Biden Is Not As Stupid As He Looks and Says Dems Need to Focus on Middle Class


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Wow, Biden gets it.

That pretty much leaves the rest of that party without excuses, doesnt it?

As Democrats ponder their future, Joe Biden makes a plea for a focus on the middle class

Now, as the Democratic Party struggles to understand what went wrong in an election that left them with the least power in state and federal offices in decades, that same instinct leads Biden to offer a diagnosis and a prescription for what he sees as a more successful approach, one which pushes back, if ever-so-gently, against a powerful current in Democratic politics.

It begins, in typical Biden fashion, with a reference to family wisdom.

“My dad used to have an expression. He said, ‘I don’t expect the government to solve my problems. But I expect them to understand it,” Biden said.

“I believe that we were not letting an awful lot of people — high school-educated, mostly Caucasian, but also people of color — know that we understood their problems.”

There’s “a bit of elitism that’s crept in” to party thinking, he worries, setting up what he sees as the false impression that progressive values are inconsistent with working-class values.

“What are the arguments we’re hearing? ‘Well, we’ve got to be more progressive.’ I’m not saying we should be less progressive,” he said, adding that he would “stack my progressive credentials against anyone” in the party.

“We should be proud of where the hell we are, and not yield an inch. But,” he added, “in the meantime, you can’t eat equality. You know?”​
The middle class are those non college educated rubes democrats spent 8 years hating. Those are the irredeemable deplorables.
Sorry Jim, Slow Joe Biden is as stupid as he looks. He's been the VP for the last 8 years and was so STUPID he did nothing about the problem he suddenly claims to understand. He's as dumb as they come.....

Wow, Biden gets it.

That pretty much leaves the rest of that party without excuses, doesnt it?

As Democrats ponder their future, Joe Biden makes a plea for a focus on the middle class

Now, as the Democratic Party struggles to understand what went wrong in an election that left them with the least power in state and federal offices in decades, that same instinct leads Biden to offer a diagnosis and a prescription for what he sees as a more successful approach, one which pushes back, if ever-so-gently, against a powerful current in Democratic politics.

It begins, in typical Biden fashion, with a reference to family wisdom.

“My dad used to have an expression. He said, ‘I don’t expect the government to solve my problems. But I expect them to understand it,” Biden said.

“I believe that we were not letting an awful lot of people — high school-educated, mostly Caucasian, but also people of color — know that we understood their problems.”

There’s “a bit of elitism that’s crept in” to party thinking, he worries, setting up what he sees as the false impression that progressive values are inconsistent with working-class values.

“What are the arguments we’re hearing? ‘Well, we’ve got to be more progressive.’ I’m not saying we should be less progressive,” he said, adding that he would “stack my progressive credentials against anyone” in the party.

“We should be proud of where the hell we are, and not yield an inch. But,” he added, “in the meantime, you can’t eat equality. You know?”​

Biden is actually dumber than he looks.
Wow, Biden gets it.

That pretty much leaves the rest of that party without excuses, doesnt it?

As Democrats ponder their future, Joe Biden makes a plea for a focus on the middle class

Now, as the Democratic Party struggles to understand what went wrong in an election that left them with the least power in state and federal offices in decades, that same instinct leads Biden to offer a diagnosis and a prescription for what he sees as a more successful approach, one which pushes back, if ever-so-gently, against a powerful current in Democratic politics.

It begins, in typical Biden fashion, with a reference to family wisdom.

“My dad used to have an expression. He said, ‘I don’t expect the government to solve my problems. But I expect them to understand it,” Biden said.

“I believe that we were not letting an awful lot of people — high school-educated, mostly Caucasian, but also people of color — know that we understood their problems.”

There’s “a bit of elitism that’s crept in” to party thinking, he worries, setting up what he sees as the false impression that progressive values are inconsistent with working-class values.

“What are the arguments we’re hearing? ‘Well, we’ve got to be more progressive.’ I’m not saying we should be less progressive,” he said, adding that he would “stack my progressive credentials against anyone” in the party.

“We should be proud of where the hell we are, and not yield an inch. But,” he added, “in the meantime, you can’t eat equality. You know?”​

Biden is still a traitorous prick. They want to focus on the middle class alright, focus on wiping them out.
Joe Biden has been riding the Senate "gravy train" since before Watergate took down Nixon! He's not smart enough to survive in the Private Sector.
Wow, Biden gets it.

That pretty much leaves the rest of that party without excuses, doesnt it?

As Democrats ponder their future, Joe Biden makes a plea for a focus on the middle class

Now, as the Democratic Party struggles to understand what went wrong in an election that left them with the least power in state and federal offices in decades, that same instinct leads Biden to offer a diagnosis and a prescription for what he sees as a more successful approach, one which pushes back, if ever-so-gently, against a powerful current in Democratic politics.

It begins, in typical Biden fashion, with a reference to family wisdom.

“My dad used to have an expression. He said, ‘I don’t expect the government to solve my problems. But I expect them to understand it,” Biden said.

“I believe that we were not letting an awful lot of people — high school-educated, mostly Caucasian, but also people of color — know that we understood their problems.”

There’s “a bit of elitism that’s crept in” to party thinking, he worries, setting up what he sees as the false impression that progressive values are inconsistent with working-class values.

“What are the arguments we’re hearing? ‘Well, we’ve got to be more progressive.’ I’m not saying we should be less progressive,” he said, adding that he would “stack my progressive credentials against anyone” in the party.

“We should be proud of where the hell we are, and not yield an inch. But,” he added, “in the meantime, you can’t eat equality. You know?”​
A smart man would have "got it" long before now. That moron is simply reacting to the OBVIOUS that resulted from the election. There were a few dems who "got it" pre election, he was not one of them.
Biden is still trying to figure out some way to get himself elected President. Every time he runs...he makes such an ass out of himself he has to drop out yet he STILL thinks maybe the electorate will come to love him! Here's a hint time you get hair plugs...tell them not to drill the holes so deep!
  1. Biden ran the witch hunt of the most racist and most deplorable demonisation of Clarence Thomas. Most people probably won't remember what an insufferable prick Biden was then. Most people probably won't remember that his opinion of Obama prior to being picked for VP was about the same as the opinion of any KKK grand wizard, or Democratic icon Byrd. Most people probably don't remember that Biden never had the guts to run not only against Clinton, but against the black boy for whom he had nothing but contempt.
On the other hand, he was Obama's assassination insurance policy.

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