Biden has Putin on the Ropes

Americas biggest foe is now China.

No, the biggest foe that US citizens have always had is the DC swamp.
The last time anyone really attacked us was in 1812, and yet we spend over half our federal budget on weapons to murder innocent civilians in places like Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, the Ukraine, etc.
They hate Putin because he isn't a Communist. They loved Russia when it was Communist. I argued endlessly against Communists at university and they loved Castro most of all.

While all families, tribes, and small social groups are always naturally communist because its in our DNA, there has NEVER been a country that was remotely communist.
Stalin was bank robber, total capitalist, and killed all the socialists, communists, and anarchists.
So, Biden allowed Russia to invade Ukraine and kill so many people just so he could beat up Putin?

Why does the military always continually start wars?
It is because the military gets kickbacks from all the weapons manufacturers.
Without continual wars, there are no munitions profits.

Biden did not "allow" Russia to invade the Ukraine, but forced it.
Obama, Biden, and Hillary got the Ukraine to violate all their treaties with Russia.
They got the Ukraine to steal oil/gas from Russian pipelines, tried to block their use of Sevastopol, murdered 30k ethnic Russian natives of the Ukraine, tried to join NATO and put US nukes on Russia's border, etc.
Aren't you a Putin lover, you must be:

A) Russian troll
B) Trump loving American

Very little difference in outlook between the two.

Russia always comes out as the good guy if you look at any facts.
The US tried to set up petty dictator and Russia stopped up.
It was Chaing Kai Shek in China, Syngman Rhee in Korea, Diem in Vietnam, Batista in Cuba, Samosa in Nicaragua, etc.
Face facts, the US tried to install the worst possible puppet dictators.
And we lie constantly to attack innocent countries, like Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.
No, the biggest foe that US citizens have always had is the DC swamp.
The last time anyone really attacked us was in 1812, and yet we spend over half our federal budget on weapons to murder innocent civilians in places like Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, the Ukraine, etc.
The last time another country attacked us was December 7th 1941 the last time we were attacked by a non nation foe was September 11th 2001.
Not only that, but he does not understand that if Putin really were to start losing, then he would have no choice but to nuke both Kyiv and the US.
He could nuke neither no matter how bad he loses. He knows it would mean his destruction

He is losing the war he started
Russia always comes out as the good guy if you look at any facts.
The US tried to set up petty dictator and Russia stopped up.
It was Chaing Kai Shek in China, Syngman Rhee in Korea, Diem in Vietnam, Batista in Cuba, Samosa in Nicaragua, etc.
Face facts, the US tried to install the worst possible puppet dictators.
And we lie constantly to attack innocent countries, like Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.
The facts prove the opposite.

The did no such thing.

Chaing Kai Shek was a better choice for a ruler or China as oppsoed to the genocidal Mao.

Rhee was vastly superior to the monstrous Kim Family and Diem infinitly better than Minh.

The Cubans were better off under Batista

Face facts you are supporting and defending the worst dictators.

Those were not innocent natins and we attacked with valid and good reasons
Why does the military always continually start wars?
It is because the military gets kickbacks from all the weapons manufacturers.
Without continual wars, there are no munitions profits.

Biden did not "allow" Russia to invade the Ukraine, but forced it.
Obama, Biden, and Hillary got the Ukraine to violate all their treaties with Russia.
They got the Ukraine to steal oil/gas from Russian pipelines, tried to block their use of Sevastopol, murdered 30k ethnic Russian natives of the Ukraine, tried to join NATO and put US nukes on Russia's border, etc.
The military starts or started no wars you DUMBASS<

Biden forced nothing it was an arbitrary decision by Putin to attack.

Ukraine violated no such treaty you fucking fool. There was NO such treaty to violate,

There wass no such theft or murder and NO ONE wanted to put nukes in Ukraine.

They had every right to try to join NATO you stupid fuck face
While all families, tribes, and small social groups are always naturally communist because its in our DNA, there has NEVER been a country that was remotely communist.
Stalin was bank robber, total capitalist, and killed all the socialists, communists, and anarchists.
Wrong motherfucker.

The USSR was communist which is not about tribal cooperation.

