Can women fly fighter planes successfully?

You aren't really a "fighter" until you enter the ring. Likewise a "fighter pilot" is just a pilot who flies something that the military describes as a fighter plane. The Clinton's apparently pushed their choice to be the first woman Carrier pilot way past her capabilities and the Navy was stuck with Kara Hultrgreen until she tried the most out of control landing in modern Carrier history. Her co-pilot must have been ready with the ejection lever because he survived. Apparently the Navy was instructed not to talk about the incident.
It was shortly after I became a pilot that at the Hayward, CA Airshow I saw up close the A-10 Thunderbolt. This was in 1980 and the plane came out in 1977. Frankly it can kill enemy troops super fast. Yes it is a fighter.

The Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II is a single-seat, twin-turbofan, straight-wing, subsonic attack aircraft developed by Fairchild Republic for the United States Air Force. In service since 1977, it is named after the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, but is commonly referred to as the "Warthog" or simply "Hog". Wikipedia
Top speed: 420 mph
It was shortly after I became a pilot that at the Hayward, CA Airshow I saw up close the A-10 Thunderbolt. This was in 1980 and the plane came out in 1977. Frankly it can kill enemy troops super fast. Yes it is a fighter.

The Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II is a single-seat, twin-turbofan, straight-wing, subsonic attack aircraft developed by Fairchild Republic for the United States Air Force. In service since 1977, it is named after the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, but is commonly referred to as the "Warthog" or simply "Hog". Wikipedia
Top speed: 420 mph
I meant no offense Robert. I hope you didn't take it that way. As a grunt Marine I always admired the skill of aviators that I could never match. My intent was to point out the phony inflated statistics intended to portray ww2 female pilots as "fighter pilots" when all they did was to transport fighter planes from one place to another.
Now you can watch and listen to a woman Col. ret. discuss her fighting in Afghanistan and also Iraq.

Notice she was not very busy in Afghanistan since Bush turned that planning and fighting over to General Tommy Franks. Franks is the modern day General Patton. A wonderful General.
As to this Col. Sure she could wage war in fighter planes.

A-10 is super protected and the pilot sits in a strengthened Titanium tub. I don't see the problem with a woman flying any aircraft actually.
A-10 is super protected and the pilot sits in a strengthened Titanium tub. I don't see the problem with a woman flying any aircraft actually.
I am pleased we have posters here who care. I had to keep my opening a bit short. So I confirm what you said. You care. Very important that you care.
Men are not stopping them. I am a pilot. I have had excellent women do check rides with me. I have never had a problem with any of those women. I hope some of them fly commercial. Others would have retired by now from the military.
I am pleased we have posters here who care. I had to keep my opening a bit short. So I confirm what you said. You care. Very important that you care.
Men are not stopping them. I am a pilot. I have had excellent women do check rides with me. I have never had a problem with any of those women. I hope some of them fly commercial. Others would have retired by now from the military.
My hats off to anyone who can pilot an A-10 attack platform. They fly right into a maelstrom and create an even bigger, overwhelming maelstrom.
It is not really suited to fighting other airplanes but fights troops supremely.
A-10 could do OK against rotor and maybe other sub-sonic aircraft since it is maneuverable and rugged. Plus packs a big gun. Strap a couple of Sidewinders under the wings and it could also be a serious threat.
But agreed that the A-10 isn't built to be a fast climber or zoom and bomb gunslinger. It's better to dodge that dogfight if you can.
But then most planes designed to be fighters don't always work well in close ground support combat.
I meant no offense Robert. I hope you didn't take it that way. As a grunt Marine I always admired the skill of aviators that I could never match. My intent was to point out the phony inflated statistics intended to portray ww2 female pilots as "fighter pilots" when all they did was to transport fighter planes from one place to another.
As Zavulon pointed out in his posts here, the soviets during WWII did have female combat pilots.
While the USA and UK female military pilots did ferry aircraft, and also did training and check flights, towed gunnery targets, and outside of combat could fly any aircraft as well as a man could.

IIRC, female can handle high Gs better than male physiology so may have a slight edge in modern aerial combat.
You aren't really a "fighter" until you enter the ring. Likewise a "fighter pilot" is just a pilot who flies something that the military describes as a fighter plane. The Clinton's apparently pushed their choice to be the first woman Carrier pilot way past her capabilities and the Navy was stuck with Kara Hultrgreen until she tried the most out of control landing in modern Carrier history. Her co-pilot must have been ready with the ejection lever because he survived. Apparently the Navy was instructed not to talk about the incident.

Kara Hultgreen - Wikipedia

Kara S. Hultgreen[1] (October 5, 1965 – October 25, 1994) was an American naval aviator who served as a lieutenant in the United States Navy and was the first female carrier-based fighter pilot in the U.S. Navy. She was also the first female fighter pilot in the U.S. military to die in a crash.[2] She died just months after she was certified for combat, when she crashed her F-14 Tomcat into the sea on final approach to USS Abraham Lincoln.

Navy, Media Hid Real Reasons Why Woman Crashed an F-14a

This next is a link to a very long article, basically a mini-bio; but very informative and interesting. Covers the challenges and hurdles for women as modern combat fighter pilots, especially Naval carrier rated.

The Gauntlet: Women wanted to fly jets in combat. It would prove the ...

As more men become criminals this has to stop. We are seeing more and more gangs expand with the Prog feminist society we have built up. We see the decline of our industrial might. And the massive costs and delays of our modern huge products.

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