Biden calls Fox reporter a “stupid SOB” after he asks question

Yes we do. When someone brought up Hillary running again in 2024 the thought of another year of Hillary vs Trump was enough to make me seriously think about leaving the country.

He should have been the guy in 2016, but they went with the more well known name....big mistake.

Yeah, he would get my vote in a heartbeat.
That's just trolling the cultists like what was done in 2020. Remember?
Let’s be honest here

Dooch Boy is Fake News

He does not deserve respect

So if the question was "fake", high inflation isn't a political liability for Biden, and will instead be an "asset"?
Personally, I think Doocy is a moron

Why, because he is the only one of the press that dares challenge Biden whatsoever. The rest of the press asks ridiculous softball questions. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream President Biden?

Since Canadian drivers can't cross the border without being vaxxed, it will become worse.

Oil companies slashed production in 2020 under trump's presidency, because of lack of demand during the pandemic. They are still about 1.5 million barrels per day behind the pre-pandemic volume, and slowly returning to previous rates.
Oil companies slashed production in 2020 under trump's presidency, because of lack of demand during the pandemic. They are still about 1.5 million barrels per day behind the pre-pandemic volume, and slowly returning to previous rates.

Maybe this?
From your article.

"Roughly 900 U.S. troops, including a number of Green Berets, will remain in Syria to continue supporting and ADVISING the Syrian Democratic Forces"

I mean did you just forget to read the article? I know it was third fucking line but wow.

900 U.S. Troops are not advisors.
Why aren't anti-Trumpers lashing out at Biden? An attack on the press is an attack on democracy. Right?

He backed off. I'm assuming someone has said something to him but my point still remains. Trump supporters are expecting Biden supporters to do what they would not.
Those leases were offered for the first time with every credible source lamenting trump's poor judgement in offering them to start with. Biden simply didn't renew leases that had only temporarily been offered, and shouldn't have been available to start with.
STFU. Most federal leases are temporary. Thus the need for renewal you fucking retard.
They wouldn't call it a fucking lease unless it was temporary and had to be renewed.
Sorry that I have to explain it to you, but I can see why you are a FoxNews fan now....anyone with more than half a brain knows that bad things happening in the country are a political liability. It is like asking someone that just got shot "does that hurt?".
Oh come on now…it was a legitimate question, millions of Americans are struggling now with Biden’s inflation, and he should expect to be asked about that. It’s like telling someone, ‘oh, you’re hurting? Too bad’…
…it was a legitimate question, millions of Americans are struggling now with Biden’s inflation,

yes, and as such it is clearly a political liability. That is like asking "hey Bob, does that gunshot wound in your gut hurt?"

and he should expect to be asked about that. It’s like telling someone, ‘oh, you’re hurting? Too bad’…

Then ask what he is going to do about it, not if it is hurting him politically.

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