Biden Brags Un-Constitutional Vaccine Mandate Working Although Number Of Unvaccinated 'Unacceptably High'

President Biden once again completely ignored the fact that his Vaccination Mandates are Un-Constitutional, illegal, but instead bragged that his mandates are working, as his conditioning Americans to accept Un-Constitutional Govt mandates, prepping the way for more to come.

President Biden on Thursday said the number of unvaccinated Americans still remains "unacceptably high," but insisted that his administration's vaccine requirements for the federal workforce and private employers are "working" to ensure more individuals receive shots to protect against COVID-19.

Biden also ignored the huge impact the opposition to his Un-Constitutional mandates have impacted the declining economy hit with growing inflation, rising gas prices, heating energy costs spiking 45%, and a critical supply chain crisis that has govt officials warning everything from food to Christmas toys will be hard to find on shelves.

"We have to do more to vaccinate 66 million unvaccinated people in America," he said. "It's essential."

Because of his Un-Constitutional 1-size-fits-all edict thousands of people have been fired / forced out of the middle of the declining economy, rising Inflation, etc....

What more can Biden do to FORCE 66 million Americans to get vaccinated? What more are the Marxist tyrannical Democrats willing to do?


Well, he CAN continue replacing trained healthcare workers who have worked through the pandemic and refused the vaccine with untrained National Guard who don't have to be vaccinated until next June...

What's the best outcome??? At least the National Guard is trained to shoot straight, where the patients don't suffer!!!!
President Biden once again completely ignored the fact that his Vaccination Mandates are Un-Constitutional, illegal, but instead bragged that his mandates are working, as his conditioning Americans to accept Un-Constitutional Govt mandates, prepping the way for more to come.

President Biden on Thursday said the number of unvaccinated Americans still remains "unacceptably high," but insisted that his administration's vaccine requirements for the federal workforce and private employers are "working" to ensure more individuals receive shots to protect against COVID-19.

Biden also ignored the huge impact the opposition to his Un-Constitutional mandates have impacted the declining economy hit with growing inflation, rising gas prices, heating energy costs spiking 45%, and a critical supply chain crisis that has govt officials warning everything from food to Christmas toys will be hard to find on shelves.

"We have to do more to vaccinate 66 million unvaccinated people in America," he said. "It's essential."

Because of his Un-Constitutional 1-size-fits-all edict thousands of people have been fired / forced out of the middle of the declining economy, rising Inflation, etc....

What more can Biden do to FORCE 66 million Americans to get vaccinated? What more are the Marxist tyrannical Democrats willing to do?

Biden lives in a fantasy world. Just lie your ass off and manufacture a fantasy world where stupid policies work. :cuckoo:
President Biden once again completely ignored the fact that his Vaccination Mandates are Un-Constitutional, illegal,

Did I miss the news that SCOUTS had ruled these unconstitutional?

do you have a link?
TDS all over this thread
In order for SC to rule that an edict is unlawful it would first have to Be a Law and not a mere declaration mandate .
Look, guys. We shouldn't make people get the Trump Vaccine. I'm all for Trumptards not getting the shot. That will help reduce the Republican voter rolls, and Biden can use them to vote Democrat from the grave.
This has been settled, links have been provided all over the board, as you know.
Actually, that's a lie. The Supreme Court has not ruled on the vaccine mandate.

You lie as easily as Trump does!
Why do you lie? This will not be settled until SCOTUS rules on it.
You have to give easyt a break. He claims to have a degree in journalism. And you know all about journalists and their tendency to invent fake news...
Joe Biden believes that if you tell a big enough lie and do it often enough that eventually people will believe it.

The day that man is out of the WH will be a good day.
He is a Nazi. Period. He will be lucky if he is allowed to die a natural death, peacefully in his bed.
Joe Biden believes that if you tell a big enough lie and do it often enough that eventually people will believe it.

The day that man is out of the WH will be a good day.
And the big enough lie is?
He needs to stop beating that dead horse.

I don't think he is going to get anymore people to convert to the vaccine. His Pfizer masters are going to have to settle for the billion dollars a year they are making off it.
President Biden once again completely ignored the fact that his Vaccination Mandates are Un-Constitutional, illegal, but instead bragged that his mandates are working, as his conditioning Americans to accept Un-Constitutional Govt mandates, prepping the way for more to come.

President Biden on Thursday said the number of unvaccinated Americans still remains "unacceptably high," but insisted that his administration's vaccine requirements for the federal workforce and private employers are "working" to ensure more individuals receive shots to protect against COVID-19.

Biden also ignored the huge impact the opposition to his Un-Constitutional mandates have impacted the declining economy hit with growing inflation, rising gas prices, heating energy costs spiking 45%, and a critical supply chain crisis that has govt officials warning everything from food to Christmas toys will be hard to find on shelves.

"We have to do more to vaccinate 66 million unvaccinated people in America," he said. "It's essential."

Because of his Un-Constitutional 1-size-fits-all edict thousands of people have been fired / forced out of the middle of the declining economy, rising Inflation, etc....

What more can Biden do to FORCE 66 million Americans to get vaccinated? What more are the Marxist tyrannical Democrats willing to do?

Biden's vaccine mandate has been struck down by numerous courts. That means that anyone fired because they did not get vaccinated can sue their former employer.
Biden's vaccine mandate has been struck down by numerous courts. That means that anyone fired because they did not get vaccinated can sue their former employer.
Wrong. Employers, just like any business, have the right to refuse employment or service unvaccinated people to protect their customers and working employees from the virus.
Wrong. Employers, just like any business, have the right to refuse employment or service unvaccinated people to protect their customers and working employees from the virus.
post that law. You know they have a business license that conduct must be within boundaries of the law.

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