Biden calls Fox reporter a “stupid SOB” after he asks question

I did not vote for either.........neither are mentally capable of being president.
For someone who proclaims to be independent, you sure do spend a lot of time defending Democrats, and Democrat policy’s…
Nothing like antifa locking police and others in a federal court house and trying to set it a blaze.
Moron, has nothing to do with Antifa. You idiotically denied it was an attack on our Capitol even though the nation saw otherwise. At least own your stupidity instead of doubling down with a worthless butwhataboutism.
yes, and as such it is clearly a political liability. That is like asking "hey Bob, does that gunshot wound in your gut hurt?"

Then ask what he is going to do about it, not if it is hurting him politically.
It’s important if Biden is aware it is tanking him….We need to know if he’s living in reality.

When did they start to rise....seems it was 2019. Who was the POTUS in 2019?

less than 2 cents per gallon. We'll all be rich!!! The government is certainly providing the means to get the oil. All the research and development of high tech methods such a fracking and directional drilling was paid for by tax payers through research grants. Every cent spent on equipment is tax deductible, and tax breaks, abatements, and grants go a long way toward meeting their expenses. I'm not sure an oil company could lose money if it tried.
You still have no clue about risk capital or economic risk. . You credit the government for everything and hate the oil companies….. your choice. The Government funds R&D for use in just about every industry; including, oil. There are tax deductions, etc., which is great. Everything you mentioned is designed to stimulate and help industry which is the way it should be. Oil companies can and have lost money and have gone under, not the government.

The government invests and stimulates growth but assumes no economic risk in US oil production.
President Biden has lost his fucking mind, demonstrating just the smallest bit of how UN-Presidential, un-professional, incompetent, and mentally unstable he is.

So THIS is what Democrats, snowflakes, liberal trolls, and fake news wanted as their President...

A senile, dementia-ravaged 100% failed President who screams at the media, calls reporters stupid SOBS, runs from questions, and when he doesn't he lies his ass off.

Whether is Acosta or Doocy it does not matter. There is a compromised madman in the WH, a Constitution / Rule Of Law-violating, enemy-aiding puppet destroying the country.
Moron, has nothing to do with Antifa. You idiotically denied it was an attack on our Capitol even though the nation saw otherwise. At least own your stupidity instead of doubling down with a worthless butwhataboutism.
There was no attack the only person that got killed was an innocent person. Even that the government is hiding the reason why.
Too soon for a link, but Peter Doocey asked Biden a question about inflation, and Biden - in his typical, out-of-control anger - called him a “stupid son of a bitch.”

No wonder they don’t let Biden talk. Anger and senility do not a good president make.
he is likely angry at himself... for one: betraying his alleged Catholic beliefs by promoting baby murder

and etc...

I'd be angry w/ myself, too, if I were a ... brandon like him

but me... I follow truth where it leads... whether I like where it leads or not... and often I do not... :( But then once I face the truths I don't particularly like.. I find that truth is a friend

and really does "set you free"

When biden took over we were importing more. That's a fact but Biden can't have that.
Yes. It is a fact that when the oil companies slashed production under trump we had to increase the amount we imported.

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