Biden is considering that Covid shot be REQUIRED

That is what FOX said he said. That's not what he actually said (which is contained in the paragraph after).
"He added, "Tentatively it is recommended that it will likely be recommended everybody get it no matter whether they’ve gotten it before or not."

Keyword here being "recommended".

Not just retarded of you, but willingly gullible of you.

You libturds can no longer think.
Or what? No bank account? No job? No Doctor, travel etc.? Don’t say it can’t happen. They want to identify those who resist. A big NO painted on your forehead.

or worse? Like AUSTRALIA. Rounded up into camps? Restricted to fruits vegtables, 1 litre booze per week, no cigs allowed to be sold to you. Uh….yes. China locks down hard too. Probably few who dared refuse shots.
I am saying you’re a retard Crappytush.

If you are so stupid as to assume that a scumbag statist like Potato would need to send in agents to verify shot status, you don’t comprehend what “mandatory” means.

Without your proper “papers,” you idiot, you won’t get into the airport. Or the theater. Or the restaurants. Etc.

Damn, you’re a moron.
I'm quoting the OP you Dolt.

Jesus, can't you morons even read these days?
There is a difference between "recommend" and "mandate." Your source better figure that out, as should you. Their headline, and as a result your thread title, uses the word "mandate" yet the report itself says, "Despite declaring earlier this year that COVID is no longer a threat, President Joe Biden said his administration will 'likely' recommend that all Americans receive the updated booster, including children."

Mandate... recommend... not the same.

Really. How is that going to work out after most of the public has refused to continue to get boosters or even go in for their first. Personally. I think there will be less inclination for the public to submit to this as well as masks since the last time.

Over the weekend, the president told reporters that he plans to ask Congress for additional funds to develop a new vaccine, adding that he may force everyone to take it whether they previously received the initial vaccine.

"Yes, I can," Biden said. "I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works."

I predict that this will be much of America's response to his 'suggestion'.

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I hope he does mandate them. Taking care of mentally disabled people is important.
I hope he does mandate them. Taking care of mentally disabled people is important.
yeah, i have just the thing for you mentally ill people...


Really. How is that going to work out after most of the public has refused to continue to get boosters or even go in for their first. Personally. I think there will be less inclination for the public to submit to this as well as masks since the last time.

I predict this will be much of America's response to his suggestion:
I hope he does mandate them. Taking care of mentally disabled people is important.
Maybe they wouldn't be mentally disabled if they'd been smart enough to avoid the VAXXINE.
I'm quoting the OP you Dolt.

Jesus, can't you morons even read these days?
No, you lying twat. You’re the one who made the post to which I responded. Including your typically retarded use of a lame ass meme.

Hurry back when you have more of your perpetual imbecility to share. 😎
There is a difference between "recommend" and "mandate." Your source better figure that out, as should you. Their headline, and as a result your thread title, uses the word "mandate" yet the report itself says, "Despite declaring earlier this year that COVID is no longer a threat, President Joe Biden said his administration will 'likely' recommend that all Americans receive the updated booster, including children."

Mandate... recommend... not the same.
oh now you want to mince definitions when 2 years ago the left was equating mandate with law. The article also says required. I'm inclined to believe someone in that administration has that very thought in their crazed rotten minds.

he says recommend now...but what will he say in the fall? We know the left lies. 24/7/365
I’m not a retard. I know what a recommendation is dipshit. I am also not scared of my own shadow so I am barred from being a conservative.
You are a world class retard.

You trust the assholes in the government to tell you how to run your life and that is as retarded as it comes.

The government bastards lie to us all the time and they get it wrong all the time. They do not have your interest at heart.

I know you love giving them your tax dollar and you sure as hell want the rest to us to give even more but you ain't getting jackshit for your money. Just lies, incompetency and corruption.

Why would you even listen to a shithead like Potatohead that has a 40 year year record of getting absolutely everything wrong? What the hell is the matter with you, Boy? Are you retarded?

Even that faggot Obama said to never underestimate the ability of Joe Potatohead to fuck things up.

This isn't about your health!!!! it's about Control.....and know..the power that you want the left to have regardless of what they have to do to secure it.

He added, "Tentatively it is recommended that it will likely be recommended everybody get it no matter whether they’ve gotten it before or not." (he means whether they want it or not)

come on know how this guy works. He uses every phrase, every alternative word in order to avoid...'FORCE'.
oh now you want to mince definitions when 2 years ago the left was equating mandate with law. The article also says required. I'm inclined to believe someone in that administration has that very thought in their crazed rotten minds.

he says recommend now...but what will he say in the fall? We know the left lies. 24/7/365

I'm not sure what you're on about, and as I am not on the left I can't speak to whatever crap they were on about two years ago. I only pointed out that there is a difference in the definition of the two words, recommend and mandate. Except for federal employees, I'm pretty sure he can't mandate anyone get the vaccine, just like they can't mandate the consumption of brussel sprouts.

Really. How is that going to work out after most of the public has refused to continue to get boosters or even go in for their first. Personally. I think there will be less inclination for the public to submit to this as well as masks since the last time.

Over the weekend, the president told reporters that he plans to ask Congress for additional funds to develop a new vaccine, adding that he may force everyone to take it whether they previously received the initial vaccine.

"Yes, I can," Biden said. "I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works."

I predict that this will be much of America's response to his 'suggestion'.

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It'll be entertaining to watch them try.

Bring it! I'm looking forward to this.

:lmao: lantern2814

Disagree all you want, it doesn't change the truth...



  1. An authoritative command or instruction.
  2. A command or authorization given by a political electorate to the winner of an election.
  3. A commission from the League of Nations authorizing a member nation to administer a territory.


intransitive verb​

  1. To praise or commend to another as being worthy or desirable; endorse.
  2. To make attractive or acceptable.
  3. To advise or counsel.
  4. To suggest an act or course of action.
"Recommend" is differewnt from "mandate". That's basic English.

The cult cult traitors here all know that. They're stupid, but they're not that stupid. They're all lying proudly and deliberately, for the glory of fascism, and to justify even more violence from their terrorist cult.

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