Biden Gives $100 Million To Palestinians With NO Guarantee $ Won't Be Given To Terrorist Hamas...AGAIN


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
U.S. aid money has reached Hamas and Palestinian terrorists in the past, prompting the Trump administration to (appropriately) stop sending aid in 2018. One of Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s first moves after taking office was to resume the aid without preconditions.

That appears to be the case again as the administration commits millions more to the Gaza Strip and United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which allows Hamas to use its facilities. Multiple Republican foreign policy leaders and a top former Trump administration official described the moves as reckless.

Millions of Americans who - unlike Joe Biden - have never been wrong about EVERY foreign policy decision THEY believed / made, and they know giving this money tothe Palestinians will once again result in funding terrorist Hamas.

There are no mechanisms in the deal to ensure more US (deficit) dollars make it into the hands of terrorist it did before President Trump stopped it.

“The Biden Administration has a fundamental obligation to do whatever it can to prevent American taxpayer dollars from winding up in the bank accounts of terrorists. It is in no way acceptable for the State Department to flippantly offer that this is all a matter of fate well beyond their control.”

“America should not be funding problems we’d like to solve.” Hamas and UNRWA ( she said, ) are big problems that make Middle East peace harder. Biden will end up funding both and get less peace.”

When will Jews stop voting for democrats? Biden funds Hamas (which is the logical result of giving
the Palestinians $100 million of tax payer money) so essentially Joe is paying to get Israelis murdered
and Jews around the world are in more danger than ever by street gangs in major cities.
I thought the whole justification for handing over hundreds of millions in foreign aid was that you get a return for it by way of exclusive options on industry, exports, some trade, job creation etc and you seen a roundabout return on the aid you've given out.

What could Palestine possibly have to offer the USA? there's no oil, exports, gas, big businesses, popular culture, jobs etc ...

It's 100-million gift, for nothing, down the drain, to appease the looney left.
I thought the whole justification for handing over hundreds of millions in foreign aid was that you get a return for it by way of exclusive options on industry, exports, some trade, job creation etc and you seen a roundabout return on the aid you've given out.

What could Palestine possibly have to offer the USA? there's no oil, exports, gas, big businesses, popular culture, jobs etc ...

It's 100-million gift, for nothing, down the drain, to appease the looney left.
Hence Trump's point that politicians suck at deal making and are stupid.
Let's see, worthless countries around the world keep starting their brainless wars destroying their cities, murdering their citizens.

Then the U.S. sends money to feed the survivors and rebuild their shithole countries, all so they can do the same stupid shit all over again.

Wouldn't it make more sense for the U.S. to stay out of it and just let the assholes kill themselves off. The world would be better off without them, for sure.
Xiden is doing one better then his old boss...instead of end directly funding terrorist by giving cash to the leading state sponsor of terror, Iran, he’s giving the cash. directly to Hamas terrorist

i suppose givin the human rights abuse he’s carrying out in the US, he thought he might as well go all out with terrorist
I thought the whole justification for handing over hundreds of millions in foreign aid was that you get a return for it by way of exclusive options on industry, exports, some trade, job creation etc and you seen a roundabout return on the aid you've given out.

What could Palestine possibly have to offer the USA? there's no oil, exports, gas, big businesses, popular culture, jobs etc ...

It's 100-million gift, for nothing, down the drain, to appease the looney left.
The inflict constant terrorism on Israel, so Biden loves them.
Time to rebuild the tunnels.
Same as it ever was, same as it ever was, same as.......
Yea cut all ties to Israel/Palestine no aid for anyone

The israelis can have the iron dome that's it, and buy what they want
Democrats love war. They'll fund terrorist states to make sure.

People claiming Palestinians are terrorists are silly.
They are the ones being murdered and their homes stolen.
So they can't be terrorists.

And we have a long history proving it is Israel that is the terrorists, like when they murdered the British Peacekeepers by blowing up the King David Hotel, shooting the UN Moderator, Folke Bernadotte in the street, massacring hundreds of Arab villages, etc.

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