Biden: I was Buck Naked, Trying to Pull My Dog's Tail When I Broke My Foot

I've decided my showering routine is way too ho hum. Look at all the fun these guys have when they shower! I gotta step it up.
This is the funniest thread I've seen in weeks. Almost as good as some of the Golden Shower threads back when.
Democrats still believe that story.

You can tell the Steele dossier war written for Democrats because it's stupid and perverted.
And Biden having sex with the dog isn't? LOL
At least no kids were involved so its a step up for a Democrat.

Meaning............. ?
Uh, yeah, okay. Brrrrrr!

And people voted for this. Ten million more than Øbama in his historical 2008 run? No. Fucking. Way.

I’m trying to think of what would possess an advisor to Joe Biden to think this was the story to go with, but here we are. As was revealed previously, Biden broke his foot in what was originally described vaguely as him simply playing with his dog.
Now, the claim has morphed. Biden says he was getting out of the shower and decided to attempt to pull his dog’s tail in a playful manner. That’s when a rug came out of nowhere to trip him up, because we all break our foot when we trip over a rug, right?
This is like your kid claiming that aliens caused him to miss his curfew. I mean, come on, does anyone believe this story? Besides, what kind of 78 year old degenerate gets out of the shower, chases his dog around naked in order to painfully pull its tail, and then breaks his foot by tripping over a rug?

Doesn't say anything about him being naked.

“What happened was I got out of the shower. I got a dog and anybody who’s been around my house knows — dropped, little pup dropped a ball in front of me. And for me to grab the ball,” Biden told CNN journalist Jake Tapper in his first post-election joint interview with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

“And I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom. And I grabbed the ball like this and he ran. And I’m joking, running after him and grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug. And I tripped on the rug he slid on. That’s what happened. Oh man, not a very exciting story.”

You think he showers with his clothes ON?
You think he jumped out of the shower and started playing with the dog dripping wet? Okay.

Joes the one that is saying that he got out of the shower which implies he is wet which is supposedly why he slipped according the dems propaganda. This is their BS---I didn't say I believed it. But Joe doesn't stop there---he claims he jumped out of the shower (wet which caused him to slip) and then started to pull the dogs tail.

If he had gotten dressed first, he would have said that I just got dressed and then pulled my dog's tail and I fell even though I wasn't wet by that point.

You can't have it both ways...either he was dressed and dry or he was naked and wet. Which one do you wanna go with? (trick question because we all know that the story is bullshit.)

Either way you want to go hun, why was JOE pulling that poor dog's tail? The dog needs to be seen by a vet...

You're actually suggesting that if somebody doesn't refer to having gotten dressed that day they're naked?

And what else do the voices tell you?

The Story--is that WET slippery JOE got out of the shower and slipped when he pulled the dogs tail------.

If Joe was dressed, he would have been dry so wouldn't have slipped because he was wet as his propagandists are implying/saying---he would have slipped because he is old and feeble (when the poor dog try to protect itself from Joe's advances.)

NOWHERE does it say anything about slipping "because anything was wet". Nothing is referred to as "wet" at all. I dunno what you do but when I step out of the shower the first thing I do is DRY OFF.

Pedophilia, incest family----------is capable of anything and everything.

Good news. This thread is not about Rump and his daughter.

Not to worry, your post will prolly be deleted for bestiality.
Being wet is the whole point of mentioning the is to imply that Biden slipped due to water not being feeble senile.

If you want to claim that he was dry, and that he is so feeble and senile that he fail as he pulled his poor dogs tail---------go with it babe.
Uh, yeah, okay. Brrrrrr!

And people voted for this. Ten million more than Øbama in his historical 2008 run? No. Fucking. Way.

I’m trying to think of what would possess an advisor to Joe Biden to think this was the story to go with, but here we are. As was revealed previously, Biden broke his foot in what was originally described vaguely as him simply playing with his dog.
Now, the claim has morphed. Biden says he was getting out of the shower and decided to attempt to pull his dog’s tail in a playful manner. That’s when a rug came out of nowhere to trip him up, because we all break our foot when we trip over a rug, right?
This is like your kid claiming that aliens caused him to miss his curfew. I mean, come on, does anyone believe this story? Besides, what kind of 78 year old degenerate gets out of the shower, chases his dog around naked in order to painfully pull its tail, and then breaks his foot by tripping over a rug?

