Biden Has Iraq & Afghanistan Mixed Up!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Biden recently ordered the bombing of Iranian backed militias in Syria and Iraq because they were responsible for drone strikes against U.S. troops in Iraq so the President's actions were completely legitimate. But the fact that the U.S. has troops deployed in Iraq for an indefinite time frame highlights how Joe Biden is no Franklin D. Roosevelt or George H. W. Bush those Presidents both of whom had great prudence on matters of foreign affairs. When one thinks that President Biden is pulling U.S. troops out of Afghanistan and keeping them in Iraq wisdom calls for the assessment he has got it backwards he should be keeping troops in Afghanistan where they are doing a vital good stopping the Taliban from taking control of the country and withdrawing them from Iraq where they are responsible for keeping Iraq on the wrong course and preventing it from improving some serious problems they have.

The problem with Iraq is that a lot of Shiite Iraqis and the leadership of Iran want Iraq to be a province of Iran which good people don't want because Iran is in this religious war between Shiites and Sunnis where Iran wants Iranian Shiite clerical leadership to control the entire Middle East plus the fact that Iran clerical leadership that runs Iran has a fervent goal of eliminating the state of Israel. For a guy who is supposed to be a real expert on foreign affairs President Biden's performance is pretty lame his assessments should have factored in that on Iraq, President Trump wrecked America's relationship with Iraq killing the Iranian hero General Qasem Soleiman on Iraqi soil while he was a guest of the Iraqi government even though it was a just killing ( if Trump wasn't such a narcissist and he really believed justice called for General Soleiman death, he should have done what the Israelis do have their Intelligence service do it even in the targets home country). This put at a high boil U.S. troops military conflict with Iraqi Shite militias which has dominated public opinion and internal politics in Iraq. Now America's troop presence in Iraq is paralyzing Iraq from solving its problems. What Iraq needs to do now is pull away from the polarity of Iran they need to be an independent country; they need to strengthen their diversity across the board by ingraining the Iraqi Sunnis and Iraqi Kurds fully into the country of Iraq; Iraq needs to dismantle or at least greatly dial down the Iraqi Shiite militias, Iraq will never be a great country where internal militias rival if not surpass the strength of the country's own armed forces and Iraq needs to transition their economy away from oil because the age of oil is coming to an end and so is the oil money pouring into the Iraqi treasury and if Iraq doesn't transition when the oil music stops Iraq is going to have a lot of poor disgruntled young Iraqis looking to overthrow the government. A wise U.S. President would consider that America went back into Iraq during the Obama administration because the Islamic State was winning the war against the Iraqi armed forces they were approaching Baghdad, Iraq's Capitol, and America went into to rescue Iraq's fledgling democracy and the mission was accomplished the Islamic State was thoroughly defeated this radical Islamic group now in Iraq is just a shell of its former self the Iraqi army can fully handle the remnants of the Islamic State. There is no good reason for the U.S. to be in Iraq today we are just causing much more harm rather than help we should depart and depart quickly and if the President still needs a smack in the head to realize this consider that the Iraqi Prime Minister and the spokesperson for the Iraqi military criticized this recent bombing where America was defending its troops, it couldn't be clearer the Iraqi government views on America!

