Biden has 'devastated' the American economy: Michael Waltz

The Republican Party held a sizable lead over the Democratic Party in a poll released Tuesday that asked which the public trusted more to safeguard the country’s prosperity and military security.


Trying to get this in before the sky falls on any of the local Chicken Littles:

The UK. BBC News, October 4th, 2023

The United Kingdom: the rise in prices for the lowest-cost grocery items is similar to the 15% rise in the official measure of inflation for food and drink.

Reuters reports: Inflation in Russia hits highest in more than 20 years

Trading Economics” reports: Inflation by country 2023

  • United States = 3.7%

  • UK = 6.7%

  • Israel = 4.1%

  • Sweden = 7.5%

  • Canada = 4%

  • Mexico = 4.6%

  • Poland = 8.2%

  • Turkey = 61% !!

Evidently Biden is responsible for that, too.

You're dealing with Trumpsters here.

The first post wins the debate:​

Biden has 'devastated' the American economy: Michael Waltz​

QUOTE: Rep. Michael Waltz, R-Fla., joined 'The Bottom Line' to discuss President Biden's handling of the economy and its impact on American families.

OP COMMENT: BidenFlation and the tripled prices of gas and food, Bidenomics and its destruction of businesses and families, and democrats blather on about caring about the poor? The poor are the worst hit of all under this senile usurper.

The first post wins the debate:

Ummm, well, no. Hardly.

In fact, the American economy is strong and vibrant. Stronger and more vibrant than many other world economies.
Inflation is a sign that people have money and they are spending it.......hence, demand is pressuring supply.
The job market is strong with month after month of reported job growth.
Companies are profitable with many posting record profits.
Real estate values are strong with significant appreciation in many markets. People have money and are willing to buy a better house, or a bigger house, or a better neighborhood.
Many quality universities are reporting record or near record freshman enrollments.
Basic food items...milk, eggs, bread....have come off of their post-Covid shortages and subsequent price spikes.
For those folks who want a are plentiful.
I see billboards....billboards!!.....advertising manufacturing jobs at starting pay of $21 an hour.
Manufacturers wouldn't be offering such wages if they didn't have orders and backlogs to fill.
Millions of the world's citizens want to immigrate to America so that they too can have a better life.

So, the Chicken Little cadre can run in circles screeching that their sky is falling........and it may very well be, given their education level, or motivation, or kills, or geographical location.....but for much of America these are good and comfortable times.

It is regrettable that some are losing the American achievement and effectiveness contest.
"You're dealing with Trumpsters here."

I know, M58, I know.
And I sincerely hope that my earnest avatar is not coming across as dismissive, condescending, disrespectful, and skeptical. Or even all of the above.

You see, it ain't personal. It's the avatars. Avatar to avatar. And some of the avatars the TRUMP SYCOPHANT/MAGA/QANON/ALEX JONES contingent here hire as their spokes-voice are, well, they hire knuckleheads and jackasses. Nothing personal, though.

But, in truth, I come to this gossipboard in the mornings with my cup of joe, for entertainment. Like Comedy Central. Or Jerry Springer. Or the Bong Show.

Over in the MAGA/ALEX JONES constituency of this chatroom there is a distillation of the wonderful nuttiness that America's diverse Big Tent society ...and our Fist Amendment ....allows for.

All good.

But enough for this morning, we have winter wheat to plant today.
So, happy Sunday.
Inflation immediately skyrocketed when Biden entered office.


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