Biden falls on his ass at Air Force graduation

It's hard to accept that our once great Republic could be so effortlessly overthrown by the likes of such an incapable Individual, isn't it?


I thought we were lions. Wtf, man...
It's hard to accept that our once great Republic could be so effortlessly overthrown by the likes of such an incapable Individual, isn't it?


I thought we were lions. Wtf, man...
And when the men at his sides lifted him to his feet, he looked like such a scrawny, fragile old man. Many of the people in my mother’s assisted living facility are in better shape.
Well, just as I am not fond of Biden, I am equally not fond of Trump. That being said, I will say that Trump was gracious when addressing Biden's fall...

Well, as gracious as I believe Trump can be. To his credit, he didn't take any cheap shots...

But seriously, it's very sad what the Rats are doing to that man, he is a very sick person and they don't give a damn!

Heartless creatures.
If you are old enough you might remember republican Jerry Ford. He slipped on A.F. 1 and the media at the time lashed out with an unrelenting tirade calling him clumsy and worse. The current president can't put one foot in front of the other but he is a democrat and the media pretends it never happened.
If you are old enough you might remember republican Jerry Ford. He slipped on A.F. 1 and the media at the time lashed out with an unrelenting tirade calling him clumsy and worse. The current president can't put one foot in front of the other but he is a democrat and the media pretends it never happened.

Chevy Chase made a career mocking Ford...
I have to say though, after all these falls and he hasn't broken anything yet?

Wow that's something LOL!o_O

Some people break a hip or fracture a leg at the smallest fall! :dunno:
It's a shame that this guy is the best the Democrats have to offer. As far as the fall goes, on occasion I have had a knee that gives out, luckily no tumbles yet. Getting old is a bitch.

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