Biden brilliantly considers vaccine ban to convince the hesitant to get it!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In a new plan designed to combat vaccine hesitancy, President Biden said that he was considering an executive order banning all covid vaccines.​
The order would make it illegal to obtain a vaccine except in certain cases and, even then, only after a thorough background check and waiting period.​
“We must eliminate the scourge of vaccination once and for all,” Biden said. “Enough is enough.”​
News of an impending vaccine ban sent lines at previously deserted vaccination centers snaking around the block, according to reports.​
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene took to the floor of the House to excoriate the ban, calling it a “classic case of government overreach that shows the fingerprints of George Soros and the Rothschilds.”​
“First, they came for my vaccines,” she warned.​

Lefties fail so hard at satire.

Yea, go ahead and ban it. Then maybe we won’t have our rights violated by a tyrannical maniac in the White House who thinks he can order forced vaccinations.
Lefties banning things is just as normal as breathing, so most don't get the satire.
How about if we made it mandatory you needed proof of vaccination to vote? Would bed wetters call it racist when vaccine providers demanded ID?

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In a new plan designed to combat vaccine hesitancy, President Biden said that he was considering an executive order banning all covid vaccines.​
The order would make it illegal to obtain a vaccine except in certain cases and, even then, only after a thorough background check and waiting period.​
“We must eliminate the scourge of vaccination once and for all,” Biden said. “Enough is enough.”​
News of an impending vaccine ban sent lines at previously deserted vaccination centers snaking around the block, according to reports.​
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene took to the floor of the House to excoriate the ban, calling it a “classic case of government overreach that shows the fingerprints of George Soros and the Rothschilds.”​
“First, they came for my vaccines,” she warned.​

I'm only 54 yo and pretty much retired
I ain't gotta do jack shit



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