Doesn't say anything about him being naked.

“What happened was I got out of the shower. I got a dog and anybody who’s been around my house knows — dropped, little pup dropped a ball in front of me. And for me to grab the ball,” Biden told CNN journalist Jake Tapper in his first post-election joint interview with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

“And I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom. And I grabbed the ball like this and he ran. And I’m joking, running after him and grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug. And I tripped on the rug he slid on. That’s what happened. Oh man, not a very exciting story.”

You think he showers with his clothes ON?
You think he jumped out of the shower and started playing with the dog dripping wet? Okay.

Joes the one that is saying that he got out of the shower which implies he is wet which is supposedly why he slipped according the dems propaganda. This is their BS---I didn't say I believed it. But Joe doesn't stop there---he claims he jumped out of the shower (wet which caused him to slip) and then started to pull the dogs tail.

If he had gotten dressed first, he would have said that I just got dressed and then pulled my dog's tail and I fell even though I wasn't wet by that point.

You can't have it both ways...either he was dressed and dry or he was naked and wet. Which one do you wanna go with? (trick question because we all know that the story is bullshit.)

Either way you want to go hun, why was JOE pulling that poor dog's tail? The dog needs to be seen by a vet...

You're actually suggesting that if somebody doesn't refer to having gotten dressed that day they're naked?

And what else do the voices tell you?

The Story--is that WET slippery JOE got out of the shower and slipped when he pulled the dogs tail------.

If Joe was dressed, he would have been dry so wouldn't have slipped because he was wet as his propagandists are implying/saying---he would have slipped because he is old and feeble (when the poor dog try to protect itself from Joe's advances.)

NOWHERE does it say anything about slipping "because anything was wet". Nothing is referred to as "wet" at all. I dunno what you do but when I step out of the shower the first thing I do is DRY OFF.

Pedophilia, incest family----------is capable of anything and everything.

Good news. This thread is not about Rump and his daughter.

Not to worry, your post will prolly be deleted for bestiality.
Being wet is the whole point of mentioning the is to imply that Biden slipped due to water not being feeble senile.
Thank you for the in depth analysis, Rudy! Get some sleep now while you get that plasma drip.
What is it with Joe Biden and being naked? That was one of the biggest complaints the secret service had when he was vp. He would always walk around naked.

Especially when female agents were on the job.
What is it with Joe Biden and being naked? That was one of the biggest complaints the secret service had when he was vp. He would always walk around naked.

He likes to skinny dip in his pool. Big fuckin' deal
When President John Quincy Adams lived in the White House, between 1825 and 1829, the former diplomat and U.S. Senator frequently went skinny-dipping in the Potomac River, causing no fuss. President Teddy Roosevelt, an avid outdoorsman, swam naked in the Potomac. Billy Graham was one of many to go skinny-dipping with President Lyndon Johnson in the White House pool. Yet today in a story emailed out to media professionals as a "POLITICO EXCLUSIVE," Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan write about mere congressional skinny-dipping like it's a serious scandal ...
Uh, yeah, okay. Brrrrrr!

And people voted for this. Ten million more than Øbama in his historical 2008 run? No. Fucking. Way.

I’m trying to think of what would possess an advisor to Joe Biden to think this was the story to go with, but here we are. As was revealed previously, Biden broke his foot in what was originally described vaguely as him simply playing with his dog.
Now, the claim has morphed. Biden says he was getting out of the shower and decided to attempt to pull his dog’s tail in a playful manner. That’s when a rug came out of nowhere to trip him up, because we all break our foot when we trip over a rug, right?
This is like your kid claiming that aliens caused him to miss his curfew. I mean, come on, does anyone believe this story? Besides, what kind of 78 year old degenerate gets out of the shower, chases his dog around naked in order to painfully pull its tail, and then breaks his foot by tripping over a rug?

Doesn't say anything about him being naked.

