Biden: 'I was right' about the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal in response to damning State Dept report slamming HIS failure to plan for the chaos

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
"And the Titanic captain was right to ignore the iceberg warnings,” Biden added. The Usurper's response is exactly what I might expect from a sociopath.

“I was right?”

This statement from a reprobate that knows not the difference between right and wrong.

From 2021


"And the Titanic captain was right to ignore the iceberg warnings,” Biden added. The Usurper's response is exactly what I might expect from a sociopath.

“I was right?”

This statement from a reprobate that knows not the difference between right and wrong.

From 2021


Most of the US troops left by Sept of 2020. There weren't enough to secure the highway from Kabul to Bagram afb.

This is incredibly stupid. What's wrong with these idiots?
"And the Titanic captain was right to ignore the iceberg warnings,” Biden added. The Usurper's response is exactly what I might expect from a sociopath.

“I was right?”

This statement from a reprobate that knows not the difference between right and wrong.

From 2021


The meat puppet would stand up and say our border is a model for the rest of the world to follow.
"And the Titanic captain was right to ignore the iceberg warnings,” Biden added. The Usurper's response is exactly what I might expect from a sociopath.

“I was right?”

This statement from a reprobate that knows not the difference between right and wrong.

From 2021


Biden would get lost in a one room school house.
"And the Titanic captain was right to ignore the iceberg warnings,” Biden added. The Usurper's response is exactly what I might expect from a sociopath.

“I was right?”

This statement from a reprobate that knows not the difference between right and wrong.

From 2021


So, nearly two years after Biden's absolute screw up in Afghanistan and countless other mistakes and sow of weaknesses in foreign policy, this clown has admitted his responsibility. But wait didn't e originally blame Trump for it all?

White House:

We Prepared for ‘Low-Probability’ Afghanistan Worst-Case Scenarios

1 Jul 2023 ~~ By Ian Hatchett

On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby responded to claims in a State Department report that there was a failure to plan for worst-case scenarios during the planning of the withdrawal from Afghanistan by stating that President Joe Biden’s team prepared for “low-probability, high-risk worst-case scenarios” and Biden wanted this from the early going.
Host Wolf Blitzer asked, “The State Department [says] that — in this report they said that it was a chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal, saying there was insufficient consideration of what it described as the worst-case scenarios. Did that failure to plan for the worst case cost lives?”
Kirby answered, “I’ll tell you, Wolf, and I talked about this back in April, when we laid out a review — or summary of some of these after-action reports, which were classified and delivered to the Hill with full transparency, that the President wanted his team from the very early going to be planning for exactly worst-case scenarios. And in fact, that was built into the planning process way back in the spring of 2021, and he regularly sought and received updates from his national security team about how that planning was going, but it was low-probability, high-risk worst-case scenarios that he wanted the team to be ready for.”

What Kirby was trying to say without say it, was; We screwed up.
They watched the Taliban takeover...and should have nipped it in the bud...Oh no...said Joe...I have a plan.
Bai Dung and his handlers sure-as-HEII weren't the least bit prepared for any scenarios, much less high or low probabilities! Biden and that mutt Milley and Austin created a clusterfuck that resulted in thirteen good troops murdered, and wounding others along with the rest of the chaos
It's no secret that Joey Xi and his yes men in the Pentagon created the horribly rushed, botched job and that's evident to anyone with two connected neurons.

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