Biden Hits New Low

Democrats answer polls, Republicans don't. Duh!
Now I get it. You're a retard.

NO ONE believes that moron

Republicans answer polls...unfortunately too many of them lie. NO ONE is able to calculate how many lie.

That's entirely different from "Republicans don't"...
You seem to believe that in "Dem polls" only Dems are polled. And that NO Republicans respond to polls.

NO ONE but you believes that
If you were not an information-deprived idiot - victim of leftist OMISSION media, and if you read my links showing extensive research, proving that generally Republicans don't respond to polls, you wouldn't now be making a FOOL out of yourself in this thread. Lesson for you _ always READ THE THREAD before posting.

Once again, here is who else believes that Republicans are not answering polls IN ADDITION TO ME. >>>
(and these names are all in Post # 190, you should have known)

American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR).

Vanderbilt University political scientist Josh Clinton


Josh Clinton (Chair), Vanderbilt University1 Jennifer Agiesta, CNN Megan Brenan, Gallup Camille Burge, Villanova University Marjorie Connelly, AP-NORC Center Ariel Edwards-Levy, CNN Bernard Fraga, Emory University Emily Guskin, Washington Post D. Sunshine Hillygus, Duke University Chris Jackson, Ipsos Jeff Jones, Gallup Scott Keeter, Pew Research Center Kabir Khanna, CBS News John Lapinski, University of Pennsylvania Lydia Saad, Gallup Daron Shaw, University of Texas Andrew Smith, University of New Hampshire David Wilson, University of Delaware Christopher Wlezien, University of Texas
Ronna McDaniel, Chair of the Republican National Committee

Cato Institute



Peter Coy

Leib Litman

C. Douglas Golden

Dr. Benjamin Knoll, Ph.D., Contributor
John Marshall Harlan Associate Professor of Politics, Centre College

Peter K. Enns
Jonathon P. Schuldt
Julius Lagodny
Alexander Rauter (Washington Post)

Nate Silver

Cornell’s Survey Research Institute.

Peter K. Enns, executive director of the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research and an associate professor of government at Cornell University

Jonathon P. Schuldt is an assistant professor of communication at Cornell and a member of the Roper Center’s board of directors

Julius Lagodny is a PhD student in the Department of Government at Cornell University

Peter Weber, Senior editor, Yahoo News
Now I get it. You're a retard.

NO ONE believes that moron

Republicans answer polls...unfortunately too many of them lie. NO ONE is able to calculate how many lie.

That's entirely different from "Republicans don't"...
You clod, It was proven with links and advance university research that Republicans generally DON'T answer polls. It was shown in Post # 190.

You are just an imbecile, who posts without reading the thread, and without having a clue of what you're talking about.

And XC is just as bad as you, as evidenced by his like rating to your pitiful, moronic post # 224, which was already obliterated in post # 190, before your # 224 even existed. LOL. Oh God, what an ordeal talking to information-deprived, airhead liberals, who don't know how much they don't know. :rolleyes: :icon_rolleyes:
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Some have medical reasons preventing it. Others are stupid.

Man...the "logic" of Trump Humpers is really fucking bent.

So unless Dems are ONE HUNDRED PER CENT vaccinated, they should say nothing that Trump Humpers are only 50% vaccinated?

That make sense to you?
What makes sense to me is you people need to make sure all of your people are vaccinated before you start pointing the finger at others who are not necessarily 100 percent supporters of the former President.
You clod, It was proven with links and advance university research that Republicans generally DON'T answer polls. It was shown in Post # 190.

You are just an imbecile, who posts without reading the thread, and without having a clue of what you're talking about.

“Democrats answer polls, Republicans don't.”

That’s not what your link says, retard. You’re still making shit up.
What makes sense to me is you people need to make sure all of your people are vaccinated before you start pointing the finger at others who are not necessarily 100 percent supporters of the former President.
So Dems have to be perfect before we can ask you not to be stupid?

That is your stupid logic?

Only 14% of Americans say they will definitely not get vaccinated. But this group is 69% white, compared with 7% Black and 12% Hispanic. Republicans make up 58% of this group, while Democrats account for 18%.


I don't care what your politics are.
I posted links. You saw them. You're full of shit.

Yes, you posted links that showed Biden's average job favorability is 52% compared to Trump's at 42%.

This is only the beginning as the reality of Biden's handlers sets in

Biden's approval rating dropped 6 percentage points from June in the new poll, which surveyed 1,007 adults between July 6 and July 21.

The lower rating comes amid new fears about inflation, a rising number of coronavirus cases and a slowing vaccination rate.

lol It's a Party of psychopaths and violent racists. What else could happen to such a gang of loons and freaks and degenerates?
I wouldn't doubt that, rising number of coronavirus rates are rising and the slow vaccinations rates are due to Trumptards.
Then they blame Biden for THEIR STUPIDITY.

Right, cuz all those criminal illegal aliens have been vaccinated and faggots of course have always been very dedicated to maintaining very high public health standards same as black hood rats have.
They DO say what I claimed. They say Republicans don't answer Democrat polls from leftist media. Ho hum. And the RCP link is consistent with what I said about the Democrat polls.

No, they don't, ya retard. :eusa_doh:

3 of your 4 links say Republicans participate in polls. 1 of your links quotes one guy who says they don't. You obviously either didn't read your own links or you didn't understand them.

And of course, polls show how many Republicans participate.

Even funnier, you claim both 98% of Republicans support Trump AND you claim Republicans don't participate in polls. So if Republicans didn’t actually participate in polls, how does 98% support him?

You don't think things through, do ya, gramps?

No, YOU are slow. And again you show that you are 100% relying on "sources"

And MY SOURCES DO say that, as I said, results of polls can't be trusted because they are significantly not responded to by Republicans. That's what the sources say. Do I have to post them yet again ? HA HA HA.

Folks: this meltdown you are witnessing, is what happens when Democrats, who thought they had a con job all locked up, are suddenly finding out, their ruse is a laughingstock, and is about as covered up as the moon.
"because they are significantly not responded to by Republicans."


You just changed your entire narrative, gramps. All along you've been saying Republicans don't participate in those polls. After it was pointed out to you your own links don't say that, you change your own claim to the don't participate "significantly."

You're too senile to know how stupid you look.

Always amazing that anyone votes for these clowns. I could not care less how this senile weirdo is polling.
FALSE! All 4 of the polls cited by RCP to get the 42% approval number for Trump, were indeed, Democrat polls. Democrats consistently deny that Democrat polls are in fact that. Of course!.... to admit the truth that they are Democrat polls, blows their whole poll ruse right of of the water.

Democrats live inside of a reality bubble of their own making, and then walk around believing it. Ho hum.

Trump is 62-70%. Biden is 25% (AND FALLING)

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