“What happened was I got out of the shower. I got a dog and anybody who’s been around my house knows — dropped, little pup dropped a ball in front of me. And for me to grab the ball,” Biden told CNN journalist Jake Tapper in his first post-election joint interview with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

“And I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom. And I grabbed the ball like this and he ran. And I’m joking, running after him and grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug. And I tripped on the rug he slid on. That’s what happened. Oh man, not a very exciting story.”

You think he showers with his clothes ON?
You think he jumped out of the shower and started playing with the dog dripping wet? Okay.

Joes the one that is saying that he got out of the shower which implies he is wet which is supposedly why he slipped according the dems propaganda. This is their BS---I didn't say I believed it. But Joe doesn't stop there---he claims he jumped out of the shower (wet which caused him to slip) and then started to pull the dogs tail.

If he had gotten dressed first, he would have said that I just got dressed and then pulled my dog's tail and I fell even though I wasn't wet by that point.

You can't have it both ways...either he was dressed and dry or he was naked and wet. Which one do you wanna go with? (trick question because we all know that the story is bullshit.)

Either way you want to go hun, why was JOE pulling that poor dog's tail? The dog needs to be seen by a vet...

You're actually suggesting that if somebody doesn't refer to having gotten dressed that day they're naked?

And what else do the voices tell you?

The Story--is that WET slippery JOE got out of the shower and slipped when he pulled the dogs tail------.

If Joe was dressed, he would have been dry so wouldn't have slipped because he was wet as his propagandists are implying/saying---he would have slipped because he is old and feeble (when the poor dog try to protect itself from Joe's advances.)

NOWHERE does it say anything about slipping "because anything was wet". Nothing is referred to as "wet" at all. I dunno what you do but when I step out of the shower the first thing I do is DRY OFF.

Pedophilia, incest family----------is capable of anything and everything.

Good news. This thread is not about Rump and his daughter.

Not to worry, your post will prolly be deleted for bestiality.
Being wet is the whole point of mentioning the is to imply that Biden slipped due to water not being feeble senile.
Thank you for the in depth analysis, Rudy! Get some sleep now while you get that plasma drip.
and there it is ...........baseless smear in hopes of redirecting.

Yawn fest!!
Uh, yeah, okay. Brrrrrr!

And people voted for this. Ten million more than Øbama in his historical 2008 run? No. Fucking. Way.

I’m trying to think of what would possess an advisor to Joe Biden to think this was the story to go with, but here we are. As was revealed previously, Biden broke his foot in what was originally described vaguely as him simply playing with his dog.
Now, the claim has morphed. Biden says he was getting out of the shower and decided to attempt to pull his dog’s tail in a playful manner. That’s when a rug came out of nowhere to trip him up, because we all break our foot when we trip over a rug, right?
This is like your kid claiming that aliens caused him to miss his curfew. I mean, come on, does anyone believe this story? Besides, what kind of 78 year old degenerate gets out of the shower, chases his dog around naked in order to painfully pull its tail, and then breaks his foot by tripping over a rug?

Doesn't say anything about him being naked.

“What happened was I got out of the shower. I got a dog and anybody who’s been around my house knows — dropped, little pup dropped a ball in front of me. And for me to grab the ball,” Biden told CNN journalist Jake Tapper in his first post-election joint interview with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

“And I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom. And I grabbed the ball like this and he ran. And I’m joking, running after him and grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug. And I tripped on the rug he slid on. That’s what happened. Oh man, not a very exciting story.”

You think he showers with his clothes ON?
You think he jumped out of the shower and started playing with the dog dripping wet? Okay.

Joes the one that is saying that he got out of the shower which implies he is wet which is supposedly why he slipped according the dems propaganda. This is their BS---I didn't say I believed it. But Joe doesn't stop there---he claims he jumped out of the shower (wet which caused him to slip) and then started to pull the dogs tail.

If he had gotten dressed first, he would have said that I just got dressed and then pulled my dog's tail and I fell even though I wasn't wet by that point.

You can't have it both ways...either he was dressed and dry or he was naked and wet. Which one do you wanna go with? (trick question because we all know that the story is bullshit.)

