Biden Dumps 1.5 million Tax Dollars for AI to Detect “ Microaggression”


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2020
Well folks, the authoritarian moves continue to increase by the week with the Biden puppeteers behind the scenes going nuts! My take- Obama is reacting to Musk’s recent purchase! He is likely losing sleep, tossing and turning, as his goals for controlling the narrative go awry!

Make sure not to miss the term, microaggressions! Bad words right hurting feelings! So much money when veterans are homeless and Fed should built houses using the $$$- our money!

That one has dem money laundering written all over it. Pay a for a "study" by some dem backing entity and the DNC gets a kickback donation from the entity. The Bill is full of such tripe.
This administration will be considered the lowest of the low, when examined in full, likely after everyone living is dead. Big money seals slippery lips until the death bed.
This administration will be considered the lowest of the low, when examined in full, likely after everyone living is dead. Big money seals slippery lips until the death bed.
Well that depends....If it's black politicians getting it they "make it rain" for all their relatives and don't even try to hide the fact.
Well that depends....If it's black politicians getting it they "make it rain" for all their relatives and don't even try to hide the fact.
I go straight to individuals in most cases to keep it accurate and not defuse the outcome. Looking at skin tones and crime it’s important to keep focus on active participates not those on the sidelines. “Sideliners” could be committing crimes but charging each individually is the way to go in a republic. Sure, if 1,000 individuals participate in a crime charge them all, but still on an individual basis for a fair trial.
Bumping this and I assume it complies with board rules as I’ve seen several do this. This important topic is in stiff competition with another important breaking news topic deemed by the left to be crucial. Biden’s forcing control over the narrative and the left attempts to bury it. Well color me shocked!
Well folks, the authoritarian moves continue to increase by the week with the Biden puppeteers behind the scenes going nuts! My take- Obama is reacting to Musk’s recent purchase! He is likely losing sleep, tossing and turning, as his goals for controlling the narrative go awry!

Make sure not to miss the term, microaggressions! Bad words right hurting feelings! So much money when veterans are homeless and Fed should built houses using the $$$- our money!

Mehh. My macroagression scoffs at their puny AI algorithm.

:meow: :death::poke::flameth::piss2::tank::Boom2:
Mehh. My macroagression scoffs at their puny AI algorithm.

:meow: :death::poke::flameth::piss2::tank::Boom2:
Your posts usually cut right to the chase JGalt, a trait conservatives continue to appreciate to avoid the unnecessary muck. And the first on USMB to fully embrace yet another ridiculous term created by idiots! Lol All conservatives should immediately admit to these secret microaggressions we’re supposed to contain, before it’s too late, and let the chips fall where they may! Truth will still come out authoritarian lovers.
Micro-aggressions are microscopic and tinier than cells!!
Yet, most muppets are intimidated by them. :dunno:

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Well folks, the authoritarian moves continue to increase by the week with the Biden puppeteers behind the scenes going nuts! My take- Obama is reacting to Musk’s recent purchase! He is likely losing sleep, tossing and turning, as his goals for controlling the narrative go awry!

Make sure not to miss the term, microaggressions! Bad words right hurting feelings! So much money when veterans are homeless and Fed should built houses using the $$$- our money!

My wife just now said to me in a perturbed response (when I told her what I just read that you are reporting in this OP).

The wife - That guy is just spending and spending and spending our money like it's growing on a money tree.

Me - It's unbelievable isn't it ?

Her - Unbelievable doesn't come close to the anger the American people should be feeling about this president, otherwise for what him and his outfit are doing.
Your posts usually cut right to the chase JGalt, a trait conservatives continue to appreciate to avoid the unnecessary muck. And the first on USMB to fully embrace yet another ridiculous term created by idiots! Lol All conservatives should immediately admit to these secret microaggressions we’re supposed to contain, before it’s too late, and let the chips fall where they may! Truth will still come out authoritarian lovers.
Sounds like it's just another angle they might try and use to ban gun's. People had better wake the heck up before it's to late with these knucklehead's.

They ignore criminal's, but keep coming after the GOOD innocent American's that disagree with their bull crap, and that want to protect their children from the bull crap that has been seen going on with them in a slow and methodical creeping fashion..

Sounds like it's just another angle they might try and use to ban gun's. People had better wake the heck up before it's to late with these knucklehead's.

They ignore criminal's, but keep coming after the GOOD innocent American's that disagree with their bull crap, and that want to protect their children from the bull crap that has been seen going on with them in a slow and methodical creeping fashion..


Gun grabber's and confiscation IS THE HILL WORTHY OF DYING ON!!!

Buy more ammo.
It's their hill to die on. We're holding it and defending it every day.. :beer:

Well, at the current rate, they be coming for us soon.
They're trading our sovereignty away at the border already, and the writing is on the wall towards dissolving the 2nd amendment.

I am.

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