Biden has more S&P records than Trump. Trump also had 3 million fewer jobs than when he started

All you DIM assholes said it would take 1-1/2 to 2 years.

Trump got the bureaucracy out of the way, something a Dim douchebag would never do
Trump's only legistlative accomplishment was his tax bill. That's it because he's a lazy no good worthless shithead who ruled by EP. That's your boy's record in four years, plus him destroying more jobs in less then 6 months then any President in history. Worse then the Great Depression.

You guys picked a real "winner" in 2016. A first class jerkoff.
Even an irresponsible heir looks good for a couple years before he starts running the company he inherited into the dirt. Biden is trashing our economy as we speak. And if this jerkoff gets his spending wet dream through the Senate, our economy will be in the toilet faster than anyone thought possible.
Well, thanks for the explanation...I can assure you that I wasn't doing that...I am looking at this in a common sense manner...

There is a lot of misinformation out there, and one of them is that Trump had a worse response than the current administration, even though the current administration has more deaths from Covid than the Trump administration. Plus, everyone from Fauci on has said that Trump's response to close off travel from China immediately was exactly the right response...Democrats pilloried him for that...Trump was instramental in getting the red tape cut to get the vaccines that the current administration now wants to force people to get.

In addition, this is a virus that has a 95% plus survival rate. And that is not saying that it isn't dangerous to the elderly, or people with underlying is...

I'm vaccinated, and think that people should get the vaccine, but I also realize that is their choice...No President is responsible for their personal choices...

I'm not a huge believer in statistics, I think often they are used, and molded into what ever narrative the user wants to portray...As Mark Twain said "There's two types of liars, damned liars, and statistics."

That's what I already told you but you didn't want to hear it.
Good try. Probably wasted, but good try nonetheless.
You may disagree with j-mac on many things but I have found him to at least be an honest interlocular. And his response to my post shows that as well.
Well, thanks for the explanation...I can assure you that I wasn't doing that...I am looking at this in a common sense manner...

There is a lot of misinformation out there, and one of them is that Trump had a worse response than the current administration, even though the current administration has more deaths from Covid than the Trump administration. Plus, everyone from Fauci on has said that Trump's response to close off travel from China immediately was exactly the right response...Democrats pilloried him for that...Trump was instramental in getting the red tape cut to get the vaccines that the current administration now wants to force people to get.

In addition, this is a virus that has a 95% plus survival rate. And that is not saying that it isn't dangerous to the elderly, or people with underlying is...

I'm vaccinated, and think that people should get the vaccine, but I also realize that is their choice...No President is responsible for their personal choices...

I'm not a huge believer in statistics, I think often they are used, and molded into what ever narrative the user wants to portray...As Mark Twain said "There's two types of liars, damned liars, and statistics."
They often are but I find that almost all useful data is going to relate to statistical analysis at some point and principals have to be backed up by data or they are lacking. The natural tendency for people is to utterly misunderstand them unfortunately, and that applies to us all, so it can be a difficult task to navigate through them properly.
Trump's only legistlative accomplishment was his tax bill. That's it because he's a lazy no good worthless shithead who ruled by EP. That's your boy's record in four years, plus him destroying more jobs in less then 6 months then any President in history. Worse then the Great Depression.

You guys picked a real "winner" in 2016. A first class jerkoff.
Only totalitarian morons view success in terms of the quantity of legislation they impose on us. One thing Trump did is eliminate over half of all federal regulations.

How did Trump "destroy" any jobs?
Only totalitarian morons view success in terms of the quantity of legislation they impose on us. One thing Trump did is eliminate over half of all federal regulations.

How did Trump "destroy" any jobs?
He ran the economy into the ground with his inept deranged response to the pandemic.

Were you in a coma the last year he was in office?
He ran the economy into the ground with his inept deranged response to the pandemic.

Were you in a coma the last year he was in office?
That wasn't his response to the pandemic. He didn't order any shut dows. Dim governors did that. Those of us who can reason aren't required to swallow your bullshit narratives.
As usual democrats have better economies and we are reminded just how useless and pathetic Trump was as a president. He marked the worst presidential job record since the Great Depression

I hope you have your tissues and safety blanket for the midterms because the left is fucked lol.

Be sure to welcome your new GOP majority

The problem is -- you're a flaming Imbecile. No, I didn't say that. I said, "according to" another fucking retard who insists we look at "total numbers," that if we apply "total numbers" by country, that would make the USA the worst in the world, in an effort to show how stupid he is for using "total numbers."

I am the one who's in agreement with you that we shouldn't be using "total numbers" but sadly, you're too fucking moronic to notice that.

When discussing new infections by state you look at total new infections, Stupid.

If your IQ dropped two points it would be in the negative.
When discussing new infections by state you look at total new infections, Stupid.

If your IQ dropped two points it would be in the negative.
Not when you compare one state with another. You're too stupid to comprehend even posters here on your side of the fence think you're retarded for doing that.
Not when you compare one state with another. You're too stupid to comprehend even posters here on your side of the fence think you're retarded for doing that.
So now your story is you can never compare one state with another.

Got it.
Next thing you know, Faun will be telling me you can’t compare states because they are shaped differently.

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