Biden Disinformation Czar Demands Power To Edit Other People's Tweets

Leftie aspiring to deflect. ^^^

(But failing miserably). :p

Deflect? Making fun of "Democrat appointed obvious partisan hack will have total control of the news and social media and would be able to edit, stop, or delete anything they wish"

There is no defense for such hyperbole.
Deflect? Making fun of "Democrat appointed obvious partisan hack will have total control of the news and social media and would be able to edit, stop, or delete anything they wish"

There is no defense for such hyperbole.
Some can only keep warning to our inevitable ending.
I’m actually glad they picked this walking talking hostess ding dong to head this joke up. If they had picked someone who has a third of a working brain or any common sense there is an outside chance they could have made this disinformation joke seem reasonable but not with this live action looney tunes character as the face of it.
What shows on any of those networks does President Biden regularly call in on or appear on?

Facts are stubborn things. You know like when Faux announced Biden's Victory in Az first.
He doesn't have to appear on them since they are so blatantly partisan. Facts are stubborn things. You know, like the leftist press ignoring Hunter's laptop stories before the election so Biden wouldn't have to have someone explain to him how to try and lie his way out of it. You leftist hacks are always making a stink about FOX because, although they are conservative, they are the only network showing the truth about things the left is trying to cover up. Ignoring them is as bad as ignoring the others if you are a conservative.
What you're saying is they want a Faux News with hosts that the President can rely on when he calls in to their shows to parrot whateverthefuck he says, without question, right?
Most of the media parrot Democrats.

But you're okay with that, right?
the woman is a real psycho
Hahaha that's funny. To see the Neo-Bunch flip out and scream the democrats control the media, when Faux News exist as the propaganda arm of the Don and his Neo_GOP party. They are the Groomers of the Neo-GOP alternative fact universe.
Horseshit. The left has most of the news media, and you're complaining that one outlet doesn't give you the propaganda you crave. :auiqs.jpg:
Facts are stubborn things. You know, like the leftist press ignoring Hunter's laptop stories before the election so Biden wouldn't have to have someone explain to him how to try and lie his way out of it.
You mention 'facts', you present opinion. One that doesn't even make sense, since magaturd opinion reflects the president being dementia riddled. So explaining anything would seem to be an exercise in futility. Stupid talking point. Try to be a better troll.
You leftist hacks are always making a stink about FOX because, although they are conservative, they are the only network showing the truth about things the left is trying to cover up
That's simply a hacky way to say it caters to the magaturd confirmation bias. Quite apparent.
Ignoring them is as bad as ignoring the others if you are a conservative.
So what? Ignorance can sometimes be bliss. We're free to not watch any of it.
Asserting that she was “eligible for it because I’m verified,” Jankowicz then bemoaned the fact there are people on Twitter with different opinions to her who also have the blue tick but “shouldn’t be verified” because they’re “not trustworthy.”

“So verified people can essentially start to edit Twitter the same sort of way that Wikipedia is so they can add context to certain tweets,” said Jankowicz.—More…

Even Progs should stand against this.
Musk will tell her to shove it up her ass.
You mention 'facts', you present opinion. One that doesn't even make sense, since magaturd opinion reflects the president being dementia riddled. So explaining anything would seem to be an exercise in futility. Stupid talking point. Try to be a better troll.

That's simply a hacky way to say it caters to the magaturd confirmation bias. Quite apparent.

So what? Ignorance can sometimes be bliss. We're free to not watch any of it.

I think you just proved ignorance is bliss. Keep the blinders on and stay happy.
In his eight years in office how many times did Obama call into a CNN show? As for Biden, which network does he call?

Faux has groomed the next generation of the Neo-GOP.
Biden is too stupid to call anyone. Obuthole called his commie handlers.
I'll take that as none. The Democrat presidents don't have the cozy relationships with any network like Trumpyberra and the Faux News (aka) Infotainment company does.
:auiqs.jpg:The liberal media sucks the ass of Democrat Presidents.
:auiqs.jpg:The liberal media sucks the ass of Democrat Presidents.
There is no difference between the Neo-GOP and Faux News, they are partners in crime.

"Benedict Donald" and his trusty lapdog media, Faux.

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