Biden impeachment hearings could start as soon as September

Its called evidence. You have supposition, not evidence. One is good for the Naitonal Enquirer. One is for a court of law.

LOL But you're completely comfortable with comrade Smith using triple hearsay in a court of law against Trump. Too funny
Names please...and exactly what they claim to have witnessed - In their own exact words.
No. Im not Google and im not going to waste my time doing all that when you will dismiss all of it with some juvenile comment. I dont need YOU to believe it.
Alas, too late to prevent much of the damage Biden's disastrous administration has perpetrated on America, but better late than never.

I'm looking forward to the impeachment riots coming soon to a blue shithole city near you!

When the impeachment proceeding might begin is unknown. McCarthy told lawmakers Tuesday the inquiry will not begin this week. He reportedly told GOP lawmakers Wednesday he may come to them in the near future and ask for the proceeding, arguing it gives them more tools and investigative powers.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) predicted an impeachment inquiry could be opened as soon as “early September.”

“You have the support of 222 Republican [House] members to move forward with this?” Fox News’s Martha MacCallum asked Issa. “Absolutely,” Issa replied. “As a matter of fact, I would expect that some Democrats would join us in a bipartisan inquiry to get to the truth.”
Remember how you felt during the Trump impeachments? How you laughed and thought it was a desperate attempt by a disgruntled party… well that how the rest of the world is seeing this “Biden impeachment”… so transparent
An interesting read, but no proof Joe or Hunter Biden was involved in anything illegal. Just some corrupt Ukrainian businessman bragging and making faulty assumptions. Even he says that he can not produce proof that there were any financial transactions.
What is "proof". If you demand a fucking video tape, we know youre not being honest. No one gets video tapes of financial crimes going down. That never happens. They just use bank records.
No. Im not Google and im not going to waste my time doing all that when you will dismiss all of it with some juvenile comment. I dont need YOU to believe it.

Well, you sure have spent considerable time trying...Maybe your real goal was to convince yourself!
Well, you sure have spent considerable time trying...Maybe your real goal was to convince yourself!
Im convinced because im extremely well informed on this subject. Thats why you see that im "all in". I wouldnt be if it wasnt obvious where this is headed. Im not fond of being wrong.
An interesting read, but no proof Joe or Hunter Biden was involved in anything illegal. Just some corrupt Ukrainian businessman bragging and making faulty assumptions. Even he says that he can not produce proof that there were any financial transactions.
You keep wailing about evidence. I give you evidence that you were apparently unaware of, and you dismiss it out of hand. That "Just some corrupt Ukrainian businessman" was the one paying Hunter $80,000/month be be on the Board of his company in which Hunter has zero experience.

And that doesn't strike you as at all odd?
Hmmmm Perhaps becasue he flew him to China on Air Force 2 to make deals with the Chinese? Just a thought.
You have evidence you can submit in court to that?
LOL But you're completely comfortable with comrade Smith using triple hearsay in a court of law against Trump. Too funny
That was the indictments. Evidence and testimony will have to be submitted using Federal rules of Evidence.
Remember how you felt during the Trump impeachments? How you laughed and thought it was a desperate attempt by a disgruntled party… well that how the rest of the world is seeing this “Biden impeachment”… so transparent
You impeached him for inquiring about Bidens corruption. Thats why no one took your impeachments seriously. The evidence against Biden on the other hand is overewhelming.
Thousands? Did they do the transactions one dollar at a time?
Not a dollar, but yes, they broke down millions in payments into tiny amounts to hide the money. Thats why the banks flagged them as "money laundering". It was THOUSANDS of micro transfers.
You keep wailing about evidence. I give you evidence that you were apparently unaware of, and you dismiss it out of hand. That "Just some corrupt Ukrainian businessman" was the one paying Hunter $80,000/month be be on the Board of his company in which Hunter has zero experience.

And that doesn't strike you as at all odd?

I grew up in a wealthy town, lotsa people get that kinda money for doing less.

Because they assumed that hiring Hunter would get them influence with Joe Biden, does not mean the Joe Biden was influenced.

Hell, I'd accept $80,000 a month and tell them whatever they wanted to hear for as long as I could get away with it.
Did anyone actually bother to read this article? If so, did they even have any comprehension of what was said?

This is a THREAT of an impeachment INQUIRY that MIGHT happen sometime in September.

Basically, all McCarthy is saying that he wants to run an inquiry into Biden to see if there is anything that is worth impeaching Biden over. Someone further up the thread said that this is just grandstanding. I agree. All McCarthy is doing is saying he wants to run an inquiry (and it might not happen), and the inquiry is just that, checking to see if there is anything there worth bringing up a trial for (probably not).

And even if there IS something there (doubtful that they will bring up something with enough evidence to pursue charges), it would still have to get through both the House and the Senate.

Sorry.....................but this sounds like just a grandstanding pipe dream meant to rile up the base because they don't like Biden and are still butt hurt over what happened to Trump.
Didn't bother you when dems tried impeachment process on Trump without any impeachable evidence. More evidence against Biden and it should be investigated.
Not a dollar, but yes, they broke down millions in payments into tiny amounts to hide the money. Thats why the banks flagged them as "money laundering". It was THOUSANDS of micro transfers.

And the normal criminal system didn't investigate these until after the GOP decided to impeach Biden?

Were investigators threatened?
Remember how you felt during the Trump impeachments? How you laughed and thought it was a desperate attempt by a disgruntled party… well that how the rest of the world is seeing this “Biden impeachment”… so transparent
They need ti di what the Progs do. Put up huge TV screen with endless Joe, Hunter and the family videos. Large photos on the walls of the committee of Joe, Hunter and the family in precarious positions. To a Republican voter, this is what he sees from what Progs do. We need to do this until the Progs stop.
You keep wailing about evidence. I give you evidence that you were apparently unaware of, and you dismiss it out of hand. That "Just some corrupt Ukrainian businessman" was the one paying Hunter $80,000/month be be on the Board of his company in which Hunter has zero experience.

And that doesn't strike you as at all odd?

Perhaps you should read the document that was posted. Read it, not read into it whatever you want it to say.
And the normal criminal system didn't investigate these until after the GOP decided to impeach Biden?

Were investigators threatened?
Didn't watch the IRS whistleblowers' testimony either, huh?

I think we're done until you do your homework.

Have a blessed day.

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