Biden FBI Joins Pelosi In Blocking GOP From Investigating January 6

You would think Pelosi and democrats would want to get to the bottom of things.

It looks like that isn't the case. Who is surprised?
Kevin Clinesmith, the former FBI lawyer who altered an email during the Russia investigation that was used to justify the surveillance of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, was sentenced to one-year probation on Friday.

Clinesmith, who worked for the FBI for four years, pleaded guilty last summer to falsifying the communication during the early stages of the FBI's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election and possible ties to the Trump campaign.

The document was altered to show that Page was "not a source" for the CIA, even though the original message from the CIA indicated otherwise. The CIA had earlier told investigators in a memo that Page was an "operational contact" for the agency from 2008 to 2013 and provided information about his contacts with Russian intelligence officers.

Clinesmith pleaded guilty to a single false statement charge, admitting that he doctored an email that the FBI relied on as it sought court approval to eavesdrop on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page in 2017.

From what I am reading, the email was altered during the probe on Russia after the election, after Trump was already in office, and not before the 2016 election.

Trump's accusation is that Obama had wiretapped him before the Nov 2016 election happened.

There isn't one government agency in the world where one person or another will not make a mistake and pay the price.

I have nothing to hide. The FBI can listen on me all they want. I am glad they are trying and succeeding to catch would be terrorists, foreign and domestic, to keep us all safe.
FBI Agent Page testified the FBI conducted its own internal surveillance and investigation before Trump was elected and found nothing.

Page flipped and now works with Strzok FOR Durham.

The FBI got information / Russian propaganda from Hillary's lawyer, Sussmanthe campaign. campaign. Sussman is being indicted.

McCabe is next
You would think Pelosi and democrats would want to get to the bottom of things.

It looks like that isn't the case. Who is surprised?
Pelosi has her own treason to keep hidden, 2 failed Impeachments based on zero crime, zero evidence, & zero witnesses
FBI Agent Page testified the FBI conducted its own internal surveillance and investigation before Trump was elected and found nothing.

Page flipped and now works with Strzok FOR Durham.

The FBI got information / Russian propaganda from Hillary's lawyer, Sussmanthe campaign. campaign. Sussman is being indicted.

McCabe is next
Let us see where this one goes
Pelosi has her own treason to keep hidden, 2 failed Impeachments based on zero crime, zero evidence, & zero witnesses
Why are your posts made up of zero evidence based on just people alleging things?

The Impeachments were successful. The convictions in the Senate were not. Those are two different things.

Never mind. Nothing will change your mind.
FBI Agent Page testified the FBI conducted its own internal surveillance and investigation before Trump was elected and found nothing.

Page flipped and now works with Strzok FOR Durham.

The FBI got information / Russian propaganda from Hillary's lawyer, Sussmanthe campaign. campaign. Sussman is being indicted.

McCabe is next
This part is interesting:

"Stripped of its political bluster, innuendo, and irrelevant details, what is striking about the allegations in the indictment is how few of them actually relate to the charge the Special Counsel chose to bring," the attorneys added. "At its core, the Special Counsel is bringing a false statement charge based on an oral statement allegedly made five years ago to a single witness that is unrecorded and unobserved by anyone else. The Department of Justice would ordinarily never bring such a baseless case."

The next court date was to be September 22nd. I am not seeing any articles on that court date.
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Biden FBI Joins Pelosi In Blocking GOP From Investigating January 6

In the case of the House Committee on Jan. 6., Pelosi blocked minority party participation for the first time in House history to pursue a preferred political narrative.
The leading Republican tasked with his party’s investigation into the preparedness and response of the U.S. Capitol Police and other law enforcement agencies to the Capitol riot on January 6 is being blocked by President Joseph Biden’s FBI from gathering information, a new document reveals.

The FBI told Indiana Republican Rep. Jim Banks it would not provide Republicans the same information provided to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s hand-picked committee consisting only of Democrat-appointed members.

Pelosi took what she admitted was an “unprecedented” step of refusing the appointments made by Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, barring Navy officer and Afghanistan veteran Banks and Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, from participation. In a fiery denunciation of Pelosi’s politicization of the committee, McCarthy, R-Calif., publicly announced Banks would lead Republicans’ investigation despite Pelosi blowing up the committee.

On September 3, Banks asked FBI Director Christopher Wray to give Republican lawmakers the same briefing offered to the Democrats on the progress of the agency’s own investigation. Partial findings of the FBI’s independent investigation were leaked to Reuters in August, which found “scant evidence” the Capitol riot was “an organized plot to overturn the president election result.” Wray has not responded to the request.

"Even the committee knows that its power to seek this information about private citizens lacks any convincing legal justification and, for that reason, wants to ensure that nobody has the ability to seek a judicial ruling on the legality of their actions”

Pelosi herself continues to prove her 1/6 Committee is another 'failed Impeachment' hoax.

In about 54 weeks things may change drastically in the House.
Why are your posts made up of zero evidence based on just people alleging things?

The Impeachments were successful. The convictions in the Senate were not. Those are two different things.

Never mind. Nothing will change your mind.
I post probably more links and supporting evidence than just about anyone on this board.

