How about reading Ann Coulter's comments on this country

I don't recall any mass genocide in any first world Western Democracy, since the Nazi's in Germany.

Stalin was a left wing Authoritarian, as was Mao. Authoritarian dictators on both sides of the political spectrum, are responsible for the world's genocides and mass murderers, and that includes Netanyahu's treatment of the Palestinians.

Netanyahu tried an authoritarian takeover of the Israeli government, by strippping the Supreme Court of power, and Israeli's revolted. That's when Hamas struck - helping to keep Netanyahu in power. They saw him as endangered and weak and attacked.

No people has lived well under an authoritarian dictator - on either side of the political spectrum. Castro and Cuba anyone? Russia is failing. Hungary is failing. North Korea.
Socialism is not democratic

Stalin was a communist as was Mao

Marxism demands augthoritarian dictatorship whether socialism or its end goal of communism
Socialism is not democratic

Stalin was a communist as was Mao

Marxism demands augthoritarian dictatorship whether socialism or its end goal of communism
You know shit , the ultimate goal of communism is self government everyone making their own law and decision in life. and having a classless society. You liars have to make your own definition up to make these work for you but the problem is socialism Marxism and communism already have definitions and those definitions says your definition is dead ass stupid.
i favor neither, but i try not to confuse the 2.

that is not churchill's reputation, and i don't think i'd have said too much to franco.

"i do not oppose nazis because they are "right wing" i oppose nazis because they are nazis," hedges
Like I don't appose conservatives because they are maga, I oppose MAGA because they are our American Nazi's, as Trump is America's Hitler.
You know shit , the ultimate goal of communism is self government everyone making their own law and decision in life. and having a classless society. You liars have to make your own definition up to make these work for you but the problem is socialism Marxism and communism already have definitions and those definitions says your definition is dead ass stupid.
I know more than you

You are ignorant about communism. There is no mention of self government in any communist teachings all the way back to marx and engles. It is always authoritarian tyrannical and depostic asnd that is from marx himself.

CLASS as marx defines it does not exist. Communism will create it
ALL of those definitions prove me right and you wrong
Dude, nazis are right wing extremists. This is a well known and accepted fact.
No, dumbass, all authoritarian governments are LEFTWING.

The opposite of total government is NO GOVERNMENT.

That's the spectrum.
Ok, so all dictatorships are rightwing. That means leftwing is no government. I am a proud leftwinger. Give us anarchy!
I tell ya what, why don't you go audit a high school government class and we'll pick up this discussion afterwards.
I tell ya what, why don't you go audit a high school government class and we'll pick up this discussion afterwards.
I tell you what, why don't you explain the difference if you think you're so smart.

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