Where President Biden is causing an historic disaster pulling out of Afghanistan essentially turning the country over to the Taliban is an historic mistake by the President. He justifies it by saying he wants to stop America's endless Wars, well you simpleton you might want to end the war but your enemy definitely doesn't. Not only is America's enemy in the Afghanistan War the Taliban but it is also the Islamic State when the Afghanistan government falls by the time of the mid-term election's next year the Islamic State will hold significant territory in Afghanistan and significantly rebuilt its reputation by being able to claim they played a significant role in defeating America in Afghanistan. These developments will make the Islamic State a stronger entity at radicalizing individuals in the West including the continental United States through social media to carry out terrorist attacks, you're so smart President Biden your move in Afghanistan significantly increases the probability of radical Islamic terrorist attacks in America, "Way To Go Joe"! Plus how can a President of the United States quit a War that is currently costing very little when that quitting will certainly give victory to America's enemies in that War making the giant sacrifice of two thousand plus Americans that gave their lives in that War and the continuing sacrifice of their families and the ten thousand plus Americans significantly wounded in that war meaningless it was all a big waste! I have a suspicion that a significant reason why President Biden wants to pull out of Afghanistan was his experience as Vice President in the Obama administration dealing with Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai who was the partner from hell where he continually publicly made allegations that American troops in Afghanistan were killing innocent Afghanistan civilians which was completely untrue, mistakes were made where civilians lost their lives but it was never deliberate accidents happen it is the nature of war. Hamid Karzai behavior was so bad it is fair to say he was a traitor to the allies but a high quality leader doesn't let non-critical factors bare on his or her decisions. Besides the blood that America has invested in this War there is a lot of good people in Afghanistan that made a great effort to try to make the country of Afghanistan succeed many of these Afghanis actually worked for the American forces in Afghanistan. These good Afghanis will be slaughtered when America leaves, the naysayers don't know what they're talking about; the Taliban culture is an uncivilized barbaric culture violence permeates it the adherents to this culture hold this dangerous character, just like prudent people don't try to take a wild wolf and make a domestic pet out of it because they know the character of the wolf won't allow it, the Taliban adherents character won't allow for anything except seeking and getting what they perceive as their just retribution against these good Afghanis by killing them! A high quality President would never abandon these good Afghanis like President Biden is planning to do. Probably the ultimate lesson from the President Biden Administration will be to reinforce the common belief that Democrats "suck" on national security matters, so American people try not to elect one to the Oval Office!
President Biden recently ordered the bombing of Iranian backed militias in Syria and Iraq because they were responsible for drone strikes against U.S. troops in Iraq so the President's actions were completely legitimate. But the fact that the U.S. has troops deployed in Iraq for an indefinite time frame highlights how Joe Biden is no Franklin D. Roosevelt or George H. W. Bush those Presidents both of whom had great prudence on matters of foreign affairs. When one thinks that President Biden is pulling U.S. troops out of Afghanistan and keeping them in Iraq wisdom calls for the assessment he has got it backwards he should be keeping troops in Afghanistan where they are doing a vital good stopping the Taliban from taking control of the country and withdrawing them from Iraq where they are responsible for keeping Iraq on the wrong course and preventing it from improving some serious problems they have.

The problem with Iraq is that a lot of Shiite Iraqis and the leadership of Iran want Iraq to be a province of Iran which good people don't want because Iran is in this religious war between Shiites and Sunnis where Iran wants Iranian Shiite clerical leadership to control the entire Middle East plus the fact that Iran clerical leadership that runs Iran has a fervent goal of eliminating the state of Israel. For a guy who is supposed to be a real expert on foreign affairs President Biden's performance is pretty lame his assessments should have factored in that on Iraq, President Trump wrecked America's relationship with Iraq killing the Iranian hero General Qasem Soleiman on Iraqi soil while he was a guest of the Iraqi government even though it was a just killing ( if Trump wasn't such a narcissist and he really believed justice called for General Soleiman death, he should have done what the Israelis do have their Intelligence service do it even in the targets home country). This put at a high boil U.S. troops military conflict with Iraqi Shite militias which has dominated public opinion and internal politics in Iraq. Now America's troop presence in Iraq is paralyzing Iraq from solving its problems. What Iraq needs to do now is pull away from the polarity of Iran they need to be an independent country; they need to strengthen their diversity across the board by ingraining the Iraqi Sunnis and Iraqi Kurds fully into the country of Iraq; Iraq needs to dismantle or at least greatly dial down the Iraqi Shiite militias, Iraq will never be a great country where internal militias rival if not surpass the strength of the country's own armed forces and Iraq needs to transition their economy away from oil because the age of oil is coming to an end and so is the oil money pouring into the Iraqi treasury and if Iraq doesn't transition when the oil music stops Iraq is going to have a lot of poor disgruntled young Iraqis looking to overthrow the government. A wise U.S. President would consider that America went back into Iraq during the Obama administration because the Islamic State was winning the war against the Iraqi armed forces they were approaching Baghdad, Iraq's Capitol, and America went into to rescue Iraq's fledgling democracy and the mission was accomplished the Islamic State was thoroughly defeated this radical Islamic group now in Iraq is just a shell of its former self the Iraqi army can fully handle the remnants of the Islamic State. There is no good reason for the U.S. to be in Iraq today we are just causing much more harm rather than help we should depart and depart quickly and if the President still needs a smack in the head to realize this consider that the Iraqi Prime Minister and the spokesperson for the Iraqi military criticized this recent bombing where America was defending its troops, it couldn't be clearer the Iraqi government views on America!