The Impeachments were a failure as Pelosi became the 1st Speaker to ever try 2 Impeachments....and fail...and the 1st Speaker to try to Impeach the same President twice...and fail....and the 1st Speaker to try 2 Impeachments based on ZERO CRIME, ZERO EVIDENCE, & ZERO WITNESSES.

Pelosi even attempted to argue that an Impeachment did not need to have to have a crime, evidence, or witnesses.

Pelosi promised the American people she would not go through with Impeachment if she did not have 1) BIPARTISANSHIP & 2) UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE - SHE HAD NEITHER.

In the 1st Impeachment Schiff was caught committing Felony PERJURY lying about a non-existent Whistle Blower AND caught illegally manufacturing fake / fake evidence & trying to submit it as legitimate evidence.
- Schiff should have been indicted, convicted, and gone to jail.

In the 2nd bogus Impeachhment, CCP Spy Fang Fang Swallwell was caught illegally photoshopping a text message and trying to submit it as legitimate evidence.

In both cases their treason blew up in their faces & FAILED.

For 4 years Democrsts did nothing but engage in undermining the President, Sedition, & Treason ... and Trump beat them over and over and over, pissing Democrats and snowflakes off alike.

4 years of 'we've got him now' and failure & they are so obsessed they / you still can't let it / him go...

Trump still owns your ass 24/7.

Get some professional psychiatric help & GTF over it, snowflake.
The Neo-GOP immediately refused the bipartisan independent commission to look into the MAGA MOB assault on Jan 6th because they couldn't put those barking dogs on the commission.

But, they still bark.
well they could cut their vocal cords like fauci does to dogs. That'll stop em
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Biden FBI Joins Pelosi In Blocking GOP From Investigating January 6

In the case of the House Committee on Jan. 6., Pelosi blocked minority party participation for the first time in House history to pursue a preferred political narrative.
The leading Republican tasked with his party’s investigation into the preparedness and response of the U.S. Capitol Police and other law enforcement agencies to the Capitol riot on January 6 is being blocked by President Joseph Biden’s FBI from gathering information, a new document reveals.

The FBI told Indiana Republican Rep. Jim Banks it would not provide Republicans the same information provided to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s hand-picked committee consisting only of Democrat-appointed members.

Pelosi took what she admitted was an “unprecedented” step of refusing the appointments made by Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, barring Navy officer and Afghanistan veteran Banks and Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, from participation. In a fiery denunciation of Pelosi’s politicization of the committee, McCarthy, R-Calif., publicly announced Banks would lead Republicans’ investigation despite Pelosi blowing up the committee.

On September 3, Banks asked FBI Director Christopher Wray to give Republican lawmakers the same briefing offered to the Democrats on the progress of the agency’s own investigation. Partial findings of the FBI’s independent investigation were leaked to Reuters in August, which found “scant evidence” the Capitol riot was “an organized plot to overturn the president election result.” Wray has not responded to the request.

"Even the committee knows that its power to seek this information about private citizens lacks any convincing legal justification and, for that reason, wants to ensure that nobody has the ability to seek a judicial ruling on the legality of their actions”

Pelosi herself continues to prove her 1/6 Committee is another 'failed Impeachment' hoax.

Demscum are idiots.
I post probably more links and supporting evidence than just about anyone on this board.

The Impeachments were a failure as Pelosi became the 1st Speaker to ever try 2 Impeachments....and fail...and the 1st Speaker to try to Impeach the same President twice...and fail....and the 1st Speaker to try 2 Impeachments based on ZERO CRIME, ZERO EVIDENCE, & ZERO WITNESSES.

Pelosi even attempted to argue that an Impeachment did not need to have to have a crime, evidence, or witnesses.

Pelosi promised the American people she would not go through with Impeachment if she did not have 1) BIPARTISANSHIP & 2) UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE - SHE HAD NEITHER.

In the 1st Impeachment Schiff was caught committing Felony PERJURY lying about a non-existent Whistle Blower AND caught illegally manufacturing fake / fake evidence & trying to submit it as legitimate evidence.
- Schiff should have been indicted, convicted, and gone to jail.

In the 2nd bogus Impeachhment, CCP Spy Fang Fang Swallwell was caught illegally photoshopping a text message and trying to submit it as legitimate evidence.

In both cases their treason blew up in their faces & FAILED.

For 4 years Democrsts did nothing but engage in undermining the President, Sedition, & Treason ... and Trump beat them over and over and over, pissing Democrats and snowflakes off alike.

4 years of 'we've got him now' and failure & they are so obsessed they / you still can't let it / him go...

Trump still owns your ass 24/7.

Get some professional psychiatric help & GTF over it, snowflake.
You can call me anything you like because clearly you do not understand what an Impeachment is. How the process works. And never will want to.

Far worse than what Nixon did is what history books will say, because that is what happened. And all the evidence will be there, those who like to rewrite history like it or not.
You can call me anything you like because clearly you do not understand what an Impeachment is. How the process works. And never will want to.

