Biden is suppose to be so "green", so why use oil from the worse CO2 producing countries?

These people are indeed experts in their field. They are or represent business people in the private sector who are in business to make MONEY. These business people have been accused of stalling on the drilling end of the equation to make money for their investors and themselves while the price of oil is out of site. Gosh! Imagine that! Drilling is expensive and time-consuming. If you were one of these wealthy business people, and were accused of stalling for profit, would you admit it and look bad in the eyes of the public? I am a business person, and I would not! I am not in business to look good, but to make money. You are not the brightest rock in the pile and would not understand their position. So, instead of calling people "stupid and dummy", look in the mirror and you will see "stupid and dummy".
NOT one link! Where is your proof? Purely your OWN biased opinion! Really stupid if you don't have some links to substantiate YOUR opinion! Zero. Nothing. UNBELIEVABLE!
Never admitting a mistake and in fact insisting that there was no mistake and yodeling about thye subject ad nausea, is 'doubling down". That is a sign of buffoonery.
Yo hotshot, open your ears.
YOUR opinion means zero because you are not believable.
NOT one link! Where is your proof? Purely your OWN biased opinion! Really stupid if you don't have some links to substantiate YOUR opinion! Zero. Nothing. UNBELIEVABLE!
The proof, lamb chop, is that they are not drilling!
Biden wants oil from these countries:
But Biden has DISCOURAGED USA oil exploration and production by doing this in January 27,2021
  • Biden’s orders direct the secretary of the Interior Department to halt new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and waters, and begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development.
  • The series of actions kick off the president’s agenda to reduce the country’s emissions and establish stricter targets under the Paris climate accord.
As a result, oil producers shut down their efforts to find NEW oil on the lands that produce The federal share of total U.S. crude oil production fell from its peak at nearly 36% in 2009 to less than 24% in 2017. Obama's fault now Biden's !

So now this truly ignorant president WANTS oil from the worst CO2 emitters? Venezuela? Iran?
HEY Dummy President!

Remove your blockage of domestic oil exploration and watch the price drop as the USA once again becomes as we did in 2019... ENERGY Independent and I'm not saying it!
In November 2019, the United States became a net exporter of all oil products, including both refined petroleum products and crude oil.[5] By 2021 the US was the world's largest producer.
View attachment 616108
Simple. Cause his pack of trained monkeys 🐒 🙈 🙊 🐒 only use their concerns for the planet and climate change as a political weapon. Like how they use BLACKS and NATIVES as pawns.

They couldn't care less about any of that if they tried. The pollution of the planet or the climate change crap is about as concerning to them as a cloudy day. About it. However, in a group, they are easy to work into a frenzy as we saw how groups get caught up throughout history. Research the red guard of China for instance.

If they actually cared about the planet anywhere near how they proclaim they would live like the Amish, they would research what damage mining lithium does to the environment. THEY DONT CARE AND NEVER DID.

They only truly care about never being labeled as a conservative which means they must be against any and all conservative issues or talking points. All of them. Or else they risk being ostracized by their peers and that just cannot happen.

So, there you go. The WAYS OF THE WORLD that leads to damnation.
The proof, lamb chop, is that they are not drilling!
But that is YOUR opinion! If they weren't drilling you wouldn't be able to drive as the price would be in the words of Obama.."skyrocketing"!
YOUR opinion means zero because you are not believable.

Simple. Cause his pack of trained monkeys 🐒 🙈 🙊 🐒 only use their concerns for the planet and climate change as a political weapon. Like how they use BLACKS and NATIVES as pawns.

They couldn't care less about any of that if they tried. The pollution of the planet or the climate change crap is about as concerning to them as a cloudy day. About it. However, in a group, they are easy to work into a frenzy as we saw how groups get caught up throughout history. Research the red guard of China for instance.

If they actually cared about the planet anywhere near how they proclaim they would live like the Amish, they would research what damage mining lithium does to the environment. THEY DONT CARE AND NEVER DID.

They only truly care about never being labeled as a conservative which means they must be against any and all conservative issues or talking points. All of them. Or else they risk being ostracized by their peers and that just cannot happen.

So, there you go. The WAYS OF THE WORLD that leads to damnation.

But that is YOUR opinion! If they weren't drilling you wouldn't be able to drive as the price would be in the words of Obama.."skyrocketing"!
You are a simpleton, yes? They have not acted on the new leases that they have been granted.
Sure, they are still drilling, but are not doing any new or increased drilling. Get it yet? That is the issue.
View attachment 621030

