includes a million Americans who apparently died for political reasons?

7 million isn't even 00.1% of the world's people!

I think you should make yourself more informed on Climate change than you have on viruses! It's already cost far more dead people than Covid.
Climate experts, like Al Gore and Greta Thunberg?

This isn't the first time the earth has cooled and then warmed .. a cycle or pattern. Why is this any different then what has already happened multiple times (this time with incredible financial incentives and politics involved)?
Mainstream science tells us that this is different, it's caused by humans, and it's preventable.

I think Greta and Al will come out on the side of right eventually. The world is already suffering the results of AGW.
Those places have become more unsuitable in the last decade or so.
I lived in Tampa fl for over 25 years and every year we were getting warnings about "rising tides".
I never saw any!
The sea is rising about one inch every decade, and heavy rainstorms are becoming more se- vere. In the coming decades, rising temperatures are likely to increase storm damages, harm coral reefs, increase the frequency of unpleasantly hot days, and reduce the risk of freezing to Florida’s agriculture.

both Florida and Louisiana have an average elevation of just 100 feet above sea level.

Sea levels are rising globally as a result of ocean warming and land-based ice melt;

So if the sea level rises 1 inch ever 10 years... and the average elevation of Florida is 100 feet above
sea level, to cover 100 feet will require 1200 inches in 100 feet or over 1,000 years. Hmmm.
Mainstream science tells us that this is different, it's caused by humans, and it's preventable.

I think Greta and Al will come out on the side of right eventually. The world is already suffering the results of AGW.
Mainstream science has insights into all the other multiple cycles of cooling and warming? If that's the case, then why are findings always reported as "on record" or "historical record? -- which goes back to 19th century? What about the previous 2 - 3 cycles?
42 years of total bullshit on climate change. Dan Rather spreads fear in this 1982 CBS News report featuring a young and stupid Al Gore, predicting that 25% of Florida will be underwater.

It's Predicted That Florida Will Soon Be Underwater (Here Are The Stats)​

If climate change manifests itself according to predictions, Florida will soon have to abandon football in favor of water polo as a fave sport.

So how much of Florida is underwater today?
Though some parts of Florida – the Everglades in particular at 20 feet – have extremely low elevations, very little of the state is below sea level.
The areas that are below sea level are often man-made. It turns out Florida isn't even the state with the lowest elevation.

And our dumb ass President...his response to "ClimateChangeevangelistas"?
Oh and by the way...
Since President Biden set a bold goal of deploying 30 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030, the Administration has approved the first large-scale projects and new wind energy areas, held record-breaking wind auctions, and issued an action plan to accelerate permitting.
So what will Biden's movement towards Wind Turbines mean to the environment?
abandoned, wind turbines. Damaging the environment!
View attachment 952324
And remember Biden wants offshore wind turbines to destroy fossil fuels industry and he guarantees it!
Biden: "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Which means nearly 60% of current electricity generated by "fossil fuels"!
Biden guarantees to destroy 60% of our current electricity source. How stupid!
View attachment 952328

To their credit they have a perfect track record; wrong, but perfectly so
Mainstream science has insights into all the other multiple cycles of cooling and warming? If that's the case, then why are findings always reported as "on record" or "historical record? -- which goes back to 19th century? What about the previous 2 - 3 cycles?
A more detailed discussion is needed and I'm not detecting any interest in you or others taking part.
To their credit they have a perfect track record; wrong, but perfectly so
Absolutely correct! I lived in west coast of Florida for 25 years and frankly saw no land being covered by new water permanently! Now there were floods for sure, but then receded all due to weather related not melting ice!
You're probably saying that Florida has chosen unsuitable places to build houses.

Those places have become more unsuitable in the last decade or so.
I am saying that anywhere man builds things, nature can do damage to. Not unsuitable, just a lot more crowded. I lived in Northern Florida back when hurricane Donna hit, didnt do much damage at the time, because there werent any megamansion on the beach.
Absolutely correct! I lived in west coast of Florida for 25 years and frankly saw no land being covered by new water permanently! Now there were floods for sure, but then receded all due to weather related not melting ice!
The world's oceans have risen 110 mm in the last 30 years. That's 4-1/3rd inches. In 30 years (3.6" in your 25 years). You actually think your personal observations could have seen whether or not such a rise took place?

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The world's oceans have risen 110 mm in the last 30 years. That's 4-1/3rd inches. In 30 years (3.6" in your 25 years). You actually think your personal observations could have seen whether or not such a rise took place?

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Miami, Florida is only 6.562 feet above sea level
However, sea level rise has accelerated drastically along the U.S. Southeast and Gulf coasts since 2010 and is now more than 10 mm/year (3.9 inches/decade) — about triple the global rate.
So let's do the math...3.9 inches per 10 years or .39 inches per year.
Miami is 78.744 inches above sea level. So divide 78.744 inches by .39 inches sea level growth per year or 201 years before Miami is below sea level. So say the scientists are over 50% wrong but sea level growth is at 1 inch per year for the next 78 years until Miami is under water.
Just to repeat..
However, sea level rise has accelerated drastically along the U.S. Southeast and Gulf coasts since 2010 and is now more than 10 mm/year (3.9 inches/decade) — about triple the global rate
That is .39 inches per year right?
Relative sea level along the U.S. coastline is projected to rise, on average, 10-12 inches in the next 30 years, which is the same amount of increase that we saw over the last 100 years.
So the 12 inches rise in sea level in 30 years works out to 12 inches divided by 30 years or .4 inch per year...agree?

Miami, Florida is only 6.562 feet above sea level
6.562 feet today Miami is above sea level is actually 78.744 inches.
Divide 78.744 inches by 1 inch per year sea level grows ... to put Miami under sea will
take 78.744 years.
Hmmm... well Miami needs to do something right?
The problem is the number has been wrong in the past...
Dan Rather spreads fear in this 1982 CBS News report featuring a young and stupid Al Gore, predicting that 25% of Florida will be underwater.

That was 42 years ago
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