Biden/Democrats use Big Tech Power/corruption to protect both Hunter and Joe Biden: Swiping and deleting phone data

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
Ex-stripper Lunden Roberts said during an interview last week that the night she learned that she was pregnant with Hunter Biden’s child that her cellphones crashed and her iCloud was hacked and a lot of the content she had backed up was deleted.

“I had two cell phones, which is also, I still do to this day,” she said. “I had two cell phones at the time because my Arkansas phone had a cellular data that didn’t pick up at the place that I was living in D.C. So I got a different, I got Sprint and AT&T to even out the data and everyone could reach me. But that night, they both, at the same time, crashed and in front of me and my friends. So the next day, you go and get a new phone, right?” Kelly asked. “And you are able to, like, link it up with your cloud, and what do you discover? A lot of stuff is is gone from my iCloud, had it not been backed up or whatever, but just about everything with Hunter was gone.”

When asked what she thinks happened, Roberts responded: “That is still up in the air. That’s something that I can’t, I can’t explain. I don’t know exactly what happened.”

Long Story Short: It's likely Joe Biden's son F'd a Stripper getting her pregnant, and once the deep state found out about it and how negative of an image it would be for the Democrat candidate, Big Tech stepped in and hacked her phone/online account to make sure Hunter's actions don't continue to haunt Joe.

Listen, I don't wish ill will on Hunter, but Joe once called him the smartest man he's ever known.. and well.. given his lying about his gun that he tried to dispose of, his rampant use of hooker and cocaine... and now his reckless impregnating of strippers... I'm no saint, but if Trump's son had done ANY of this stuff, he would have been SKEWERED as some sort of degenerate parent with an F-up son.... but hey, this is Democrat Joe Biden we're talking about.

Where is the coverage on the alphabet networks? Where is Whoopi, Joyless Behar, and Sunny Hostile on "The View" to denounce this family?
Ex-stripper Lunden Roberts said during an interview last week that the night she learned that she was pregnant with Hunter Biden’s child that her cellphones crashed and her iCloud was hacked and a lot of the content she had backed up was deleted.

“I had two cell phones, which is also, I still do to this day,” she said. “I had two cell phones at the time because my Arkansas phone had a cellular data that didn’t pick up at the place that I was living in D.C. So I got a different, I got Sprint and AT&T to even out the data and everyone could reach me. But that night, they both, at the same time, crashed and in front of me and my friends. So the next day, you go and get a new phone, right?” Kelly asked. “And you are able to, like, link it up with your cloud, and what do you discover? A lot of stuff is is gone from my iCloud, had it not been backed up or whatever, but just about everything with Hunter was gone.”

When asked what she thinks happened, Roberts responded: “That is still up in the air. That’s something that I can’t, I can’t explain. I don’t know exactly what happened.”

Long Story Short: It's likely Joe Biden's son F'd a Stripper getting her pregnant, and once the deep state found out about it and how negative of an image it would be for the Democrat candidate, Big Tech stepped in and hacked her phone/online account to make sure Hunter's actions don't continue to haunt Joe.

Listen, I don't wish ill will on Hunter, but Joe once called him the smartest man he's ever known.. and well.. given his lying about his gun that he tried to dispose of, his rampant use of hooker and cocaine... and now his reckless impregnating of strippers... I'm no saint, but if Trump's son had done ANY of this stuff, he would have been SKEWERED as some sort of degenerate parent with an F-up son.... but hey, this is Democrat Joe Biden we're talking about.

Where is the coverage on the alphabet networks? Where is Whoopi, Joyless Behar, and Sunny Hostile on "The View" to denounce this family?

Ahh, the old use Big Tech Power/corruption to protect both Hunter and Joe Biden: Swiping and deleting phone data trick.
The Big Guy gets 10% for a reason; when Daddy controls the FBI, CIA, and the DOJ stuff can get done. RICO prosecutions are necessary to end this.
Ex-stripper Lunden Roberts said during an interview last week that the night she learned that she was pregnant with Hunter Biden’s child that her cellphones crashed and her iCloud was hacked and a lot of the content she had backed up was deleted.

“I had two cell phones, which is also, I still do to this day,” she said. “I had two cell phones at the time because my Arkansas phone had a cellular data that didn’t pick up at the place that I was living in D.C. So I got a different, I got Sprint and AT&T to even out the data and everyone could reach me. But that night, they both, at the same time, crashed and in front of me and my friends. So the next day, you go and get a new phone, right?” Kelly asked. “And you are able to, like, link it up with your cloud, and what do you discover? A lot of stuff is is gone from my iCloud, had it not been backed up or whatever, but just about everything with Hunter was gone.”

When asked what she thinks happened, Roberts responded: “That is still up in the air. That’s something that I can’t, I can’t explain. I don’t know exactly what happened.”

