Biden finally acts on border crisis, showing he could've done something about it all along

No, I'm just not willing to panic about "could be" and "might be" and "it's a possibility".

We all sat there and watched George W. Bush strip away a lot of our freedoms on largely irrational fears. Even people on your side have admitted he went too far, which is why Bush is being called a "RINO" by you guys.
who asked you to panic??

dont you think we should know whos coming in the country and why??
let alone known terrorists,,

its only a matter of time till the next 911 the way things are going,,

and the way illegals are killing americans its 911 in slow motion,,

youve made it clear whos side youre on and its not americas side,,
who asked you to panic??
Well, your side did when Bush said, "you are with us, or with the terrorists!"

I can't believe you think that shit still works, 20 years later.

I think you didn't read the story of the boy who cried wolf.

dont you think we should know whos coming in the country and why??

Sure. Let's reform the immigration system. I gave a list which involves biometric ID, a guest worker program, workplace enforcement and expedited hearings for asylum. Crazy is thinking you can build a wall and people will just shrug their shoulders and go home.

its only a matter of time till the next 911 the way things are going,,

Maybe. As long as we keep sticking our dicks in the Middle East Hornet's nest, we are going to get stung.

and the way illegals are killing americans its 911 in slow motion,,

guy, bigots like you have been complaining about immigrants forever. 150 years ago, it was the Irish and Chinese. 100 years ago, it was the Germans and Italians. 50 years ago it was the Poles.

youve made it clear whos side youre on and its not americas side,,

My America is one that is welcoming to immigrants. It welcomed my grandfather 100 years ago, it welcomed my wife a decade ago.
Well, your side did when Bush said, "you are with us, or with the terrorists!"

I can't believe you think that shit still works, 20 years later.

I think you didn't read the story of the boy who cried wolf.

Sure. Let's reform the immigration system. I gave a list which involves biometric ID, a guest worker program, workplace enforcement and expedited hearings for asylum. Crazy is thinking you can build a wall and people will just shrug their shoulders and go home.

Maybe. As long as we keep sticking our dicks in the Middle East Hornet's nest, we are going to get stung.

guy, bigots like you have been complaining about immigrants forever. 150 years ago, it was the Irish and Chinese. 100 years ago, it was the Germans and Italians. 50 years ago it was the Poles.

My America is one that is welcoming to immigrants. It welcomed my grandfather 100 years ago, it welcomed my wife a decade ago.
why do you keep saying my side??

if I vote for trump this time it will be the first time in my 34 yrs of voting to vote for either a dem or repube,,,

legal immigrants are not just welcome but they are vetted to know who they are and why they are here,,, so youre piss poor deflection is just retarded
why do you keep saying my side??

if I vote for trump this time it will be the first time in my 34 yrs of voting to vote for either a dem or repube,,,

Yes, it's amazes me that people who claim they don't vote Republican spend so much time on a political board.

It's like a vegetarian who can't stop talking about steak.

legal immigrants are not just welcome but they are vetted to know who they are and why they are here,,, so youre piss poor deflection is just retarded

The problem is, the barriers to get here legally are so ridiculously high that no surprise people either ignore them or accidently break them in good faith.
Yes, it's amazes me that people who claim they don't vote Republican spend so much time on a political board.

It's like a vegetarian who can't stop talking about steak.

The problem is, the barriers to get here legally are so ridiculously high that no surprise people either ignore them or accidently break them in good faith.
are you saying because I dont vote for dems or repubes my opinion should be silenced??

thats very fascist of you to say

I see no problems with the current immigration system,,

and if there is a problem with it you can blame that on biden beings hes been in office for 50 yrs,,

and thats still no reason to violate the law and let anyone in unvetted,,

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