Biden has more S&P records than Trump. Trump also had 3 million fewer jobs than when he started

Socialist proponent Progs are capitalist Stock Market investors. There was a time they worried about Main Street and not Wall Street so much. When the Repubs go back in power the propaganda will reverse in name only. They are not the part of the peasant. Tehy are the party of true special interests at the peasant level now. Adn all others including rich. Look at Biden. The self professed man of the people. He is from the streets of Scranton and a Catholic...Bwhahha! And he lives like he is of royalty hobnobbing with the rich. Let 'em eat cake!
As usual democrats have better economies and we are reminded just how useless and pathetic Trump was as a president. He marked the worst presidential job record since the Great Depression

The market just crashed, so that's on Biden, right?


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