Biden Corruption


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Trump Impeachment Trial: Adam Schiff Opened Door on Biden Witness Testimony | National Review

The above link is to an article that really goes after the Bidens and blows a very big hole in the narrative that neither Joe nor Hunter did anything wrong: "nothing wrong with Hunter Biden trading on his name to make $50 - 80k a month on the board of a verified corrupt gas company in Ukraine, nor was there anything wrong with Joe's quid pro quo, that the prosecutor investigating that company be fired or a billion dollars in aid would not be forthcoming."

Okay, fine. But didja know that "documents now released that show that Obama met with Ukrainian prosecutors, US embassy officials and faux-whistleblower Eric Ciaramella in January 2016 to discuss Burisma and Hunter Biden's role there. George Kent, the Democrats' own witness, had voiced his concern about Hunter Biden's position there but was rebuffed by a Biden aide." Laura Ingraham shows emails tying alleged Ukraine whistleblower to Obama White House meeting on Burisma

Ingraham reported Wednesday evening that she obtained a chain of State Department emails stemming from a standard request for comment from New York Times journalist Ken Vogel, whose reporting helped generate scrutiny of Hunter Biden's ties to Ukrainian gas company Burisma. [see above link]

You know about the Biden 'conspiracy memo', right? The one that went out earlier this week, warning reporters that they would be acting as ā€œenablers of misinformationā€ if they repeated allegations that the former vice president forced the firing of Ukraineā€™s top prosecutor, who was investigating Burisma Holdings, where Hunter Biden worked as a highly compensated board member. You saw the Biden video, right? The one where he brags about getting the prosecutor fired, that's not abuse of office? Maybe he thinks he has something to worry about. Here's the memo:
01 20 20 Team Biden Memo on Impeachment

Furthermore, from a report by John Solomon, investigative reporter:

Fact: Burismaā€™s lawyers in 2016 were pressing U.S. and Ukrainian authorities to end the corruption investigations.

Fact: There is substantial evidence Joe Biden and his office knew about the Burisma probe and his sonā€™s role as a board member.

Fact: Multiple State Department officials testified the Bidensā€™ dealings in Ukraine created the appearance of a conflict of interest.

Fact: Federal Ethics rules requires government officials to avoid taking policy actions affecting close relatives.

Office of Government Ethics rules require all government officials to recuse themselves from any policy actions that could impact a close relative or cause a reasonable person to see the appearance of a conflict of interest or question their impartiality.

ā€œThe impartiality rule requires an employee to consider appearance concerns before participating in a particular matter if someone close to the employee is involved as a party to the matter,ā€ these rules state. ā€œThis requirement to refrain from participating (or recuse) is designed to avoid the appearance of favoritism in government decision-making.ā€

In House impeachment testimony, Obama-era State Department officials declared the juxtaposition of Joe Biden overseeing Ukraine policy, including the anti-corruption efforts, at the same his son Hunter worked for a Ukraine gas firm under corruption investigation created the appearance of a conflict of interest.

In fact, deputy assistant secretary George Kent said he was so concerned by Burismaā€™s corrupt reputation that he blocked a project the State Department had with Burisma and tried to warn Joe Bidenā€™s office about the concerns about an apparent conflict of interest.

Likewise, the House Democratsā€™ star impeachment witness, former U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovich, agreed the Bidensā€™ role in Ukraine created an ethic issue. ā€œI think that it could raise the appearance of a conflict of interest,ā€ she testified.

Fact: Ukraine law enforcement reopened the Burisma investigation in early 2019, well before President Trump mentioned the matter to Ukraineā€™s new president Vlodymyr Zelensky.

This may be the single biggest under-reported fact in the impeachment scandal: four months before Trump and Zelensky had their infamous phone call, Ukraine law enforcement officials officially reopened their investigation into Burisma and its founder.

