Biden gets fact-checked by...Rachel Maddow??

CNN is all in too...

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No turning back now. Get ready for some big news, something really damaging. It's coming. Unlike Trump, Biden will not fare well against the Deep State.
Biden & Co all think that they can just choreograph Biden to make him look good and no one will know that there are more days like the debate than anyone could imagine, despite numerous people coming out and saying so. Biden's team keeps on pushing the narrative that anyone can have a bad day.
I wonder if she's right, though. Are Biden's inner circle providing him with fake polls that show him ahead of Trump? It's been leaked recently that the briefings he gets from his top staff are basically little plays put on for the benefit of an angry, demented old man who gets aggressive if he hears something he doesn't like. Showing him some fake polls that say he's winning is probably just another way to keep him calm.
There are many polls out there of all different kinds. All you need is one to back up your propaganda.
You are not fooling anyone.....The leftist MSM are just spinning what the leftist dem elites at the DNC want them to spin....Same-same, just as they gaslighted dem voters that FJB was the sharpest crayon in the box before the primaries.

Had they been worth their salt FJB's decline would have been common knowledge and not just on FOX before the dems voted in the primaries.....They did the country a grave disservice, as usual.
Spot on. FJB's cognitive decline was a topic of discussion during his basement campaign in 2020. The non-playable character democratic supporters need to realize they checked the box and voted for a cognitively declining politician. Own it.
There is no graceful exit. The entire Dem Party and the media apparatuses have been exposed.

Whomever the next president is, regardless of who, is going to have tough sledding keeping Europe and much of Asia in the orbit of influence.

Name me a Democratic politician today that Europe and Asia (outside of China) would want as president. What would they do for Americas need to remain a super power?
Their best bet is to burn the place down and start again in 2028.
I enjoy watching Repub's heads spin in disbelief when they notice the MSM isn't in the tank for Dems.
They are in the tank for the dems. That's why they want to throw Biden overboard before Trump can take democracy away. They've said it numerous times. Haven't you been paying attention?
I'm thinking that the crowd inside the bunker just got a little bit smaller.

Seems like it's down to Joe, Hunter, Eva, I mean Dr. Jill...and the moo-cows from The View.

:badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:

I don't think they got smarter. I think you'll see them divide.

Group 1 will keep on with the Biden scam and keep pushing the same old rhetoric

Group 2 will try to be in good with whoever takes his place so they are poking holes in Bidens boat to show they are willing to transfer to the new puppet coming up. They are rats leaving a sinking ship and looking for a new one.

They are all as stupid as they have ever been, they are just picking their vehicle for self preservation.

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