You are a simpleton, yes? They have not acted on the new leases that they have been granted.
Sure, they are still drilling, but are not doing any new or increased drilling. Get it yet? That is the issue.
Simpletons don't consider future issues... you live only for today.
Well oil companies' planners that have to think 3,5 10 years and specifically regarding "profits"
recognized when Biden said "
Bash: "Thank you, Mr. Vice President. Just to clarify, would there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking, in a Biden administration?"
Biden: "No, we would -- we would work it out. We would make sure it's eliminated and no more subsidies for either one of those, either -- any fossil fuel."
That was said October 2020 as a candidate.
Biden banned in just 7 days from taking office, the exploration on land that produces 24% of our nation's oil/gas !
So these planners considered that in their prices to the gas stations who in turn raised their prices!
It is that simple but evidently too complicated for you!
Simpleton!!!! The prices of gas today are NOT for oil pumped 3 years ago but what it will cost 3 years from now!
Do you understand???? Naw... too complicated for you!
Unlike most products, oil prices are not determined entirely by supply, demand, and market sentiment toward the physical product.
Rather, supply, demand, and sentiment toward oil futures contracts, which are traded heavily by speculators, play a dominant role in price determination.

Do you now understand? Gas prices today are NOT based on supply a year ago... but supply a year from now!
And Biden banning exploration on 24% of oil production land REDUCES the supply!
NOT me saying ... the experts!
AGAIN... FACTS for those simpletons that ONLY believe their OWN subjective opinions.. like Bobob!

What determines the cost of crude oil?​

The cost of crude oil is the largest component of the retail price of gasoline, and the cost of crude oil as a share of the retail gasoline price varies over time and across regions of the country.
Many factors affect crude oil prices; learn about seven major factors that influence crude oil prices in
What Drives Crude Oil Prices?
Increases in U.S. oil production in the past several years have helped reduce upward pressure on oil and gasoline prices.

So if the key element in lower gas cost at the pump is
Increases in U.S. oil production in the past several years have helped reduce
Logically then if DECREASED U.S> oil production would INCREASE the costs.
Biden banned in just 7 days from taking office, the exploration on land that produces 24% of our nation's oil/gas!
Production fell from its peak at nearly 36% in 2009 to less than 24% in 2017.
Obama's fault now Biden's !
AGAIN... FACTS for those simpletons that ONLY believe their OWN subjective opinions.. like Bobob!

What determines the cost of crude oil?​

The cost of crude oil is the largest component of the retail price of gasoline, and the cost of crude oil as a share of the retail gasoline price varies over time and across regions of the country.
Many factors affect crude oil prices; learn about seven major factors that influence crude oil prices in
What Drives Crude Oil Prices?
Increases in U.S. oil production in the past several years have helped reduce upward pressure on oil and gasoline prices.
View attachment 621495
So if the key element in lower gas cost at the pump is
Increases in U.S. oil production in the past several years have helped reduce
Logically then if DECREASED U.S> oil production would INCREASE the costs.
Biden banned in just 7 days from taking office, the exploration on land that produces 24% of our nation's oil/gas!
Production fell from its peak at nearly 36% in 2009 to less than 24% in 2017.
Obama's fault now Biden's !

When the Trumpster were falling all over themselves praising energy independents as our production soared to a record at near 13 mbd, Gas/oil prices didn't fall.

When the Trumpster were falling all over themselves praising energy independents as our production soared to a record at near 13 mbd, Gas/oil prices didn't fall.

So you are like Biden and Obama was happy to have the USA DEPENDENT on foreign oil?
Biden prefers that the USA IS NOT energy independent as it was for the FIRST time In 2019, as was the case in March, the U.S. produced slightly more energy than it consumed.
Specifically, Americans used about 100.2 quadrillion Btu of energy and produced about 101 quadrillion Btu.
Broken down by month, there were seven months in 2019 where energy production outpaced energy consumption.
Previously, the U.S. had been a net energy importer since 1952.
First time in 67 years.
Today... Biden's desire is being fulfilled. The USA depends on foreign oil!
So you are like Biden and Obama was happy to have the USA DEPENDENT on foreign oil?