Either way you want to go hun, why was JOE pulling that poor dog's tail? The dog needs to be seen by a vet...

You're actually suggesting that if somebody doesn't refer to having gotten dressed that day they're naked?

And what else do the voices tell you?

The Story--is that WET slippery JOE got out of the shower and slipped when he pulled the dogs tail------.

If Joe was dressed, he would have been dry so wouldn't have slipped because he was wet as his propagandists are implying/saying---he would have slipped because he is old and feeble (when the poor dog try to protect itself from Joe's advances.)

NOWHERE does it say anything about slipping "because anything was wet". Nothing is referred to as "wet" at all. I dunno what you do but when I step out of the shower the first thing I do is DRY OFF.

Pedophilia, incest family----------is capable of anything and everything.

Good news. This thread is not about Rump and his daughter.

Not to worry, your post will prolly be deleted for bestiality.
Being wet is the whole point of mentioning the is to imply that Biden slipped due to water not being feeble senile.
Thank you for the in depth analysis, Rudy! Get some sleep now while you get that plasma drip.
and there it is ...........baseless smear in hopes of redirecting.

Yawn fest!!
You're just being goofy, which I appreciate, actually. I can always use a laugh.
Uh, yeah, okay. Brrrrrr!

And people voted for this. Ten million more than Øbama in his historical 2008 run? No. Fucking. Way.

I’m trying to think of what would possess an advisor to Joe Biden to think this was the story to go with, but here we are. As was revealed previously, Biden broke his foot in what was originally described vaguely as him simply playing with his dog.
Now, the claim has morphed. Biden says he was getting out of the shower and decided to attempt to pull his dog’s tail in a playful manner. That’s when a rug came out of nowhere to trip him up, because we all break our foot when we trip over a rug, right?
This is like your kid claiming that aliens caused him to miss his curfew. I mean, come on, does anyone believe this story? Besides, what kind of 78 year old degenerate gets out of the shower, chases his dog around naked in order to painfully pull its tail, and then breaks his foot by tripping over a rug?

Doesn't say anything about him being naked.

“What happened was I got out of the shower. I got a dog and anybody who’s been around my house knows — dropped, little pup dropped a ball in front of me. And for me to grab the ball,” Biden told CNN journalist Jake Tapper in his first post-election joint interview with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

“And I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom. And I grabbed the ball like this and he ran. And I’m joking, running after him and grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug. And I tripped on the rug he slid on. That’s what happened. Oh man, not a very exciting story.”

You think he showers with his clothes ON?
You think he jumped out of the shower and started playing with the dog dripping wet? Okay.

Joes the one that is saying that he got out of the shower which implies he is wet which is supposedly why he slipped according the dems propaganda. This is their BS---I didn't say I believed it. But Joe doesn't stop there---he claims he jumped out of the shower (wet which caused him to slip) and then started to pull the dogs tail.

If he had gotten dressed first, he would have said that I just got dressed and then pulled my dog's tail and I fell even though I wasn't wet by that point.

You can't have it both ways...either he was dressed and dry or he was naked and wet. Which one do you wanna go with? (trick question because we all know that the story is bullshit.)

Either way you want to go hun, why was JOE pulling that poor dog's tail? The dog needs to be seen by a vet...

You're actually suggesting that if somebody doesn't refer to having gotten dressed that day they're naked?

And what else do the voices tell you?

The Story--is that WET slippery JOE got out of the shower and slipped when he pulled the dogs tail------.

If Joe was dressed, he would have been dry so wouldn't have slipped because he was wet as his propagandists are implying/saying---he would have slipped because he is old and feeble (when the poor dog try to protect itself from Joe's advances.)

Pedophilia, incest family----------is capable of anything and everything.
He tripped on the rug in the hall that the dog had slipped on.
This is the funniest thread I've seen in weeks. Almost as good as some of the Golden Shower threads back when.
And its an attempt to change the subject to story that has been proven false.

Dems lied about the golden showers---it was a russian propaganda that Hilliary paid for them to do...
Bidens wet slippery shower---is also another dem lie--but we haven't figured out the truth of this one yet.
Sex with the dog is a good start.
Was the dog wet from showering with Pervert Joe (since his daughter doesn't shower with him anymore)?????
Who would chase a dog to pull its tail? A really small child??
Make up a wildly outlandish story when folks start to gossip. . .

