Biden is considering that Covid shot be REQUIRED

:lmao: lantern2814

Disagree all you want, it doesn't change the truth...



  1. An authoritative command or instruction.
  2. A command or authorization given by a political electorate to the winner of an election.
  3. A commission from the League of Nations authorizing a member nation to administer a territory.


intransitive verb​

  1. To praise or commend to another as being worthy or desirable; endorse.
  2. To make attractive or acceptable.
  3. To advise or counsel.
  4. To suggest an act or course of action.
Be an ignorant ass all you want, it doesn’t change facts retard. Keep defending Xiden you leftard. Ignore the truth and go get your next booster.
The good thing about arguing with violent antivaxxer fascist pissheads is you don't have to. COVID takes care of the problem.
Wrong asshole. You vaxxed sheep are leading the way in deaths. As well as infecting people with variants. And killing children with your poison. Now go get your 15th booster and enjoy your health problems. Burn being a low education coward like you are, truth hurts you.
Wrong asshole. You vaxxed sheep are leading the way in deaths. As well as infecting people with variants. And killing children with your poison. Now go get your 15th booster and enjoy your health problems. Burn being a low education coward like you are, truth hurts you.
Ooh, Someone's scared of death-by-COVID. In his dreams, he feels his impending gasping death, and then the hellfire.

My suggestion? Just pretend to be an antivaxxer. None of your pals need to know. Just get vaccinated.

Me, I'll have to spend 20 minutes every six months getting a booster. The government truly does control my entire life. Breathing freely, that sucks so bad.
I predict this will be much of America's response to his suggestion:

Maybe they wouldn't be mentally disabled if they'd been smart enough to avoid the VAXXINE.
No, the mentally disabled ones are avoiding the vaccine.

That should have been clear from my post.

Reading difficulties?
No, you lying twat. You’re the one who made the post to which I responded. Including your typically retarded use of a lame ass meme.

Hurry back when you have more of your perpetual imbecility to share. 😎
I quoted the OP you idiot, not you.

How do you people not need someone to follow you around and remind you to breath?
Big pharma doesn't need our money for further research. They profit in the billions off the last scamdemic, and now scum like Biden want to feed billions more into their coffers? No thanks.
It’s been known for decades that creating a “vaccine” for a quickly mutating virus is a fools game and potentially disastrous.
You are a world class retard.

You trust the assholes in the government to tell you how to run your life and that is as retarded as it comes.

The government bastards lie to us all the time and they get it wrong all the time. They do not have your interest at heart.

I know you love giving them your tax dollar and you sure as hell want the rest to us to give even more but you ain't getting jackshit for your money. Just lies, incompetency and corruption.

Why would you even listen to a shithead like Potatohead that has a 40 year year record of getting absolutely everything wrong? What the hell is the matter with you, Boy? Are you retarded?

Even that faggot Obama said to never underestimate the ability of Joe Potatohead to fuck things up.
Paint your house with lead dumbfuck. The government says it’s dangerous but they must be lying. :rolleyes: You are just a team cheerleader putting a political party above your love of country. Sad.
Paint your house with lead dumbfuck. The government says it’s dangerous but they must be lying. :rolleyes: You are just a team cheerleader putting a political party above your love of country. Sad.

You little shithead will believe anything a bureaucrat tells you, won't you? That is retarded as hell.

You would have made a great Nazi believing the Fatherland was infallible.
You little shithead will believe anything a bureaucrat tells you, won't you? That is retarded as hell.

You would have made a great Nazi believing the Fatherland was infallible.
So you’ll paint with lead paint then insulate with asbestos too?
Oh Damn, they did it again!

A tRumpling tried to call someone else a cult!


Oh look, someone who thinks Men can become Women calls someone else a member of a cult!!!

Drink away lil girl.

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