Biden just fell off his bike

My God people..........Happy anniversary Joe and his Nurse Maid

Shhh, quiet. Joe is going before the nation right now at 2PM to give the nation a news conference on his new federal commission on bike safety and
his latest EO to demand congress step up efforts on better bicycle safety laws, stricter laws on bike sales, more training on bike safety, better bike
education in our schools and a crackdown on all bicycle manufacturers. Kamela Harris will be heading the new Bike Strike Force.

That twenty yard photo op didn’t work out so well. Wonder if they knew he wouldn’t make it.
Biden is the scape goat---play up the senility, so when they get rid of him next year---he was just senile and run Hiliary or moochele saying that Bidens administration were good--he was just to senile.
The funniest part about President Biden taking a minor spill on his bike this morning is that Trump, who is younger than Joe, is so out of shape that he hasn’t been able to ride a bike in decades…

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe just isn't the same man he used to be... indeed, if he ever WAS the man he used to be.

Then again, when was the last time the Orange Baboon-God even TRIED to ride a bike out in public?

That soft pampered fat slob probably couldn't even ride one upright without actual training wheels, never mind falling off of one.


Old Joe got the job for two reasons...

1. to remove a burgeoning autocrat from consolidating power

2. to act as a Placeholder President until something better comes along

His status is already "Mission Accomplished" for Reason No. 1.

His status is "Mission Underway" for reason No. 2.


Very few people expect anything more from him.

He has, indeed, inflicted much damage upon the American economy... that's on him... and the Idiot Democrats.

Next time around... 2022... and 2024... give us (anyone not in the Trump camp) a candidate other than Trump, interested in advancing the Trump agenda.

That way, you might actually win the White House back again, rather than playing the Right Message, Wrong Messenger gambit a second time.
/——/ Trump may not ride a bike, but he can kick ass on the golf course.

Trump doesn’t even know how to ride a bike
He needs a Golf Cart to get around
Trump is a smart man and given his age, if he can't ride a bike, he sure as fuck shouldn't be on one setting himself up to break a hip. You have to be really really stupid to set up a bike ride for a photo opt to counter that you don't have mental problems as a 70 something who can't even handle getting a bike started.
The funniest part about President Biden taking a minor spill on his bike this morning is that Trump, who is younger than Joe, is so out of shape that he hasn’t been able to ride a bike in decades…
You don't know that----------maybe Trump doesn't like Bike riding, maybe he does.

Trump doesn’t even know how to ride a bike
He needs a Golf Cart to get around
Most intelligent 70 plus years need and should be using a golf cart to get around--or atleast a 3 wheeler bike that most all of 70 plus bike riders use around here in Florida.
oh yeah sure...anything where he can show off physical prowess, Trump would love doing...he can only golf, unfortunately
I am pretty sure in a head to head fight--that Trump would easily beat the shit out of biden if you are looking for physical prowess.
First time in the history of the fucking world someone fell off a bike.

What are the chances any of you on here will be riding a bike when you are 79? Pretty much zero.

You’re right because I know better.
Five Bucks A Gallon *Joe clearly doesn’t. What an absolute idiot you butthurts put in the White House.
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