Where President Biden is causing an historic disaster pulling out of Afghanistan essentially turning the country over to the Taliban is an historic mistake by the President. He justifies it by saying he wants to stop America's endless Wars, well you simpleton you might want to end the war but your enemy definitely doesn't. Not only is America's enemy in the Afghanistan War the Taliban but it is also the Islamic State when the Afghanistan government falls by the time of the mid-term election's next year the Islamic State will hold significant territory in Afghanistan and significantly rebuilt its reputation by being able to claim they played a significant role in defeating America in Afghanistan. These developments will make the Islamic State a stronger entity at radicalizing individuals in the West including the continental United States through social media to carry out terrorist attacks, you're so smart President Biden your move in Afghanistan significantly increases the probability of radical Islamic terrorist attacks in America, "Way To Go Joe"! Plus how can a President of the United States quit a War that is currently costing very little when that quitting will certainly give victory to America's enemies in that War making the giant sacrifice of two thousand plus Americans that gave their lives in that War and the continuing sacrifice of their families and the ten thousand plus Americans significantly wounded in that war meaningless it was all a big waste! I have a suspicion that a significant reason why President Biden wants to pull out of Afghanistan was his experience as Vice President in the Obama administration dealing with Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai who was the partner from hell where he continually publicly made allegations that American troops in Afghanistan were killing innocent Afghanistan civilians which was completely untrue, mistakes were made where civilians lost their lives but it was never deliberate accidents happen it is the nature of war. Hamid Karzai behavior was so bad it is fair to say he was a traitor to the allies but a high quality leader doesn't let non-critical factors bare on his or her decisions. Besides the blood that America has invested in this War there is a lot of good people in Afghanistan that made a great effort to try to make the country of Afghanistan succeed many of these Afghanis actually worked for the American forces in Afghanistan. These good Afghanis will be slaughtered when America leaves, the naysayers don't know what they're talking about; the Taliban culture is an uncivilized barbaric culture violence permeates it the adherents to this culture hold this dangerous character, just like prudent people don't try to take a wild wolf and make a domestic pet out of it because they know the character of the wolf won't allow it, the Taliban adherents character won't allow for anything except seeking and getting what they perceive as their just retribution against these good Afghanis by killing them! A high quality President would never abandon these good Afghanis like President Biden is planning to do. Probably the ultimate lesson from the President Biden Administration will be to reinforce the common belief that Democrats "suck" on national security matters, so American people try not to elect one to the Oval Office!

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President Biden recently ordered the bombing of Iranian backed militias in Syria and Iraq because they were responsible for drone strikes against U.S. troops in Iraq so the President's actions were completely legitimate. But the fact that the U.S. has troops deployed in Iraq for an indefinite time frame highlights how Joe Biden is no Franklin D. Roosevelt or George H. W. Bush those Presidents both of whom had great prudence on matters of foreign affairs. When one thinks that President Biden is pulling U.S. troops out of Afghanistan and keeping them in Iraq wisdom calls for the assessment he has got it backwards he should be keeping troops in Afghanistan where they are doing a vital good stopping the Taliban from taking control of the country and withdrawing them from Iraq where they are responsible for keeping Iraq on the wrong course and preventing it from improving some serious problems they have.

The problem with Iraq is that a lot of Shiite Iraqis and the leadership of Iran want Iraq to be a province of Iran which good people don't want because Iran is in this religious war between Shiites and Sunnis where Iran wants Iranian Shiite clerical leadership to control the entire Middle East plus the fact that Iran clerical leadership that runs Iran has a fervent goal of eliminating the state of Israel. For a guy who is supposed to be a real expert on foreign affairs President Biden's performance is pretty lame his assessments should have factored in that on Iraq, President Trump wrecked America's relationship with Iraq killing the Iranian hero General Qasem Soleiman on Iraqi soil while he was a guest of the Iraqi government even though it was a just killing ( if Trump wasn't such a narcissist and he really believed justice called for General Soleiman death, he should have done what the Israelis do have their Intelligence service do it even in the targets home country). This put at a high boil U.S. troops military conflict with Iraqi Shite militias which has dominated public opinion and internal politics in Iraq. Now America's troop presence in Iraq is paralyzing Iraq from solving its problems. What Iraq needs to do now is pull away from the polarity of Iran they need to be an independent country; they need to strengthen their diversity across the board by ingraining the Iraqi Sunnis and Iraqi Kurds fully into the country of Iraq; Iraq needs to dismantle or at least greatly dial down the Iraqi Shiite militias, Iraq will never be a great country where internal militias rival if not surpass the strength of the country's own armed forces and Iraq needs to transition their economy away from oil because the age of oil is coming to an end and so is the oil money pouring into the Iraqi treasury and if Iraq doesn't transition when the oil music stops Iraq is going to have a lot of poor disgruntled young Iraqis looking to overthrow the government. A wise U.S. President would consider that America went back into Iraq during the Obama administration because the Islamic State was winning the war against the Iraqi armed forces they were approaching Baghdad, Iraq's Capitol, and America went into to rescue Iraq's fledgling democracy and the mission was accomplished the Islamic State was thoroughly defeated this radical Islamic group now in Iraq is just a shell of its former self the Iraqi army can fully handle the remnants of the Islamic State. There is no good reason for the U.S. to be in Iraq today we are just causing much more harm rather than help we should depart and depart quickly and if the President still needs a smack in the head to realize this consider that the Iraqi Prime Minister and the spokesperson for the Iraqi military criticized this recent bombing where America was defending its troops, it couldn't be clearer the Iraqi government views on America!