The USA depends on foreign oil! We use around 20 mbd and even at the previous peak we produced about 13 mbd. Democrats have been wanting to reduce our dependence since Carter, so pretending Joe and Barak are Happy is stupid. Under Obama our production nearly doubled. That trend continued into Trumps term. Everybody knows why Trump demanded production cut in 2020. That set the US production back a few years.
It is not my ignorance on display! You wrote: "Even Melania uses the term."
Evidently YOU are the ignorant one because you can't find any evidence she used the term.
I don't have to prove your statement is true! By YOU not providing anything other than your personal, subjective and
above all LAZY opinion... you are the truly ignorant person. Evidently your parents failed in teaching you a simple is...."Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt."
You've proved you never learned or your parents were bigger fools and you are a fool by writing
"Even Melania uses the term."
So simple and yet you are proving your ignorance! Anything you do after this is just further proof so you should quit before you lose even more!
Melanie said Trump is a counterpuncher
who always doubles down . Trump has said so too and bragged about getting revenge on Charlie Rose. He also spent hours telling Richard Branson how he would get revenge on the people who didn't bail him out. Trump is a psycho.
So you are like Biden and Obama was happy to have the USA DEPENDENT on foreign oil?
Biden prefers that the USA IS NOT energy independent as it was for the FIRST time In 2019, as was the case in March, the U.S. produced slightly more energy than it consumed.
Specifically, Americans used about 100.2 quadrillion Btu of energy and produced about 101 quadrillion Btu.
Broken down by month, there were seven months in 2019 where energy production outpaced energy consumption.
Previously, the U.S. had been a net energy importer since 1952.
First time in 67 years.
Today... Biden's desire is being fulfilled. The USA depends on foreign oil!
You are a moron. The US has always imported oil from Russia, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and OPEC. But this year the US will be the biggest exporter of natural gas. We have the highest lift costs in the world and no economies of scale , but US oil companies are coming back strong. They do a good job despite all you whiny idiots.
US oil companies don't do a very good job with production emissions.
You are a moron. The US has always imported oil from Russia, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and OPEC. But this year the US will be the biggest exporter of natural gas. We have the highest lift costs in the world and no economies of scale , but US oil companies are coming back strong. They do a good job despite all you whiny idiots.
ONCE again... your total exaggeration shows your truly low IQ. Most intelligent people stay away from words like you said "always" or "NEVER", or "ALL" or "Every time"! When will you start responding with some modicum of intelligence by refraining from such absolutes...i.e. "always"... do you mean since 1776 the USA imported oil?
1) Around 1948, demand of oil exceeded the supply of oil, allowing the U.S. to start importing oil.
2) In 2018, the U.S. became the worlds largest crude oil producer, producing 15% of global crude oil, surpassing Russia and Saudi Arabia
3) The United States is a netoil exporter in 1945, but by 1950 it is importing nearly one million barrels a day and within two decades the country is importing over six million barrels per day—more than a third of U.S. demand.
4) 1995! NOT ALWAYS Dummy!!!

U.S. Imports from Russia of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products ...​

ONCE again... your total exaggeration shows your truly low IQ. Most intelligent people stay away from words like you said "always" or "NEVER", or "ALL" or "Every time"! When will you start responding with some modicum of intelligence by refraining from such absolutes...i.e. "always"... do you mean since 1776 the USA imported oil?
1) Around 1948, demand of oil exceeded the supply of oil, allowing the U.S. to start importing oil.
2) In 2018, the U.S. became the worlds largest crude oil producer, producing 15% of global crude oil, surpassing Russia and Saudi Arabia
3) The United States is a netoil exporter in 1945, but by 1950 it is importing nearly one million barrels a day and within two decades the country is importing over six million barrels per day—more than a third of U.S. demand.
4) 1995! NOT ALWAYS Dummy!!!

U.S. Imports from Russia of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products ...​

In the 1700s it was imported whale oil. The US has imported oil since WW2. Oil from Ghawar fueled the Marshal Plan. Quit being a twit.
US oil companies don't do a very good job with production emissions.
AGAIN you are so f...king DUMB NOT ONE line of proof! Just your own exaggerated IMAGINATION which is extremely limited! FACTS:
Look dummy the below! I have to constantly supply you with FACTS!
CO2outputby oilcountries.png
ONCE again... your total exaggeration shows your truly low IQ. Most intelligent people stay away from words like you said "always" or "NEVER", or "ALL" or "Every time"! When will you start responding with some modicum of intelligence by refraining from such absolutes...i.e. "always"... do you mean since 1776 the USA imported oil?
1) Around 1948, demand of oil exceeded the supply of oil, allowing the U.S. to start importing oil.
2) In 2018, the U.S. became the worlds largest crude oil producer, producing 15% of global crude oil, surpassing Russia and Saudi Arabia
3) The United States is a netoil exporter in 1945, but by 1950 it is importing nearly one million barrels a day and within two decades the country is importing over six million barrels per day—more than a third of U.S. demand.
4) 1995! NOT ALWAYS Dummy!!!

U.S. Imports from Russia of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products ...​

In the 1700s it was imported whale oil. The US has imported oil since WW2. Oil from Ghawar fueled the Marshal Plan. Quit being a twit.
In the 1700s it was imported whale oil. The US has imported oil since WW2. Oil from Ghawar fueled the Marshal Plan. Quit being a twit.
GEEZ don't you ever do any research on your own?
Between 1768 and 1772—the five-year period for which the records of colonial trade are most complete—whale oil accounted for 53 percent of all sterling earned by direct exports to Great Britain from the northern colonies.
FROM the colonies!! FROM. They EXPORTED whale oil...geez!

Now don't take my word:

Zionist Fascist Jew Supremacist pseudo Catholic Low IQ Joe knows Global Warming aka co2 based climate change is a total fraud.

Joe knew when the FBI told the Kenyan Cocksucker about it, and that is why the Kenyan Cocksucker was SILENT for 2 YEARS on this issue before hiding it IN THE CLOSET....

And then, of course, Michael Robinson and his wife Barack bought BEACHFRONT PROPERTY on Martha's Vineyard, proving they have precisely NO FEAR of rising oceans or bigger canes....

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