John Solomon Reports | Reporting Truth

Didja also know about this? That what Trump was concerned with was not the 2020 election but the 2016 election, since Ukraine's interference to benefit Clinton was beginning to be reported, specifically by Politico in January 2017.

Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clintonā€™s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.

A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation.

The Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force Manafortā€™s resignation and advancing the narrative that Trumpā€™s campaign was deeply connected to Ukraineā€™s foe to the east, Russia. But they were far less concerted or centrally directed than Russiaā€™s alleged hacking and dissemination of Democratic emails.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

The political article is a bit long and it goes into a lot more detail and what happened and why. Makes a certain amount of sense though. I wonder how much of this is going to come out when Trump's team makes their case, and how much is verified. I do not doubt that they'll try to estblish that Trump did have reason to ask for an investigation into the Bidens beyond the personal/political one.

There's a book out by Peter Schweizer, "Profiles in Corruption", wherein a number of the political elites are exposed by Schweizer for various forms of corruption, one of which is Joe Biden. And Schweizer's sources, unlike those of our mainstream media, are not anonymous but hard document copies. According to a review by, the book contains no unnamed sources. Instead, it is based on hard evidence and documents, including: foreign and domestic corporate and legal records, tax liens, lobbyist disclosures, property records, White House visitor logs, federal bankruptcies, and federal criminal trial records.
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HEH: ā€˜Quid Pro Joeā€™ Comes to Times Square as Pro-Trump PAC Launches ā€˜Subpoena Biden!ā€™ Billboard.

Take the fight to blue cities. Maybe you wonā€™t win any votes, but you might just demoralize them.


Biden Bragging On His Extortion To Obstruct Investigation Into Corruption

The billboard, located at 1500 Broadway and 43rd Street, is two-sided and both sides feature the video of Biden admitting to withholding aid to Ukraine until its government fired the prosecutor investigating his son's company.

"The Biden family name is synonymous with corruption, especially in Ukraine. Our goal is to educate Americans about the shady deals and ruthless power moves that ā€˜Quid Pro Joeā€™ executed on behalf of his son, Hunter, and at the expense of the Ukrainian government. The American people deserve to know the truth, and we are committed to sharing it with them.
Democrats claim that even thinking this thought is an "impeachable offense" a ridiculous assertion about to get laughed out of the US Senate.

Hunter Biden joined the board of the notoriously corrupt Ukraine gas company Burisma despite his lack of experience in Ukraine or in the energy business while his father was the Obama administration's point man on Ukraine. At the time, the company's founder, Mykola Zlochevsky, was already under investigation for fraud. This investigation was dropped after Ukraine's prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, resigned ā€” after Biden use the pressure of a $Billion in US aid to force President Petro Poroshenko to fire him.

The former vice president bragged about the quid pro quo at the Council on Foreign Relations.

"They were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, ... weā€™re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, ā€˜You have no authority. Youā€™re not the presidentā€”the president saidā€™ ā€¦ I said, 'Call him.' I said, 'Iā€™m telling you, youā€™re not getting the billion dollars.' I said, 'Youā€™re not getting the billion. ... I looked at them and said, ā€˜Iā€™m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, youā€™re not getting the money.' Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. Biden recalled.​

He clearly conditioned U.S. aid to Ukraine on Poroshenko agreeing to fire the prosecutor. Shokin resigned and the investigation into Burisma was dropped.

The whole arrangement stinks to high heaven. Many members of Biden's family have traded on the vice president's last name to secure financial gain, and Hunter Biden's exploits are not limited to Ukraine ā€” he also cashed in in China while his father was vice president.

Beloved President Trump was working in the Best Interests Of The United States and well within his rights to ask Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate this situation in the July 25 phone call at the center of the Democrats' impeachment effort. Fake News outlets are frantically trying to cover for the Corrupt Biden's. Fake News New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg excoriated the press for not attacking Trump's corruption claims as outright lies or a "conspiracy theory."

Americans deserve to know the truth and this Times Square billboard will remind them of the scandal.

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