Biden just fell off his bike

No.....they can get him a Tricycle. Maybe a BigWheel.

I thought riding a bike is something you never forget! But apparently Joe never learned to even put his feet down after stopping.

Oh Dear, the handler responsible for putting training wheels on Joe's bike will be looking for a job now.
The Bike Stops Here

It's all the fault of the manufacturer, because he wouldn't follow JoJo's policy of BUILD BIKE BETTER!!!
As opposed to the Traitor who cannot walk down a ramp or needs two hands to drink a glass of water? The level of your own desperation to denegrate is equal the Traitor's Third Grade Reading Level.

The ramp and water thingy. It was pathetic then an even more pathetic now.

Pretty funny. Joe falls over right in front of the largest crowd he has ever had of Biden Cult Members all taking pictures!

How's that to shake your confidence in the Midterms as his secret service tries to hold people back from taking pictures of the Leader of the Free World as they try to pick him up off the dirt.
Well Joe and the liberal jokes all want us de-evolved to riding bikes as primary transportation. We will likely be mandated to fall off at the end of our rides.
It's the same level of news that Trump got when he steadied himself coming down the ramp, but the Left went 100 times more hysterical over it.

How many times has the video of Biden tripping going up the stairs of AF1 been posted?
For a 79 year old man, it was not much of a fall

It was caused by low speed, trying to talk to reporters

I am glad our President is still physically active

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe just isn't the same man he used to be... indeed, if he ever WAS the man he used to be.

Then again, when was the last time the Orange Baboon-God even TRIED to ride a bike out in public?

That soft pampered fat slob probably couldn't even ride one upright without actual training wheels, never mind falling off of one.


Old Joe got the job for two reasons...

1. to remove a burgeoning autocrat from consolidating power

2. to act as a Placeholder President until something better comes along

His status is already "Mission Accomplished" for Reason No. 1.

His status is "Mission Underway" for reason No. 2.


Very few people expect anything more from him.

He has, indeed, inflicted much damage upon the American economy... that's on him... and the Idiot Democrats.

Next time around... 2022... and 2024... give us (anyone not in the Trump camp) a candidate other than Trump, interested in advancing the Trump agenda.

That way, you might actually win the White House back again, rather than playing the Right Message, Wrong Messenger gambit a second time.

Trumps too smart to ride a bike past the age of 70 For a photo op.

Your boy Five Bucks A Gallon *Joe is a national embarrassment.

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