Biden Hits New Low

Gee, Gosh! How will protectionist ever come back from this enlightening, informative, substance-laden post ? :eek:

When liberals come face to face with reality, that often regard it as
crazy" - simply because it does not conform to the regimen of what they have been programmed to see and expect.

I remember when a kid in the 7th grade told me I was crazy because I told him that mercury is gray. He said no it is red, and I should look at any thermometer. I told him that is merely a dye, to make the mercury more visible.

When the science teacher confirmed that mercury is gray, the kid said the science teacher was crazy too. Sometimes when people get comfortable with an idea, leaving it is near impossible for them.
So where is that poll genius?

Ya know… the one showing Trump at 70% approval?
HA HA. Democrats are hooked on polls and sources., Everything has to be a poll or a link to something..You know what ? Fish can swim, and I don't have a single source, poll, or link to confirm it. HA HA.

I explained (repeatedly) what my numbers are based on. Are you reading the thread ? Read it lazybones.
So you made up approval numbers and claim no poll can be trusted

That’s not crazy. Nahhhh
Haha, apparently you're very slow. It's ok. I'll spell things out for you.

View attachment 518217

You asked if I have names, addresses, and emails in the polls I referenced.

I was asking you the same. As in, do you have names, addresses, and emails for the people in your polls. Since you require that information of me, then I expect that information of you. And I would like the LINKS to that information.

How is that? Are you all clear now?
NO! You did NOT ask the same. You asked about my LINKS, dumbshit, and I even went to the trouble of looking it up for you (you're welcome). and posted your request in my Post # 196.

And then, you quoted that very same post, and claimed that you were asking about a poll. Are you daft ?

Yeah, I'M clear. YOU're the one who's stumbling all over himself in this thread. What are you doing ? An imitation of Joe Biden ?

One more time > You asked about my LINKS. And I went to some trouble to list the NAMES from those links. See a DOCTOR. Seriously.
NO! You did NOT ask the same. You asked about my LINKS, dumbshit, and I even went to the trouble of looking it up for you (you're welcome). and posted your request in my Post # 196.

And then, you quoted that very same post, and claimed that you were asking about a poll. Are you daft ?

Yeah, I'M clear. YOU're the one who's stumbling all over himself in this thread. What are you doing ? An imitation of Joe Biden ?

One more time > You asked about my LINKS. And I went to some trouble to list the NAMES from those links. See a DOCTOR. Seriously.

You asked me for names, emails, and addresses of the participants in my polls. I'm asking you for the same and I'm asking for links to that information.

I clarified this just for you and you STILL don't understand? What part are you confused about?

I think you might be going senile.
So where is that poll genius?

Ya know… the one showing Trump at 70% approval?
The 70% approval
So where is that poll genius?

Ya know… the one showing Trump at 70% approval?
See post # 124 (and this is the last time I'm going to take the time to look something up back in the thread because your too f'kn lazy to do it yourself.)
The 70% approval

See post # 124 (and this is the last time I'm going to take the time to look something up back in the thread because your too f'kn lazy to do it yourself.)
Post # 124 is just you making insane leaps of logic and pulling numbers outta yer ass (and admitting there is no such poll of course)
You asked me for names, emails, and addresses of the participants in my polls. I'm asking you for the same and I'm asking for links to that information.

I clarified this just for you and you STILL don't understand? What part are you confused about?

I think you might be going senile
You don't "think" at all. You can't even keep track of what the hell you're talking about. If anybody is "senile" here it's YOU. You're a copy of Jie Biden.

I'm not interested in your clarification. I simply corrected you that you had asked me for links, not polls, and that you failed to produce a name of any Republican in the polls.

As for me producing names of Democrats in polls, what a stupid question. Itls like asking to produce the names of fish species in the sea, to confirim that there arre fish in the sea.

EARTH TO XC: My links showed that generally Republicans don't answer polls. So who then would you think would be answering them ? Eskimos in Canada ? I don't HAVE TO show names of Democrats in Democrat polls. You know why ? Because they're Democrat polls. Duh! Want some proof of that ? See Post # 97 and look at the names in the right hand column. LOL.
Good for you. Wanna cookie for not being totally stupid?

How come all of the Democrats have not bought in to being vaccinated?
I don't think all of any group is vaccinated. Why?
If all the Democrats are not vaccinated - either out of choice or uncertainty- then you people are in no position to blame Republicans for not getting vaccinated.


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You don't "think" at all. You can't even keep track of what the hell you're talking about. If anybody is "senile" here it's YOU. You're a copy of Jie Biden.

I'm not interested in your clarification. I simply corrected you that you had asked me for links, not polls, and that you failed to produce a name of any Republican in the polls.

As for me producing names of Democrats in polls, what a stupid question. Itls like asking to produce the names of fish species in the sea, to confirim that there arre fish in the sea.

EARTH TO XC: My links showed that generally Republicans don't answer polls. So who then would you think would be answering them ? Eskimos in Canada ? I don't HAVE TO show names of Democrats in Democrat polls. You know why ? Because they're Democrat polls. Duh! Want some proof of that ? See Post # 97 and look at the names in the right hand column. LOL.
Right. So you expect my polls to have the names, emails, and addresses of the participants. Your polls do not require that information. We call that “inconsistent”.

Did you understand that this time? I doubt it. You are one dense retard.
Post # 124 is just you making insane leaps of logic and pulling numbers outta yer ass (and admitting there is no such poll of course)
Well, that is nothing more than your Democrat psychology. Post # 124 is accurate, but doesn't fit your programming, Not my problem.
Right. So you expect my polls to have names, emails, and addresses. Your polls do not require that information. We call that “inconsistent”.

Did you understand that this time? I doubt it.
Of course it's inconsistent. It is that, because we have 2 different scenarios, that are inconsistent with one another. Democrats answer polls, Republicans don't. Duh!
How come all of the Democrats have not bought in to being vaccinated?
Some have medical reasons preventing it. Others are stupid.
If all the Democrats are not vaccinated - either out of choice or uncertainty- then you people are in no position to blame Republicans for not getting vaccinated.
Man...the "logic" of Trump Humpers is really fucking bent.

So unless Dems are ONE HUNDRED PER CENT vaccinated, they should say nothing that Trump Humpers are only 50% vaccinated?

That make sense to you?

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