. . . it serves as a distraction.

,o1 a-3.jpg

. . . either that, or. . . we should be used to Joe being more crazy and absent minded, totally out to lunch, unhinged, and well, incapable of doing this job.

I can't believe there are folks out there that think he is the better option to Trump. Such is the power of propaganda. :auiqs.jpg:

I dunno what you do but when I step out of the shower the first thing I do is DRY OFF.

Me too. Some people grab a towel and dry off. Apparently, creepy evil mean old grumpy senile bastards like Joe Biden kick the dog and break their foot.

Then confabulate some stupid story about tripping on the rug in an alley to explain how he broke his foot.
Uh, yeah, okay. Brrrrrr!

And people voted for this. Ten million more than Øbama in his historical 2008 run? No. Fucking. Way.

I’m trying to think of what would possess an advisor to Joe Biden to think this was the story to go with, but here we are. As was revealed previously, Biden broke his foot in what was originally described vaguely as him simply playing with his dog.
Now, the claim has morphed. Biden says he was getting out of the shower and decided to attempt to pull his dog’s tail in a playful manner. That’s when a rug came out of nowhere to trip him up, because we all break our foot when we trip over a rug, right?
This is like your kid claiming that aliens caused him to miss his curfew. I mean, come on, does anyone believe this story? Besides, what kind of 78 year old degenerate gets out of the shower, chases his dog around naked in order to painfully pull its tail, and then breaks his foot by tripping over a rug?

Doesn't say anything about him being naked.

“What happened was I got out of the shower. I got a dog and anybody who’s been around my house knows — dropped, little pup dropped a ball in front of me. And for me to grab the ball,” Biden told CNN journalist Jake Tapper in his first post-election joint interview with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

“And I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom. And I grabbed the ball like this and he ran. And I’m joking, running after him and grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug. And I tripped on the rug he slid on. That’s what happened. Oh man, not a very exciting story.”

What is dangerous about Joe and Kamala and Progs are their views change as the wind blows. It gives the realism of individual personal power over the many citizens of the land and their everyday living,
Uh, yeah, okay. Brrrrrr!

And people voted for this. Ten million more than Øbama in his historical 2008 run? No. Fucking. Way.

I’m trying to think of what would possess an advisor to Joe Biden to think this was the story to go with, but here we are. As was revealed previously, Biden broke his foot in what was originally described vaguely as him simply playing with his dog.
Now, the claim has morphed. Biden says he was getting out of the shower and decided to attempt to pull his dog’s tail in a playful manner. That’s when a rug came out of nowhere to trip him up, because we all break our foot when we trip over a rug, right?
This is like your kid claiming that aliens caused him to miss his curfew. I mean, come on, does anyone believe this story? Besides, what kind of 78 year old degenerate gets out of the shower, chases his dog around naked in order to painfully pull its tail, and then breaks his foot by tripping over a rug?

Yes, I could see creepy Joe Biden chasing a dog around the house naked.

Problem is, you can't unsee the mental image

Thanks for that.
Uh, yeah, okay. Brrrrrr!

And people voted for this. Ten million more than Øbama in his historical 2008 run? No. Fucking. Way.

I’m trying to think of what would possess an advisor to Joe Biden to think this was the story to go with, but here we are. As was revealed previously, Biden broke his foot in what was originally described vaguely as him simply playing with his dog.
Now, the claim has morphed. Biden says he was getting out of the shower and decided to attempt to pull his dog’s tail in a playful manner. That’s when a rug came out of nowhere to trip him up, because we all break our foot when we trip over a rug, right?
This is like your kid claiming that aliens caused him to miss his curfew. I mean, come on, does anyone believe this story? Besides, what kind of 78 year old degenerate gets out of the shower, chases his dog around naked in order to painfully pull its tail, and then breaks his foot by tripping over a rug?

Doesn't say anything about him being naked.
Perhaps he forgot to take off his clothes before showering ?

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