Biden is right….it’s time to expose election deniers…

Not quite. They are all in for hoping to trigger and provoke Trump's base into acts of violence so they can say: "See! This is a dangerous extremist group so out of control, we must take their guns, arrest them all and kill this MAGA movement before they win any more elections!"
Ohh no. We're trying to provoke you by calling you names? 😄 Maybe it should be against the law to hurt the Soy Boy feelings if cuck whites.
Isn't it always amazing about the left:
  • Democrats denounce fascism by practicing fascism!
  • Democrats claim law and order police lovers after spending all of 2020 fighting to defund the police departments entirely.
  • Democrats spend two years reviling a 4 hour riot as the worst thing that has ever happened right after they spend a year committing HUNDREDS of riots injuring thousands of police, killing many and doing billions of dollars in property damage.
  • Democrats announce children their first priority after rioting for the right to kill them right up to and even after birth as well as wanting to perform body mutilation on toddlers.
  • Democrats put forth new initiative for people's education by first banning them from even entering a school for two years.
  • Democrats champion blazing effort to tackle inflation they caused by spending another trillion dollars on selfish leftwing organizations and interests.
  • Democrats declare that green energy is our future then plunge the entire planet into an energy crisis.
  • Democrats commit that EVs are our only future for our entire economy and society to depend on then tell everyone they don't even have the electricity to charge them with, much less that most cannot even afford them.
  • Democrats announce new initiative to tackle crime by wanting to release, pay for and bail out half the people in prisons while protecting our borders with a new border czar who has never even been to the border who thinks no one is walking across into the country freely anyway.
  • Democrats relish in ending the war in Afghanistan only to plunge us into war with Russia, China and Syria instead.
  • Democrats provoke our only source for essential computer chips and minerals years before they have the infrastructure in place to make them here instead.
  • Democrats create a statewide water shortage for millions of people to protect an endangered species that doesn't even exist.
  • Democrats prove our elections are rock-solid by giving away a trillion-dollars in an inflation economy weeks before the next election to their youngest and largest block of voters to buy their votes by paying off their debt at the expense of millions of responsible people.
  • Democrats denounce the GOP as not being faithful enough to the Constitution after years of calling for its end, its obsoleteness, and an end to the electoral college while wanting to stuff the Supreme court with enough lackeys to win every decision making the court meaningless.
  • Democrats abhor disrespect for government at the Capitol right after threatening Supreme Court Justices, doxxing congressional members, shooting them on ball-fields, swatting House members trying to trick the police into shooting one of them, then trying to burn down federal buildings with people inside.
  • Democrats condemn Trump for challenging an election and not respecting the process after they admit rigging its outcome, spending years claiming he was illegitimate and investigating him as a russian collaborator whose evidence they even invented then impeaching him for not submitting to their will despite only being co-equal branches of government.
  • Then democrats prove Trump is a threat by using the FBI to alarmingly break into a president's home unannounced like the gestapo while he is away spying on him ransacking his whole house for papers they could have simply asked for saying they are just so important after waiting for days to even go get them in a warrant that can't even name what they are, but they are so top secret that they lay them all out to take a photo of them to send to the New York Times!
  • Finally, the democrats show us they are the law and order party by arresting people with no criminal history just for being around the Capitol then lock them away for a year in prison with no charges denying them Due Process while putting people in jail for refusing to answer questions about an event they weren't even at the day it happened.
While doing all of this, they call the other party dangerous, fascist and the biggest threat to democracy, crazy, extremist and brainwashed, then ban anyone on social media cutting off all their communication and getting them fired from jobs is you don't agree with them.


See the source image

The "Responsible" President
^ Triggered ^

Bitch ass Republicans really think the rules are...they get to demonize others, call them every name in the book......we are supposed to play nice and take it...

but when the truth is told about them, they fold up and cry....
Look you clown, I don't give a shit if you want to suggest Biden is a groomer. Have at it. What I'm saying is if that's your game don't be a little bitch when poeple demonize you as well. Is that message lost on all you cuck whites? Is it lost on you whores for white victimhood? 😄

Man I sure must have missed all those Fascist speeches about not doing violence, all those times Hitler railed about voting, voting voting.

Calls to violence don't USUALLY have denouncements of violence right in them do they...?
Bitch ass Republicans really think the rules are...they get to demonize others, call them every name in the book......we are supposed to play nice and take it...

Truth hurts, huh. After years and years of heinous lies and baseless accusations
aimed at conservatives, Demtards just ain't used to republicans fighting back,
and winning. The season of Mitch McTurtle is soon coming to an end.
Your punk-ass gestapo fuhrer wannabe with delusions of godhood
in the WH's days are becoming very numbered now as
he drags all of you down the sewer with him.

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