Where President Biden is causing an historic disaster pulling out of Afghanistan essentially turning the country over to the Taliban is an historic mistake by the President. He justifies it by saying he wants to stop America's endless Wars, well you simpleton you might want to end the war but your enemy definitely doesn't. Not only is America's enemy in the Afghanistan War the Taliban but it is also the Islamic State when the Afghanistan government falls by the time of the mid-term election's next year the Islamic State will hold significant territory in Afghanistan and significantly rebuilt its reputation by being able to claim they played a significant role in defeating America in Afghanistan. These developments will make the Islamic State a stronger entity at radicalizing individuals in the West including the continental United States through social media to carry out terrorist attacks, you're so smart President Biden your move in Afghanistan significantly increases the probability of radical Islamic terrorist attacks in America, "Way To Go Joe"! Plus how can a President of the United States quit a War that is currently costing very little when that quitting will certainly give victory to America's enemies in that War making the giant sacrifice of two thousand plus Americans that gave their lives in that War and the continuing sacrifice of their families and the ten thousand plus Americans significantly wounded in that war meaningless it was all a big waste! I have a suspicion that a significant reason why President Biden wants to pull out of Afghanistan was his experience as Vice President in the Obama administration dealing with Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai who was the partner from hell where he continually publicly made allegations that American troops in Afghanistan were killing innocent Afghanistan civilians which was completely untrue, mistakes were made where civilians lost their lives but it was never deliberate accidents happen it is the nature of war. Hamid Karzai behavior was so bad it is fair to say he was a traitor to the allies but a high quality leader doesn't let non-critical factors bare on his or her decisions. Besides the blood that America has invested in this War there is a lot of good people in Afghanistan that made a great effort to try to make the country of Afghanistan succeed many of these Afghanis actually worked for the American forces in Afghanistan. These good Afghanis will be slaughtered when America leaves, the naysayers don't know what they're talking about; the Taliban culture is an uncivilized barbaric culture violence permeates it the adherents to this culture hold this dangerous character, just like prudent people don't try to take a wild wolf and make a domestic pet out of it because they know the character of the wolf won't allow it, the Taliban adherents character won't allow for anything except seeking and getting what they perceive as their just retribution against these good Afghanis by killing them! A high quality President would never abandon these good Afghanis like President Biden is planning to do. Probably the ultimate lesson from the President Biden Administration will be to reinforce the common belief that Democrats "suck" on national security matters, so American people try not to elect one to the Oval Office!

Were you ever taught how to make paragraphs? Nobody reads a wall of text.

BTW, Shia are a minority in Islam. Only about 13% of Muslims are Shia.

General Soliman was the only guy to negotiate a peace with the al Houthis. It was stupid to kill him.
Were you ever taught how to make paragraphs? Nobody reads a wall of text.

BTW, Shia are a minority in Islam. Only about 13% of Muslims are Shia.

General Soliman was the only guy to negotiate a peace with the al Houthis. It was stupid to kill him.
Were you ever told to tell the truth? 13% of 2bn is still a very significant number. Yes or no?
The TRUTH, you creep, is that Shia are a minority in Islam."
Whites are a minority in the NBA. And? One can always find funny anecdotes in stats. Creep? Islamist you need to check yourself. Shia Muslims outnumber Jews 10 to 1 and you and your ilk cry that Jews control the world. Stop your propaganda.
Biden doesn't have the courage to make a hard decision. he runs away from it, in fact!
this is a good sign. US Air force airmen playing soccer with young Afghans

They look a little light on their feet...ahem

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