Biden indefinitely blocks millions of acres of land, water from future oil drilling

Oh no, they blocked drilling on land and water that nobody wanted to drill on even when they tried to sell leases.

This is really going to hurt!
They blocked drilling everywhere. What about ANWR? Duh.
They blocked drilling everywhere. What about ANWR? Duh.

They did not block it on this land, in fact they just approved it. But then again companies actually want to drill here.

I would like to know who in congress and this admin is invested in ”GREEN INITIATIVES” and stands to gain financially from the collapse of the fossil fuel industry.

I do not see the climate change grifters blasting China and their use of fossil fuels. Hmmmmm
I would like to know who in congress and this admin is invested in ”GREEN INITIATIVES” and stands to gain financially from the collapse of the fossil fuel industry.

I do not see the climate change grifters blasting China and their use of fossil fuels. Hmmmmm

The fossil fuel industry is making more money than at any point in history.

The fossil fuel industry in America is exporting more oil than at any time in our history.

The land/water that has been put off limits is land nobody wanted to drill on, even when leases were offered nobody would buy them.
They blocked drilling everywhere. What about ANWR? Duh.
The only oil company that bid in last year’s controversial Arctic National Wildlife Refuge lease sale has dropped the sole tract acquired in that auction.

Regenerate Alaska, a unit of Australia-based 88 Energy Ltd., relinquished the tract it acquired for over $770,000, federal officials said.

The tract was the narrowest of the 22 offered in the lease sale. It is located on the northwestern edge of the refuge coastal plain. It borders an 88 Energy prospect on state land called Yukon, which itself borders the Point Thomson unit that has been producing natural gas condensate since 2016. On its website, 88 Energy said the acquisition of the ANWR lease “increased our position” at the Yukon prospect, but that any further development would depend on working jointly with other companies that hold leases and possibly farming out the work to others.

The Interior Department confirmed the cancellation and refund.

“Regenerate Alaska, Inc (RAI) purchased a 23,446-acre lease in the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge on January 6, 2021, as part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Coastal Plain lease sale,” Interior said in an emailed statement. “RAI requested to have the lease rescinded and its bonus bid and lease rental payments refunded. The Bureau of Land Management has a well-established procedure to do this, and last month rescinded and cancelled the lease, as requested.”

The Trump administration’s Bureau of Land Management offered leases covering about 1.1 million acres in the Jan. 6, 2021, lease sale. Thirteen bids were received and ultimately nine leases were issued.

Of all the tracts offered, the Regenerate Alaska-acquired tract was the one for which development was the most economically feasible, according to an analysis conducted last year by the World Wildlife Fund of the United States. The analysis found that it would break even at an oil price of $62.50 a barrel in 2021 dollars compared to other tracts’ break-even prices that ranged up to $83.60. However, no production could start until around 2040, and none of the tracts were found to be economically feasible, according to the analysis.
Biden's "war on energy" continues.

You could have fooled environmentalists.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration said Monday it is approving the major Willow oil project on Alaska’s petroleum-rich North Slope, one of President Joe Biden’s most consequential climate choices that is drawing condemnation from environmentalists who say it flies in the face of the Democratic president’s pledges.

The announcement comes a day after the administration, in a big move toward conservation, said it would bar or limit drilling in some other areas of Alaska and the Arctic Ocean.
Cant confirm any FACTS posted here, BUT as much as we need oil, we need clean drinkable water more.
Biden's "war on energy" continues.
My electric rate just doubled under Biden!!! (they were steady for many years before Biden)
If people keep democrats in power in 2024 they deserve what happens.
Take note of who the democrats are in your communities. When shortages and rationing hit, democrats to the back of the line.
Take note of who the democrats are in your communities. When shortages and rationing hit, democrats to the back of the line.

Shortages by blocking land/water that nobody wants to drill on even when offered to the companies..

You people are so much fun!

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