Long Story Short: It's likely Joe Biden's son F'd a Stripper getting her pregnant, and once the deep state found out about it and how negative of an image it would be for the Democrat candidate, Big Tech stepped in and hacked her phone/online account to make sure Hunter's actions don't continue to haunt Joe.

Listen, I don't wish ill will on Hunter, but Joe once called him the smartest man he's ever known.. and well.. given his lying about his gun that he tried to dispose of, his rampant use of hooker and cocaine... and now his reckless impregnating of strippers... I'm no saint, but if Trump's son had done ANY of this stuff, he would have been SKEWERED as some sort of degenerate parent with an F-up son.... but hey, this is Democrat Joe Biden we're talking about.

Where is the coverage on the alphabet networks? Where is Whoopi, Joyless Behar, and Sunny Hostile on "The View" to denounce this family?
Why would networks air this?

Someone's speculation backed by your speculation?
Why would networks air this?

Someone's speculation backed by your speculation?
networks push speculation and unproven claims as headline news all the time.. look at the Russian Collusion Hoax or the witch hunt of Brett Kavanaugh
networks push speculation and unproven claims as headline news all the time.. look at the Russian Collusion Hoax or the witch hunt of Brett Kavanaugh
I think Republicans investigating their own presidents campaign for coordinating with Russia and the Brett kavanaugh hearings (they actually happened) are news worthy events.

This is just a speculative interview which is further speculated by the right wing media and subsequent posters who parrot it.

Hell, she had no idea what happened so Megyn had to lead her where she wanted her to go...great journalism there lol.

MEGYN KELLY: Do you think given that he was at that point the son of the former vice president, there were government forces trying to protect him potentially here?

Look, if you think Trump's FBI, CIA or DOJ had something to do with this, show evidence, but until then, this is just click bait ad revenue malarkey.
The manifest was hidden because of money and politics.

Politics because politicians and companies invest A LOT into fags. Our independence, Jesus, mothers and veterans get 1 day a year but fags get a whole month. They also publicly push faggotry heavily. They can't have their prized be shown in a bad light. Even Microsoft pushing all their pride month nonsense is playing politics with it

Money because fags are big business. Pride flags, pride shirts, pride bumper stickers, and so on generate a lot of money to make them. Straight people have no merchandise, only fags. But tranny surgery and tranny doctors is big big bucks as well. Everytime a dude wants to pretend to be a woman a lot of people get a piece of their money, if it's a child that's been tricked into changing sexes even more people get in on the money. Money on hormone therapy. Plus the hundreds of millions spent on trying to make men have babies. They can't have their billion dollars industry being damaged.

Plus they simply can't be wrong. They can't stand there and praise all fags, only to have the public truly realize they are all mentally ill disturbed perverts.
The manifest was hidden because of money and politics.

Politics because politicians and companies invest A LOT into fags. Our independence, Jesus, mothers and veterans get 1 day a year but fags get a whole month. They also publicly push faggotry heavily. They can't have their prized be shown in a bad light. Even Microsoft pushing all their pride month nonsense is playing politics with it

Money because fags are big business. Pride flags, pride shirts, pride bumper stickers, and so on generate a lot of money to make them. Straight people have no merchandise, only fags. But tranny surgery and tranny doctors is big big bucks as well. Everytime a dude wants to pretend to be a woman a lot of people get a piece of their money, if it's a child that's been tricked into changing sexes even more people get in on the money. Money on hormone therapy. Plus the hundreds of millions spent on trying to make men have babies. They can't have their billion dollars industry being damaged.

Plus they simply can't be wrong. They can't stand there and praise all fags, only to have the public truly realize they are all mentally ill disturbed perverts.

If they can sell faggots as 'normal' they can sell kiddie rape, S&M, and all kinds of sick fetishism an sleazy crap as 'normal'.
I think Republicans investigating their own presidents campaign for coordinating with Russia and the Brett kavanaugh hearings (they actually happened) are news worthy events.
They were both based on speculation, lies, and conjecture.

The media needs to make sure what they are reporting is accurate. Instead, they condemned Trump and Kavanaugh.. yet both didn’t do what the media claimed they did.
That's a false narrative but they did, remember?they found a couple of nit picky paper work errors.
Media/Democrats who perpetuated the Russian Hoax lies and Kavanaugh lies were never held accountable in any way.
Link that news article please.
Are you serious?

Go to any headline of CNN or MANBC from 2016-2020

What’s next, are you going to ask me to prove water is wet?
Media/Democrats who perpetuated the Russian Hoax lies and Kavanaugh lies were never held accountable in any way.

Are you serious?

Go to any headline of CNN or MANBC from 2016-2020

What’s next, are you going to ask me to prove water is wet?
Maybe opinion pieces predicted it or said it was possible but I don't remember them outright saying he did it.

You find an example?

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