Stalin was a pure communist.
No, the biggest foe that US citizens have always had is the DC swamp.
The last time anyone really attacked us was in 1812, and yet we spend over half our federal budget on weapons to murder innocent civilians in places like Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, the Ukraine, etc.
Wrong and historically ignorant
My best information from varied sources is saying that Russia is slaughtering the Ukrainian army and that the Ukraine never did have a chance to win.

In any case, that's not at question anymore.

I'm still divided on whether America can come out of this war with some meaningful gain?

You source all your information from russian state news. What else are they going to say about the war? DUHHH!

The Russian military has been decimated to the point where they can't even protect moscow from Wagner mercs. Putin is insanely lucky to be alive right now. They have no army left. It's all in Ukraine, and their equipment is being destroyed daily.
Starting at the beginning. I said more than a year ago that I believed Russia would win. That doesn’t mean I want them to win. Quite the contrary. I’d love them to fail miserably.

However. I am also honest enough to look at the facts. The Russian Army outnumbers the Ukrainian by what? Ten to one? Technology has been making the field less unequal, but certainly the odds aren’t even.

So why keep supporting Ukraine? Because every day costs Russia more. More troops. More munitions. More equipment. More of everything. The best Russia can hope for is a Pyrrhic Victory. A victory so costly that they can’t afford to fight another war for a couple decades. I want Generations of Russians living in poverty as a result of this war. I want them paying for it for half a century or more.

As for China. They are watching this war carefully. For years the Generals in their military have downplayed the threat of American Technology in war. Now they know what the Western Technology can do. They know what a force multiplier it is. And Taiwan has had much of it for years. It isn’t new to them. It’s something they train with and understand intimately.

If a bunch of former Soviets can take this stuff and with minimal training stop Russia in their tracks, imagine what the Taiwanese can do with it?

Additionally the war in Ukraine has shown where our systems could use some improvement. Nothing is as good of a test as actual war. All the trials and tests show it works in theory. But until it is real we don’t know. We know now. Tanks are obsolete thanks to cheap portable anti-tank missiles. Drones and a couple soldiers hiding behind a tree can wipe out a tank. A half dozen teams like that can stop an entire armored Company.

We have also identified a few areas of improvement in procurement. We need to be able to turn out a lot more artillery shells. But now we know and now we can address the issue before American Troops are on the line paying for the information in blood.

Politically it has United Europe and NATO in a way not seen in decades. Even Switzerland came out in opposition to Russia. Putin managed to drive the Swiss off their pedestal of neutrality. That is impressive. Finland and Sweden have decided to join NATO. Putin has done more to harm Russia than anyone else could have done from outside. Russia didn’t lose the neutrality of Finland, Sweden, and Switzerland, when they invaded Hungary to put down the rebellion.

Militarily, politically, and economically, Russia is screwing the proverbial pooch.
Why does the military always continually start wars?
It is because the military gets kickbacks from all the weapons manufacturers.
Without continual wars, there are no munitions profits.

Biden did not "allow" Russia to invade the Ukraine, but forced it.
Obama, Biden, and Hillary got the Ukraine to violate all their treaties with Russia.
They got the Ukraine to steal oil/gas from Russian pipelines, tried to block their use of Sevastopol, murdered 30k ethnic Russian natives of the Ukraine, tried to join NATO and put US nukes on Russia's border, etc.
He allowed it by watching the buildup and doing nothing. Obviously there was a motivating factor.
Putin is failing.
His war is failing.
Biden has united NATO, armed Ukraine, and they are crushing Putin.
Putin is weak and vulnerable.

Biden is considering sending more advanced weaponry to Ukraine, hopefully he does. This could be the knock out blow for the Russian Army. The US has given Ukraine, just $100B and Russia has lost half their army. A small price to pay to crush half the Army of your biggest foe.

Biden is about to crush our biggest foe, and the 2nd most powerful army in the world. Russia's Army is no longer the 2nd most powerful, because of Biden and the Ukraine fighters.

Joe is getting it done. Big time.

Biden's pants are full of shit.

Just like you.
Yea I know, you prefer GW Bush's war in Iraq that you loved so much.

Biden's strategy is much better, doesn't cost US lives, cost much less money, and also has our biggest foe fucked up badly and greatly weakened.

Biden has greatly weakened Russia. Joe did that.
/——/ Bush had Hussain swinging from a rope. Putin is still standing. You tool.
Amazing how much these right wingers love Putin
/——/ Amazing how much left wingers love Hitler.

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