Far worse than what Nixon did is what history books will say, because that is what happened. And all the evidence will be there, those who like to rewrite history like it or not.
What Pelosi attempted to do twice was not an 'Impeachment' because they did not meet the Constitutional definition/ requirements. Again, there were NO CRIMES, NO EVIDENCE, & NO WITNESSES.

In both cases there were no crimes committed. Pelosi admitted this when she attempted to argue crimes are not needed to Impeach a President.

In both cases Democrats were forced to (and caught) illegally manufacture fake evidence and attempt to submit it as legitimate evidence.

In both attempts the Democrats had no witnesses of any crimes. In the 1st Impeachment attempt members of the Stste Department testified BIDEN had committed Perjury by claiming he had never met with Burisma employees and stated Joe and Hunter Biden should be on the stand testifying. about a backfire.

These were not Impeachments - they were failed attempted coups disguised as Impeachments.
What Pelosi attempted to do twice was not an 'Impeachment' because they did not meet the Constitutional definition/ requirements. Again, there were NO CRIMES, NO EVIDENCE, & NO WITNESSES.

In both cases there were no crimes committed. Pelosi admitted this when she attempted to argue crimes are not needed to Impeach a President.

In both cases Democrats were forced to (and caught) illegally manufacture fake evidence and attempt to submit it as legitimate evidence.

In both attempts the Democrats had no witnesses of any crimes. In the 1st Impeachment attempt members of the Stste Department testified BIDEN had committed Perjury by claiming he had never met with Burisma employees and stated Joe and Hunter Biden should be on the stand testifying. about a backfire.

These were not Impeachments - they were failed attempted coups disguised as Impeachments.
First and last, read the Constitution instead of listening to what others say is in the Constitution to make Trump's Impeachments Contitutionnaly illegal .

Constitution Professor Lawrence Tribe can help you on that.

Amazon product ASIN 1541644883
Far worse than what Nixon did is what history books will say, because that is what happened. And all the evidence will be there, those who like to rewrite history like it or not.
What Hillary and Obama tried to do was the most criminal act in US history - they literally committed treason by attempting to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing the newly elected President with the help of a rogue FBI, a foreign ex-spy, and the Russian Intrl Service (RIS) who authored the propaganda they used as the basis of their failed coup attempt.

The FISA Court already provided evidence exposing the FBI, under Muellet and Comey, illegally spying in Americans for DECADES. A rogue criminal FBI agent has already been convicted. The criminal Deputy Director was fired for leaking classified info and committing Perjury (despite Garland reinstating his pension despite his crime)...and Durham is reportedly coming after him, so he is not out of trouble yet.

Evidence already shows (I provided a link) shows the FBI learned of Hillary's team's intent to use Rusdian propaganda against Trump and briefed Obama and Biden on it. After this Barry & his criminal administration took over.

It has all been exposed and reported on..and more continues to come out. Hillary and Barry are crooked as hell at the least and traitors at the most. Their coup attempt failed. Conspirators have been and are being prosecuted. Durham is not finished.
First and last, read the Constitution instead of listening to what others say is in the Constitution to make Trump's Impeachments Contitutionnaly illegal .

Constitution Professor Lawrence Tribe can help you on that.

Amazon product ASIN 1541644883
I have read the Constitution, dumbass. You can't Impeach a President simply because you don't like them or because they are from the opposing party. Pelosi had zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses, failing massively to meet the requirements for an Impeachment. suggest I read the Constitution, which I have, then cite 2 liberal Hsrvard Trump-haters and their book. Perhaps YOU should read the Constitution.
What Hillary and Obama tried to do was the most criminal act in US history - they literally committed treason by attempting to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing the newly elected President with the help of a rogue FBI, a foreign ex-spy, and the Russian Intrl Service (RIS) who authored the propaganda they used as the basis of their failed coup attempt.

The FISA Court already provided evidence exposing the FBI, under Muellet and Comey, illegally spying in Americans for DECADES. A rogue criminal FBI agent has already been convicted. The criminal Deputy Director was fired for leaking classified info and committing Perjury (despite Garland reinstating his pension despite his crime)...and Durham is reportedly coming after him, so he is not out of trouble yet.

Evidence already shows (I provided a link) shows the FBI learned of Hillary's team's intent to use Rusdian propaganda against Trump and briefed Obama and Biden on it. After this Barry & his criminal administration took over.

It has all been exposed and reported on..and more continues to come out. Hillary and Barry are crooked as hell at the least and traitors at the most. Their coup attempt failed. Conspirators have been and are being prosecuted. Durham is not finished.
More nonsense. Learn the Constitution and the rule of law of the US for a change.
I have read the Constitution, dumbass. You can't Impeach a President simply because you don't like them or because they are from the opposing party. Pelosi had zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses, failing massively to meet the requirements for an Impeachment. suggest I read the Constitution, which I have, then cite 2 liberal Hsrvard Trump-haters and their book. Perhaps YOU should read the Constitution.
That is not why he was Impeached. Calling anybody names will not change that.

But your response continues to show that you do not care what the Constitution actually says, what Impeachment actually works, and what experts on both have to say even if they are Republicans.

You must also hate Republican Presidential Historian John Meacham, because he does not agree with your analysis about the Constitution and Impeachment.

Call us all some more names, please.

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